Salacca zalacca x magnifica, Snake Fruit. An extremely impressive palm with fuzzy edible delicious fruit, very popular in Thailand. Very hard to find in plant collections. The palm has very long, undivided leaves (to 20 ft in native conditions). It is a clustering palm, which doesn't trunk, and very spiny. Palm prefers tropical climate, sheltered, lightly shaded, very moist position. Can be grown in a pot. Cold-sensitive and slow-growing.
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Most of our plants are certified for shipping to California, Texas, Arizona, Louisiana, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, US Virgin Islands, however, certain plants are not certified. Please do not order not-certified plants to addresses in these states. These plants may be added to certification in the future; please contact us for more information. Plant shipping to California, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands and some other destinations requires a phytosanitary certificate. The certificate cost is included into S&H.