Cordia boissieri - White Geiger tree

Cordia boissieri - White Geiger tree

Large shrub 5-10 ft tallSmall tree 10-20 ftSemi-shadeFull sunModerate waterWhite, off-white flowersPlant attracts butterflies, hummingbirdsDeciduous plantSubtropical or temperate zone plant. Mature plant cold hardy at least to 30s F for a short timeSeaside, salt tolerant plant

Cordia boissieri - White Geiger tree, Texas Olive, Anacahuita. Very popular small trees adorned through much of the spring and summer with large clusters of showy white flowers. Requires ample water to become established, after which it is generally considered quite water efficient. These plants don't like to be grown in pots, in spite of their small size, and usually don't look very happy in containers; however once planted in the ground,they grow faster and start thriving. Cold tolerant plant, takes some freeze.

Recommended Fertilizer: SUNSHINE Megaflor - Bloom Nutrition Booster
Grown in
10"/3 gal pot
3 Plants in stock