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Healing drops of blood: why Pomegranate is a superfood

Pomegranate tree (Punica granatum)

Pomegranate tree (Punica granatum)

Pomegranate tree (Punica granatum), fruit

Pomegranate tree (Punica granatum), fruit

Pomegranate tree (Punica granatum), fruit

Pomegranate tree (Punica granatum), fruit

🩸 Healing drops of blood: why Pomegranate is a superfood

❣️The Pomegranate tree (Punica granatum) is a beautiful, fruit-bearing plant with deep historical and cultural significance. Known for its ornamental value and medicinal properties, this tree produces vibrant flowers and nutrient-packed fruit that are enjoyed worldwide. Tolerant of drought and various soil types, Pomegranate tree thrives in hot climates.

🔥 Pomegranate medicinal use and health benefits
  • 📌Ancient Medicine: Pomegranates have been consumed by man since before recorded history. A Hindi saying, "Ek anaar sau bemaar," means one pomegranate can serve a hundred sick people.
  • 📌Ayurvedic: In Ayurveda, pomegranates are recommended for improving metabolism and aiding weight loss.
  • 📌Antioxidants: Pomegranate juice contains high levels of antioxidants that protect the body from heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's, and premature aging. It also boosts blood quality and increases hemoglobin levels.
  • 📌Heart: Pomegranate juice and seed oil are beneficial for heart health, improving blood circulation, and preventing heart attacks. Its flavonoids and antioxidants help slow arterial aging.
  • 📌Blood Pressure: High potassium content makes pomegranates helpful for people with hypertension, lowering both systolic and diastolic pressure.
  • 📌Reduces Gout: Pomegranates help in managing gout and reducing uric acid due to their alkalizing effects.
  • 📌Omega Oils: These oils in pomegranates neutralize acids linked to arteriosclerosis, cancer, and obesity.
  • 📌Antiseptic: The juice can be applied to cuts, acting as an antiseptic. In Mexico, a decoction of pomegranate flowers is gargled to relieve throat inflammation.

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How to Make Fresh Noni Juice

Moringa citrifolia - Noni

Moringa citrifolia - Noni

Moringa citrifolia - Noni fruit

Moringa citrifolia - Noni fruit

Moringa citrifolia - Noni fruit

Moringa citrifolia - Noni fruit

Noni Juice

Noni Juice

🍾 How to Make Fresh Noni Juice. Step-by-Step Guide.
  • 🧫 Prepare the Noni: Wash the noni fruits thoroughly.
  • 🧫 Cut the Noni: Slice the fruits into small pieces for easier blending.
  • 🧫 Blend: Place the pieces in a blender or food processor. Blend until a smooth pulp forms.
  • 🧫 Strain (Optional): For smoother juice, strain the pulp through a cheesecloth or fine mesh to separate solids.
  • 🧫 Add flavor: you can add some Blueberry or Apple juice for improved flavor.
  • 🧫 Store: Pour the juice into clean, airtight glass jars or containers. Refrigerate for freshness.

💊 Benefits of Fresh Noni Juice:
  • 🧋Supports joint health.
  • 🧋Boosts physical endurance.
  • 🧋Enhances immune activity and metabolism.
  • 🧋Helps with weight management.
  • 🧋Maintains bone health, especially in women.
  • 🧋May support normal blood pressure.
  • 🧋Promotes gum health and reduces protein glycation.

📚 Learn more from previous posts:

🛒 Plant your own Noni Tree

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What is the most medicinal Indian fruit tree?

Phyllanthus acidus - Otaheite Gooseberry, Amlak, tree

Phyllanthus acidus - Otaheite Gooseberry, Amlak, fruit

Phyllanthus acidus - Otaheite Gooseberry, Amlak, fruit

🤔 What is the most medicinal Indian fruit tree?
  • 🧅 Phyllanthus acidus - Otaheite Gooseberry, Amlak - is very close related to the famous Phyllanthus emblica (Amla, Amlaki), however it is much hardier plant.
  • 🧅 Known as Amritphala in Sanskrit, which literally means the fruit of heaven or nectar fruit. It is so called because it is rich in many desirable properties, including medicinal.
  • 🧅 Small to medium in size tree, under 20 feet, very bushy and pretty.
  • 🧅 Fruits are borne in loose clusters, which hang from the tree trunk and main branches. Fruits are very acidic and tart, and esteemed for jellies, preserves and pastries.
  • 🧅 There are no commercial plantings; only in home gardens.
  • 🧅 The Amla fruit paste is a major ingredient of Chavyanprash, a popular Ayurvedic tonic. It is the richest source of vitamin C. Phyllanthus acidus is called Ari Nelli in Tamil, and the Phyllanthus emblica (Amlaki) is Muzhu Nelli in Tamil. Muzhu Nelli is even richer in Vitamin C etc.

🛒 Plant your own Amlak Tree

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How to make sour taste sweet and what causes the miracle?

Miracle Fruit, Synsepalum dulcificum

Miracle Fruit, Synsepalum dulcificum

Miracle Fruit, Synsepalum dulcificum

Miracle Fruit, Synsepalum dulcificum

Miracle Fruit, Synsepalum dulcificum

Miracle Fruit, Synsepalum dulcificum

🍋 🎂 How to make sour taste sweet and what causes the miracle?
  • 🍭Miracle Fruit, Synsepalum dulcificum - is one of the strangest tropical fruit that makes sour taste sweet!
  • 🍭 The miracle is that if lemon or other sour food is eaten after the miracle fruit, the sour tastes sweet, as if sugar has been added. That kind of magical experience is unforgettable!
  • 🍭 A natural chemical in the fruit masks the tongue sour taste buds so that lemons taste like lemonade or lemon pie, or lemon candy! The sweet sensation lasts for half an hour to a few hours.
  • 🍭 Miracle fruit berries are valued as a food supplement for chemo-therapy patients to improve the taste of food.
  • 🍭 This small, evergreen shrub grows very slowly to a height of 4-6 ft in container, and 6-10 ft in natural habitat. A 10 years old plant might be easily only 4-5 feet tall. It forms an oval to pyramidal shaped bush or small tree.
  • 🍭 Miracle fruit is a small compact bush, and can be a rewarding indoor plant. It can be grown in a 1-3 gal pot and produce most of the year. Seed to fruit in 2 to 3 years. Flower to fruit in 30 to 45 days.

📚 Learn more about Miracle fruit, its history, and how to grow it:
Everyday Miracle - Grow the Dream!

🛒 Plant your own Miracle Fruit

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What is the most aromatic medicinal herb

Lippia alba - Poleo, Pitiona

Lippia alba - Poleo, Pitiona

What is the most aromatic medicinal herb
  • 💮 Lippia alba - Poleo, Pitiona: this medicinal plant related to Lantana is widely cultivated in Mexico as an ornamental for its aromatic foliage and pretty white flowers.
  • 💮 The essential oil composition is unique to each plant!
  • 💮 The leaves are used for flavoring foods, such as mole sauces from Oaxaca, Mexico.
  • 💮 The plant is used medicinally for its somatic, sedative, antidepressant, and analgesic properties.
  • 💮 Leaves and roots are used to make tea or syrup for cough relief and are said to relieve symptoms from anxiety to flatulence and hypertension.

🛒 Order Lippia alba

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What plant you need if your kid is afraid of chickens

Neea psychotrioides - Pigeon Plum, Hoja de Salat, Saltwood

🐓 What plant you need if your kid is afraid of chickens
  • 🐣 Neea psychotrioides - Pigeon Plum, Hoja de Salat, Saltwood - from Central America is rare in cultivation. This small tree or bush should get more attention from tropical plant collectors.
  • 🐣 Neea is very nice, easy growing and make those "jelly beans" like berries. The flowers are almost unnoticeable. The berries are very showy and come right after. It fruits for several months non stop.
  • 🐣 Mature fruit is edible. In its native countries, this plant is widely used medicinally.
  • 🐣 From the book "Messages from the Gods. A Guide to the useful plants of Belize": "It is used to treat babies who can not sleep, often accompanied with crying, especially when they have been frightened by chickens..." So the plant is very useful especially for those who are afraid of chickens!

🛒 Order Neea Pigeon Plum

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What hibiscus has the most health benefits

Hibiscus sabdariffa (Flor de Jamaica, Karkade Sorrel, Roselle)

🌺 What hibiscus has the most health benefits

🥃 Hibiscus sabdariffa (Flor de Jamaica, Karkade Sorrel, Roselle) flowers have deep red calyces that are used worldwide to make a refreshing teas "Agua de Flor de Jamaica" and Karkade Tea, known for its tart flavor and health benefits. This is one of the most fast growing plants, bringing from seed to big bush a big flower crop within just one season.

📚 Learn more:

🎥 YouTube video: Jamaican Hibiscus Tea: what's in it?

Shop Edible Hibiscus

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Why the shamans call Ayahuasca vine of the soul

Banisteriopsis caapi - Ayahuasca

Banisteriopsis caapi - Ayahuasca

Banisteriopsis caapi - Ayahuasca

Banisteriopsis caapi - Ayahuasca

🧙‍♀️ Why the shamans call Ayahuasca "vine of the soul"

🥃 Banisteriopsis caapi, known as Ayahuasca, is the key ingredient in the traditional Amazonian brew revered as the "vine of the soul." Used in sacred rituals for its hallucinogenic and healing properties, it cleanses the body and spirit while serving as a profound teacher in indigenous ceremonies.

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🛒 Grow your own Ayahuasca vine

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How to grow drumsticks on a tree

Moringa oleifera - Horseradish tree

🍗 How to grow drumsticks on a tree

🥁 Our Moringa Tree is full of drumsticks!
Learn more about this useful plant - Moringa oleifera - Horseradish tree - from our previous posts:

📚 Earlier posts:

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🛒 Plant your own Moringa Tree

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How to always have your own Root Beer

Piper auritum - Root Beer Plant, Acuyo, False Kava-Kava

🥤 How to always have your own Root Beer
  • 🥙 Piper auritum - Root Beer Plant, Acuyo, False Kava-Kava - is a close relative of Piper methysticum (Kava-Kava), and Piper nigrum (Black Pepper). It is very often confused with Kava-Kava, and probably has some similar medicinal effects.
  • 🥙 This herb originated from Tropical America and grows also in the South Pacific.
  • 🥙 Large-leaved perennial, known for its leaves, which are used for their spicy aromatic scent and flavor, some liken to root beer, others to anise-clove. It can be used for making a root beer-flavoted drink.
  • 🥙 This species is easily identified by its huge leaves which can grow over a foot long in older specimens.
  • 🥙 The leaves are chopped and used for flavoring, as well as used whole, as wrappings for meats, tamales, etc.

Learn more about Piper plants

🛒 Grow your own Root Beer Plant

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