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What tree will fruit indoors?

Fruit trees for indoor containers

Q: I love your tropical fruit selection and I wish I lived in a warmer climate. Is there any fruit tree that can be happy indoors during winter and have fruit? I am not expecting a big crop but it would be fun to have a small piece of tropics at home. I don't have much gardening experience, can you suggest something easy for a start?

A: Several tropical fruit trees can be grown indoors, in pots, providing bright light that is necessary for flowering and setting fruit. Among them are many varieties of Bananas, Guavas, Annonas and tropical Cherries - these can be easily maintained in containers. Even dwarf varieties of Avocado and Mango are good candidates for indoor culture. You can bring containers indoors for winter and take outside into full sun during warm months so your plants can store lots of energy in Summer.
The easiest fruit tree for indoor culture that doesn't require bright light and can be grown indoors year around is a Coffee tree. Start with it, it is on sale today! Once you gain some experience, you can upgrade to a Chocolate tree!
Remember, all container grown plants need balanced nutrition program. It can be easily provided with Sunshine Boosters your around. For fruit trees, just add some Sunshine C-Cibus Crop Booster to your cart.

Coffee video


Planting in August

Top Tropicals Garden Calendar

Philly's garden calendar

August is the hottest month in most places, and tropical/subtropical areas are not the exception. In Florida we have some hot August days in upper 90's. Is it still OK to plant during hot weather? Yes, and here are some guidelines for you:

1. Hot metabolism.
Many tropical plants grow faster at high temperatures. Select heat-resistant species for August planting (below are just a few suggestions).

2. Water adequately.
Water thoroughly your newly planted tree. Water daily (lightly) with a hose for at least a week, don't rely on sprinklers. Then reduce watering to every other day and gradually switch to sprinkler system if you have it. Do not overwater: non-established plants don't like combination of heat+wet.

3. Mulch well.
Keep mulch 1" away from the trunk to avoid rot.

4. Shading.
Protect the young tree from hot sun with a shade cloth or a sheet if leaves get wilted, for 1-3 days, then remove it, let the plant adjust to bright light.

Trachelospermum jasminoides - Confederate Jasmine

Photo above: Trachelospermum jasminoides - Confederate Jasmine, the toughest jasmine that can take extreme heat and drought.


Grow your own food:
Tropical Asparagus (Katuk)

By Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats

Sauropus androgynous - Tropical Asparagus, Katuk

...One of the most popular leaf vegetables in South Asia and Southeast Asia, the Tropical Asparagus (Katuk) - Sauropus androgynus, is notable for its high yields and palatability. Cooked Tropical Asparagus is great with crab meat, minced pork, dried shrimp, or in a soup...
Katuk is one of the most popular leaf vegetables in Southeast Asia. It is among only a few flora containing vitamin K. Leaves and stemmed can be cooked as vegetable; the plant has many medicinal properties.
Katuk is fast growing and keeps growing as you trim it for your kitchen needs. Multiple upright stems can reach 6-7 ft high. It has great ornamental value, has pretty red flowers and ornamental fruit showing shiny black seeds when they crack open. Varieties with green leaves and variegated leaves have slightly different flavor but are equally good for your healthy, fiber-rich diet... CONTINUE READING >>

Sauropus androgynous - Tropical Asparagus, Katuk


What is your Zodiac Lucky plant?
Leo Plant Horoscope 07/23-08/22

By Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats

Leo Plant Horoscope

Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac, which the sun enters at the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere approximately July 23. Those who are born from July 22-23 (depending upon the year) to August 22 are born under Leo. Leo is a royal sign, there are many stars in its sign - four in the heart only, and the Ruler of its House is not a planet, but a star named the Sun! Leo is one of the largest constellations in the sky...
Find out what are your lucky Zodiac plants!...

Plant Horoscope


The Milkweed and the Monarch, how to raise your own

Monarch butterfly

by Ed Jones, the Booster Guy

...How to attract butterflies in your garden? What plants do butterflies love? How to grow those plants when butterfly larvae keep eating them?...
Many gardeners ask these questions and butterfly attracting plants always have been very popular. But did you know that you could actually turn your garden into a little butterfly farm?...
Find out from Ed and Juvonda's butterfly mini-farm experience!

Monarch butterfly on the hand

10% off butterfly attracting plants!

No min. order. Offer expires 7-15-22


Butterfly Garden 10% OFF!

B with butterflies

See full list of butterfly attractors


Cajanus cajan - Pigeon Pea.
The plant that saw paws of the newborn Great Sphinx...

Cajanus cajan - Pigeon Pea

Grow Your Own Food!

by Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats

...The plant I am going to tell you about is very ancient. It has been existed among people for more than 4800 years. Although there are much older plants that trace their history back to the age of dinosaurs, and exist today, perfectly adapted to modern conditions, this one is edible, tasty, and healthy. It still successfully feeds half of the world's population. Surprisingly, some people from the Western world haven't even heard about it...
...The earliest notion of Pigeon peas in Africa was found in Ancient Egypt with the presence of seeds in Egyptian tombs dating back to around 2,200 BC. Pigeon peas could be the food of the people who built the pyramids in Giza; it could be seen between paws of the newborn Great Sphinx... CONTINUE READING >>

Cajanus cajan - Pigeon Pea


What is your Zodiac Lucky plant?
Plant Horoscope - Cancer (06/22-07/22)

Cancer lucky plants

by Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats

...Despite the seemingly hard shell of Cancers, they are extremely tender and easily vulnerable... The full Moon can cause Cancer's unexpected whims and frequent insomnia... But some flowering plants can help them! It is very important for them to grow the so-called lunar flowers - white or light yellow, with a delicate aroma and soft leaves... Continue reading >>

Solandra maxima - Variegated Butter Cup


New video: the sweetest Night Blooming Jasmine

Grow your own food

Night blooming jasmine is a tropical garden favorite: the sweetest fragrance at night is intoxicating! It is one of the most famous and desirable fragrant plants. Flowers are pale yellow to white, open at night and stay extremely fragrant until sunrise. Aroma is sweet, pleasant and intoxicating. These flowers are widely used in India and other countries of South Asia for perfumery, medicinal applications and in religious ceremonies. Best location will be near driveway, window or entrance, where the magic fragrance can be appreciated.

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Night Blooming Jasmine


Join us tomorrow, Saturday, 6/25!

Grow-food Event

9 am - 4 pm: Plant Market. 15% all plants. Raffle. FREE fertilizer samples
Gift bags - for first 25 customers with $50 order
FREE plant with every order!

Facebook event page - Download invitation

15% discount for online orders

Grow-food Event

Those who can't join us in person, please use this code for 15% off your entire order, just shop online!


Min order $100. Exp. 6-25-22.

Shop Fruit and Edibles

New arrivals of fruit trees!

See full list of fruit and edibles


Grow Your Own Food...
Affordable for everyone!

Grow your own food

Grow Food Not Lawns - this is the theme for our Garden party. But it's much more than that. It's a philosophy and a state of mind. One that more and more people are adopting as the world's food supply continues to dwindle and get more expensive...
Like all things plant and garden related, each of us can adopt this state of mind at whatever level we're capable of and comfortable with. Many of our customers just want to start small and see what it's all about. After all, the world of tropical plants can be more than just beautiful, it can be sustaining as well!

Growing your own food is more than just about price, it's also about quality, choices and availability. As you watch the choices, and quality of store bought food go down and prices continue to go up, maybe it's time to grow more of your own food?

Fun Facts

- A mature mango tree can produce 200 to 300 fruit per year
- A single avocado tree is capable of producing 500 avocados in one year
- A mature papaya plant can produce as many as 100 fruits per growing season
- One longevity spinach plant can provide you with a fresh supply of healthy spinach leaves all the time!

At Top Tropicals we offer a wide selection of fruit, including mango and avocado, and even spinach to get you started and to continue down the road on your own self sustaining journey. Even better, to help you with your food project, we have not only added to our varieties, but we have reduced prices on many items to make it even more affordable and enjoyable!

Who is cutting prices in today's world?! - We are, because...

...it's important that we do what we can to make it easier for our customers!

We have Avocados starting at only $49.95 and Mangos as low as $79.95, with dozens of varieties in stock! Use our discount coupons to save even more, and if you're local or in Fort Myers, stop by our Garden Center and save even more!

Mango fruit