Tropical Treasures Magazine - 14 (4-2010) - hard copy

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Tropical Treasures Magazine - 14 (4-2010) - hard copy

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The 14th issue of TROPICAL TREASURES. A unique magazine about pushing the limits of tropical gardening, growing tropical plants in non-tropical climate and indoors.
This issue specials:
- Growing indoors: Capturing the Clerodendrum - Growing Butterfly Flowers Indoors
- Growing outdoors: The garden where happiness lives
- Legendary Plants: Aphrodisiac - plants of love
- Growing a pomegranate tree
- Aristolochia: A Calico Pipe With Gynecological Inclination
- Exotic Kaleidoscope: Tambalacoque, the Dodo tree
- Richardia: humble groundcover from the royal family.
See more info about this issue and about Tropical Treasures Magazine.
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