Philodendron x White Wizard

Philodendron x White Wizard

Vine or creeper plantSemi-shadeShadeModerate waterRegular waterOrnamental foliage

The philodendron White Wizard is a notoriously beautiful variegated philodendron that has boomed in popularity and price the last few years. The White Wizard has your everyday green stem, but it is often streaked, or rather, hemmed with white lines. Sometimes, the petioles (stems) may even turn burgundy. White Wizard always has dark green leaves with patches of white. This variegation creates a contrasting balance that you can only find in paintings from the Gothic era. The philodendron White Wizard is quite a slow grower, but it's worth waiting for. It can grow up to 2-3 feet tall, making it a perfect indoor plant.
See Article about Philodendrons.

Recommended Fertilizer: SUNSHINE Robusta - Rapid Growth Booster
Grown in
6"/1 gal pot
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