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Grow Your Own Food

How to garden in South Central Florida

by Ed Jones, the Booster guy

Plant horoscope: Pisces

...We are very excited about the garden season this year and feel like we have the best chance yet of producing some nice veggies since we have been here. I sure hope so as there is nothing better than fresh food from your own garden. If you are not growing your own fruits and vegetables, I would recommend that you give it a try...
...When we lived in Indiana, we had a nice little garden in front of our house and we also had about a half acre planted with tomatoes, potatoes, squashes of all kinds, corn, popcorn, pumpkins, and many other veggies...
...Since my wife and I moved to Florida in 2019, we have continued growing our own vegetable garden. Now, I must say that it has been quite the experience trying to learn when to plant things here in south central Florida. It seems that the summer sun can be so hot that even plants like tomatoes, that love the heat, can't survive?...
Based on our experience, here are some secrets how to do it right...


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What are your Lucky Zodiac plants? Plant Horoscope - Pisces

by Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats

Plant horoscope: Pisces

...As the endless diversity of fish in Earth's reservoirs, the characters of those born under this sign of the Zodiac, are also incomprehensible. That is why compiling a horoscope for this sign is especially difficult. The main feature of Pisces is movement and unpredictability, which depends even not on themselves, but rather on external influences. Unlike other water signs, Pisces do not live on the surface, their world is there, in the water space...


Top Tropicals: Learn more about this 

Magnolia virginiana (Vanilla Magnolia) plant horoscope Pisces sign


What are your Lucky Zodiac plants? Plant Horoscope: Capricorn sign

by Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats

Plant Horoscope: Capricorn sign

...We continue our story about Lucky Zodiac Plants. Today we introduce lucky plants for the first two signs of the calendar year - Capricorn and Aquarius...


Top Tropicals: Learn more about this 

Clitoria, plant horoscope Aquarius sign


Plant Horoscope and Lucky Zodiac Plants

by Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats

Since early in the history, humans observed the cyclicity that plants have when they grow according to their seasons, while astrology and botany with their cyclicism have similar nature. The myths surrounding the plants, their medicinal properties given from Mother Nature, unseen cycles that connect many different factors in our world gave ideas to some astrology concepts such as: Druid Horoscope, Celtic Tree Calendar, Indian Vedic Systems Jyotish Shastra (Vastu Shastra), Ayurvedic studies, and many others...
It is common knowledge that there are people with "green thumbs," who, as they say, have a stick grows in the ground, but there are such that they can grow nothing, even if they really want. What's the matter? It is acting of the Zodiac again. The most fortunate "green thumbs" are...



New Video:
How to make a "Dragon Fruit" fruit?

Selenicereus megalanthus

Selenicereus megalanthus - Yellow Pitaya, Dragon Fruit, is the best tasting Dragon Fruit in the world that is not only sweet, it has a great flavor (unlike most Pitayas that are pretty watery). This particular species of Dragon fruit doesn't mind regular water and rains but is also drought-tolerant.
In this video you will find out how to grow this plant and how to make it fruit.


Stay updated with TopTropicals Videos by subscribing to our channel at YouTube.com/TopTropicals and get our latest video news of what is fruiting and blooming!


Happy New Year 2022:
Year of Tiger!

Year of Tiger starts: February 1, 2022

by Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats

According to Chinese astrology, 2022 will be the Year of the Blue Water Tiger. In the following story we will unveil the secrets of Tiger's personality, what drives him, what are Tiger's favorite colors and of course - what are his favorite plants that will make him happy, kind, and cooperative...
...As the Tiger Year starts, per our readers suggestions, we will continue everyone's favorite column Astrology of Plants and will be updating you on your Zodiac Lucky Plants every month! Look out for our upcoming publications for the first two Zodiac signs of this year and their lucky plants...



2021: White Cow with a Golden Udder... not an Ox!

by Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats

In China, the zodiac system calculations are quite complicated... Learn the science of the Chinese horoscope and find out why the symbol of Year 2021 is actually the Metal Cow - not an Ox!..
...See what lucky flowers this year brings you and meet the most bizarre plant - Nipple Fruit, or Cow's udder!..




Aries - 3/21-4/19

Aries is a FIRE sign ruled by the planet Mars. Plants associated with this element and planet very often have thorns or prickles. They can be also spicy or bitter in flavor, or red in color. Because Aries rules the head, eyes, and face, the plants for Aries purify the blood, stimulate the adrenal glands, and/or are high in iron (Mars rules the mineral iron). Mars-ruled Aries is assertive, energetic and fearless. Mars rules the red blood cells, the muscles, and metabolic processes, as well as the motor nerves and the head. These plants help you when you want more get-up-and-go and the courage to take on the world.

Aries Zodiac lucky plants:

Governors plum, Hibiscus Karkade, Tapioca, Mamey Sapote, Ruda, Baobab, Euphorbia, Acanthus, Aloe, Caesalpinia, Erythrina, Opuntia, Dragon Fruit, Pachypodium, Pomegranate,Chilli peppers, Syngonium, Begonia, Geranium, Red Sandalwood, Jamiaca pepper (Pimenta, Allspice), Camphor, Jujube, Anise, Red Roses, Tiger Lily, Impatiens, Calendula, Tarragon, Ginger, Coriander, Basil,Ruda, Amaryllis, Wild Indigo, Gooseberries, Sesbania, Campsis, Red Oleander, Maple, Schotia brachypetala, Momordica, Coffee, Amla , Ephedra, Red Kapok.

For links to these plants and other signs information, see full Plant Horoscope.


Pisces Zodiac lucky plants


Pisces- 2/19 - 3/20. As a WATER sign ruled by both Jupiter and Moon (and Neptune, that was not discovered until 1846, after the plant correspondences were established; Neptune is considered a "higher octave" of the Moon), Pisces plants are often large but hard to find, and may grow near the ocean. The most healing plants for Pisces are those that strengthen the immune system or have an antibacterial effect. Pisces plants may also catalyze expanded states of awareness and be helpful in dream work.
Herbs connected to Pisces are ruled by its former ruler, the Moon (Neptune, the current ruler, was not discovered until 1846, after the plant correspondences were established; Neptune is considered a “higher octave” of the Moon). Diseases of Pisces have traditionally included psychotic disorders, various forms of substance addiction, lung diseases such as tuberculosis, and ailments of the foot; contemporary herbalists also add immune system diseases. Pisces is strengthened by rosemary's ability to promote an aura of centered grounding. This protective herb helps strengthen boundaries and cultivate a closer connection to the physical realm.

Pisces Zodiac lucky plants: Water lily, Lotus, Clematis, Wisteria, Lisianthus, Brunfelsia, Echinacea, English Lavender, Rosemary, Coconut palm, Cranberry, Clove, Coccoloba, Sea Oats, Mangroves, Ochrosia, Aquatic plants, Colocasia, Alocasia, Aralia, Ficus trees, Banyan, Peepal, Banana, Mango, Mimosa, Olive, Anise, Vilca and Yopo, Kava-kava, Nutmeg, Anthuriums, Eucalyptus, Bauhinia, Clusia, Caesalpinia, Callistemon, Bucida, Cassia fistula, Cordia, Calabash, Lipstick palm, Delonix, Elaeocarpus, Erythrina, Fatsia, Guaiacum, Mahoe, Koelreuteria, Kopsia, Macaranga, Pandanus, Peltophorum, Psychotria, Banesteriopsis, Tabebuia.

For other signs information, see Plant Horoscope Page.


Happy 2019 - Year of Earth Pig!


2019 is the Year of the Earth Pig, according to the Chinese Calendar, and it just started February 5!
In 2019, the corresponding element is once again Earth, as it was in 2018. So what happens when you mix the Pig with the Earth Element?

An Earth Pig year combines a realistic but happy-go-lucky sociable pig combined with the steady and sensible characteristics of Earth, it combines the relaxed attitude of the animal with a very "down-to-earth" realistic climate, don't try to push too hard, this is a time to take things in stride. For the Pig, it was definitely all about the journey and not the destination! Because of the Pig's willingness to always help others out, it tends to bring good things to everyone around him. The Pig in Chinese culture represents wealth and prosperity.

2019 is a good year for giving your garden a fresh start, and especially for establishing new fruit trees that will bring you the enjoyment of deliciousness and... always healthy good food on the table!

2019 Super Fruit


This year, to keep the Pig happy and helpful, every tropical gardener should get a Hog Plum - a fast-growing and easy to care rare fruit tree with delicious aromatic fruit. It will fruit for you this year!

For lucky Zodiac plants, see Plant Horoscope Page.