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Cat Horoscope
Scorpio Zodiac Cats 10/24-11/21

By Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats

Scorpio Zodiac cat with indoor plants

In the photos: Typical Scorpio cat Sonya, born 11-4-2010.

How to know the astrological sign of your cat?
The astrological sign of a cat can be determined by either their date of birth or adoption, as adoption is often considered a second birth for cats...
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Scorpio Zodiac cat with seagull

Love all around them, be they cats, other animals, or humans...

Scorpio Cats exhibit a profound passion for life and love, extending not only to their own romantic affairs but also to the relationships of those around them, be they cats, other animals, or humans. These feline individuals thrive on being intricately involved in everything...

Scorpio Cats are inclined to assert dominance in any situation...

Scorpio Cats are known for their intense focus. Once they set their sights on something, they pursue it relentlessly, demonstrating fearlessness and a confrontational spirit...

One of the most distinctive traits of Scorpio Cats is their unwavering fidelity and loyalty. You’ve heard stories of cats separated from their families who travel miles to get back to them? They were probably all Scorpios!..

Scorpio Cats harbor a fondness for tall flowering shrubs and fragrant creepers with large blossoms. They possess a unique connection to scents, and while ordinary cats may recoil from potent odors, Scorpio Cats exhibit a particular affinity for select aromatic plants. For instance, while most cats are drawn to Catnip (Nepeta cataria) and Valerian root (Valeriana officinalis), Scorpio Cats go wild for the fragrances of Patchouli and Chinese Perfume Plant (Aglaia odorata). Even female perfumes containing oils from these plants bring the Scorpio Cat bliss, as they savor the scent and affectionately attend to the "mistress" of this aroma...

Scorpio Zodiac cat with flowers on a balcony


Cat Horoscope
Libra Zodiac Cats 09/23-10/23

By Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats

Libra Zodiac cat

Scooby, the Libra Cat

How to know the astrological sign of your cat?
The astrological sign of a cat can be determined by either their date of birth or adoption, as adoption is often considered a second birth for cats...
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Cats that change their minds...

...Like all representatives of the Libra sign, the temperament of Libra cats is characterized by variability... They frequently change their preferences, which can range from their food to their activities. What they love one day, they might completely ignore the next. One day Libra Cats can help you to plant flowers, next day or week, or until the wind changes, they fast dig out all that you planted on previous days…and so in everything!... Speaking of their preferences, all Libra cats have an affinity for plants... Continue reading >>

Libra Zodiac cat

Shaka, the Libra Cat


Paws of the week: Clifford, the Watch Dog

Clifford dog with tropical fruit

Introducing Clifford, the freshest face on the Top Tropicals team at the Garden Center and an honorary partner of the PeopleCats (or should we say, PeoplePaws). This dynamo has been appointed as the chief of our Security Crew, much to everyone's surprise and delight.
Now, the story goes like this: Clifford strolled in from who-knows-where and, with the charm only a puppy can muster, looked up at Chiane with those soulful eyes as if to say, "Hey, can I crash here?" Well, what else could she do? She gave him a warm bath, and lo and behold, beneath all that stray dust, Clifford turned out to be white!
Clifford is a little ball of sunshine. He's got a heart of gold and a zest for life that's absolutely contagious. When it comes to shipping activities, he's the first one to volunteer. And the best part? Clifford is the epitome of punctuality. You can set your watch by him. He shows up for work every day with his tail wagging and ready to conquer the world.
Clifford is not just our head of Security Crew; he's our daily dose of happiness and a reminder that sometimes, the best things in life simply wander in when you least expect them!

Fruit image by jemastock on Freepik


Cat Horoscope
Virgo Zodiac Cats 08/22-09/23

By Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats

Virgo Zodiac cat

How to know the astrological sign of your cat?
The astrological sign of a cat can be determined by either their date of birth or adoption, as adoption is often considered a second birth for cats...
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Purrrrfect office companions!

Are you someone who occasionally finds themselves in a state of disarray, struggling to maintain a tidy living space and manage your time effectively? Do you often find yourself behind schedule, struggling to fulfill your plans punctually? If this sounds familiar, let the Virgo Cat lend a helping paw to restore order and rhythm to your life... The Virgo Cats are more than just a pet; it's a dedicated companion that excels at instilling structure and cleanliness...
Eventually, you will realise that they want to accompany you to the office to be your office mate. This is why Virgo cats spread themselves over your laptop or sit deliberately in front of the screen - it is not because they need your attention, but because they (and you!) need to get to work...

Jacques - September, Virgo Zodiac cat

In the photo: introducing a new member of Top Tropicals PeopleCats family - Jacques, September cat by point of entry. He is only 5 months old and still learning how to be an office cat... but he already has very daring plans!

Virgo Zodiac Plants


Cat Horoscope
Two Cat Zodiacs: Cancer and Leo

By Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats

Cancer Zodiac cat

Photo above: James Coconuts

How to know the astrological sign of your cat?
The astrological sign of a cat can be determined by either their date of birth or adoption, as adoption is often considered a second birth for cats. With this information, one can discover the astrological traits that describe the cat, such as their independence, diva-like tendencies, sense of humor, intelligence, and more. Additionally, it's also important to consider the astrological relationship between cats and plants...
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Our Summer cats

Cancer Zodiac sign is represented by James Coconuts (his second day of birth is 7/15/2017 when he was rescued) and his best friend Riki. They live at our Bfarm in Sebring, are very affectionate and have intuitive sense of when we need someone close... they will readily snuggle up!

Leo Zodiac classic representative is Snitch, the Cat with Charisma - he runs and rules our Garden Center in Ft Myers. Come and meet this Purrson in person!

Cancer Zodiac cat

Photo above: Riki

Orange cat with charisma - Leo Zodiac Cat

Photo above: Snitch


PeopleCats of the month:
Cat Brothers

Two brother cats for Gemini Zodiac

Photo above: You've met before Georgie and Philemon but you probably didn't know they were brothers. Not twins, because they were from litters following each other, so Georgie is the older brother. But they both are very smart, maybe their mother taught them the same tricks.
Photo below: Wesley and Marco are actually real twins... but they are so different! Fat and skinny, lazy and crazy, quiet and loud, velvet and fluffy. But they are both very sweet and loving!

Gemini Cats and their Zodiac

By Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats

Today's story is about Gemini cats.
They are known for their exceptional communication skills. They are undoubtedly quite the chatty felines! With a diverse repertoire of meows, and it's up to us humans to decipher their messages. These cats possess remarkable intelligence, capable of uttering words like 'hello' and posing 'why?' questions, even when they are just kittens. If you happen to leave paint around, be prepared for Gemini cats to step in it and leave paw print messages around the house. It's their way of communicating in a feline code that may elude our comprehension.

Two gray brother cats for Gemini Zodiac


Horoscope for Guanabana tree?

A blonde girl holding Soursop, Guanabana fruit

By Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats

Q: What is the ruling planet of Guanabana? I have searched the internet, but can't find anything. Thought maybe you might know?

A: Annona muricata is native to the Caribbean and Central America, which falls under the patronage of the Pisces constellation. The planets that rule the house for this constellation are the Moon, Jupiter, and Neptune, with Water being a key element of its essence. These planets can be considered the ruling planets for the Guanabana plant...

Guanabana tree with full moon


Cat Horoscope

By Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats

Taurus Cats 4/21-5/20

Taurus cat - big fat gray cat

The astrological sign of a cat can be determined by either their date of birth or adoption...More >>

...Taurus Cats are real sybarites! They are relaxed and seeming not to be worried about anything. It is pragmatic, the Cat who comes down to earth. They enjoy being petted, groomed, and they’re not likely to pass up a meal. They enjoy their food...
...One of the overriding characteristics of Taurus Cats is that they are gourmands. They are greedy pussy cats who put on layers for winter… all year around. They also have impeccable taste in food as they prefer human food to cat food, likely because human food costs more...
...They may also enjoy dreaming in a garden, nestled in the shade of plants with soft, broad leaves ...may listen the chirping birds with half-opened eyes, observing them at the same time - just in case...

Taurus Plant Zodiac for humans

Taurus lucky Zodiac plants


Cat Horoscope

By Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats

This year (March 2023) we are celebrating Alex's 75th Anniversary and her 20 years with TopTropicals. Here is a note from Alex...

Alex Cat

Aries Cats 3/21-4/20

Cats eating grass

The astrological sign of a cat can be determined by either their date of birth or adoption...More >>

The Aries Cats are a highly competitive and may initiate fights with other cats. With a natural inclination for combat, they may even confront dogs, humans, or even a giraffe...
...Tickling an Aries Cat's tummy can lead to an attack as they're also known to be biters...
...Aries Cats are adventurous and love to challenge themselves physically. They'll seek out the highest spots in the house, even if it scares their humans...
...Aries Cats love tall, well-branched trees that are good for climbing, and are rather indifferent to bright flowers and fragrant plants... But on the other hand, they adore the soft, juicy grass on which it is so pleasant to lie down and rest after all their athletic feats and fighting duels...
...One of the best things about the Aries Cats is that they make their priorities clear. With them, you'll always know your place, as they believe they come first, and you don’t....

Cats eating grass

Plant Zodiac for humans

Aries lucky Zodiac plant, Oncoba


Cat Zodiac
Pisces Cats 2/19-3/20

By Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats

Cat is swinging in a hammock

Watch TikTok video: Philemon and Bob are dreamers, not doers. Typical Pisces cats! Philemon was born 2/20, and Bob 3/13. They can swing in their hammock all day long!

The astrological sign of a cat can be determined by either their date of birth or adoption...More >>

Pisces Cats possess a remarkable ability to escape reality and enter alternate dimensions they can spend hours watching fish swim by... They explore the world with great curiosity... These cats are dreamers, not doers... Bright flowers with subtle scents should adorn their space, delectable grass can be chewed, and foliage creates shade and coolness for sweet dreams...

Orange cat chewing lemon grass

Cat catching a Gekko behind the screen

Watch TikTok video: Bob is trying to get a Gekko behind the screen (followed by Philemon's advice) and falls on Philemon's head...

Pisces lucky Zodiac plant