Hoya macrophylla is a very unique Hoya that has spectacular trailing foliage and beautiful flowers, it produces clusters of small, pink and white flowers in late spring or early summer. The leaves often include stripes of white, yellow, or pink coloring amidst its deep green shade. This coloring, paired with its waxy leaf texture, makes the plant stand out from other Hoyas. Once mature, it is a frequent bloomer. The new leaves emerge pink from long vining tendrils, and this Hoya sure loves to climb. Like all members of the genus, it has waxy leaves, stems and flowers, which develop in fragrant clusters as the plant reaches maturity. It's easy to grow, with leaves ultimately around 5" long! It is one of the longest-lived and easiest to maintain houseplants, known for their large waxy leaves, low-maintenance, and visual appeal. During the day, the flowers are odorless. At night the flowers fill the air with fragrance when natural pollinators come out. Some claim flower fragrance is that of hyacinth.