Orange medinilla, Orange Spike. Medinilla scortechinii... more
Medinilla scortechinii - Orange Spike
Orange medinilla, Orange Spike. Medinilla scortechinii has bright orange flowers and can be grown as a small shrub or a potted plant. Very tropical-looking exotic plant.
Leaves of this plant are very fragile and may be slightly damaged during transportation which does not hurt new growth. Trim as needed and more new leaves will grow.
Medinilla has bright pink flowers and can be grown... more
Medinilla cumingii (myriantha) - Malaysian Orchid
Medinilla has bright pink flowers and can be grown as a small shrub or a potted plant. Very tropical-looking exotic plant.
Leaves of this plant are very fragile and may be slightly damaged during transportation which does not hurt new growth. Trim as needed and more new leaves will grow.