Mimusops balata, Ausubo, Autranella, Assapookoo

Mimusops balata, Ausubo, Autranella, Assapookoo

Large tree taller than 20 ftSemi-shadeShadeFull sunRegular waterWhite, off-white flowersEdible plantEthnomedical plant.
Plants marked as ethnomedical and/or described as medicinal, are not offered as medicine but rather as ornamentals or plant collectibles.
Ethnomedical statements / products have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We urge all customers to consult a physician before using any supplements, herbals or medicines advertised here or elsewhere.Irritating plant

Large, and very long lived tropical tree native to wet regions. It is very adaptable to both full sun and shaded conditions. Flowering and fruiting can occur year-round. Medium sized, round, yellow skinned fruit, about two inches across, bearing many similarities to the sapodilla. It is tasty, with pleasant odor and has medicinal properties.

Recommended Fertilizer: SUNSHINE C-Cibus - Crop Nutrition Booster
SUNSHINE-Honey - sugar booster

Grown in
6"/1 gal pot