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PeopleCats of TopTropicals. Story of Raja: Love at First Sight and Survivor Spirit

The story below about Little Raja is heart breaking and yet teaches us many lessons of life. Since the first columns about Raja and her brother Abu were published in our Blog, we have been getting many letters from gardeners-slash-cat-lovers asking questions about those heroic kitties... what have they been through and what happened after?.. So we asked Kristi to tell us the whole story in full. Here it is, the Raja's lessons of Life... Part 1...


TopTropicals PeopleCat Club and Zoo

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PeopleCats of TopTropicals. Cat of The Month: Greenhouse King

King continues being on top of the poll... thanks to his adventurous nature. This Purrrson just loves to travel! He likes driving and biking. How many times we pulled him out of customer's car or delivery truck!
Sure thing, he just did it again, joining contractor's team. Luckily he was noticed hiding in the back of the truck before the driver hit the highway!


We are reminding you, please check your vehicles for cats before you leave!

On a bright side, King has been very helpful, helping to plant newly arrived plant shipment from Thailand.
For those of you who has been waiting for rare plants, after a long delay due to airlines lockdown, we finally got lots of rare stuff and it will be ready for shipping soon.
Please make sure to add to your wish-list these coming-soon rare plants, this is the only way we can ensure you will get notified when they are available for sale, on first come first serve basis.
These are limited quantities, high demand plants!
Don't miss your dream plant! Just click on "Notify me when available" and add your email to waiting list.

Limited quantities - will be ready soon
(planted with King's help)

- Amherstia nobilis - Pride of Burma
- Artabotrys siamensis - Climbing Ylang-Ylang
- Barringtonia acutangula - Indian Putat
- Barringtonia asiatica - Fish Poison Tree
- Bauhinia aureifolia - Fragrant Gold Leaf Orchid Vine
- Brownea ariza - Rose of Venezuela
- Brownea grandiceps - Scarlet Flame Bean
- Cananga fruticosa - Dwarf Ylang-Ylang
- Couroupita guianensis - Cannonball Tree
- Cyrtostachys lakka - Lipstick Palm, Red Sealing Wax
- Desmos chinensis - Ylang Ylang Shrub
- Dillenia philippinensis - Katmon, Philippines Elephant Apple
- Garcinia mangostana - Mangosteen
- Ixora congesta Thai Flame
- Melodorum fruticosum - Hot Lips Ylang-Ylang
- Monstera variegata Thai Constellation (available now for pick up only)
- Gustavia augusta - Heaven Lotus
- Posoqueria longiflora - Needle Flower Tree
- Rauwenhoffia, Melodorum siamensis
- Saraca declinata - Red Saraca
- Terminalia catappa - Tropical Almond
- Vallaris glabra - Bread Flower
- Wrightia vietnamensis - Dwarf

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Sunshine Boosters: Healthy Plant Food

Q&A from Mr Booster

This year we introduced many new items to Sunshine Boosters selection - for all your plant needs in the garden. We receive lots of feedback and questions, so it is time now to share this information with all our customers and open this new section in our Newsletter -

From Mr Booster: Q&A

We promise that we will keep up with your favorite Cat of The Month blog as well!

Dry, liquid, or both?

Q: I have bought different plant boosters, and I am so exited to use them on my plants! I understand that Sunshine Boosters are better than traditional fertilizers, should I give up dry fertilizers all together, or can I continue using them? They are so easy, don't require any mixing...

A: We are all busy and it seems at first like a little bit of work with all the mixing, but it saves your time in a long run! And money too.
When we used dry fertilizers, every now and then a plant got killed, some looked undernourished (or over-fertilized) and unhappy. It was always a challenge to figure out which plant needs more and which needs less, and how often. It made us use more and more chemicals trying to adjust the feeding balance, and we had to worry about why a plant doesn't look happy. Sometimes we lost rare, valuable, collectible plants since we couldn't find a cure for their illnesses.

With Sunshine Boosters, those problems are gone now! See examples.

Compare using Sunshine Boosters with eating healthy, well-balanced food. You can still survive on junk food and won't die from starvation, but eventually eating junk food will take its toll and create health problems. So you will end up trying to fix them with more and more medicine... which in turn will create more side effects.
By using Sunshine Boosters, you provide all necessary elements and vitamins to plants without a risk of side effects or building up unnecessary junk/toxins in their system. No more leftovers!

According to tests, Sunshine Boosters are used up completely through plant metabolism, making them healthy, strong, and disease resistant. Sunshine Boosters are based on organic amino-acids which is the foundation of life on Earth. This helps to eliminate nutrients lock up in soil. See why Sunshine liquid fertilizers are better than dry fertilizers.

To answer your question, we recommend to switch to liquid Sunshine Boosters. It is possible to additionally use dry granulated "smart-release" fertilizers for in-ground plants, no more than once a month and only during hot season (Sunshine Boosters can be used year-round). However, some customers ran independent tests and admit that using Sunshine Boosters alone is more effective than in combination with dry fertilizers. See review from Karma Nursery.

Garden Series, or Combo Total Feed Collection - all nutrients in just one bottle, for different plant types. See booster in this collection, for different types of pants.


PeopleCats of the World. Cats of The Day: Theodor and Arthur from the Cat Cafe

We received many replies from Garden Cat Lovers to our previous Blog about Cat Cafe Nurri Kassikohvik. We continue introducing a few other PeopleCats from the Cafe: Theodor (pure black) and Arthur (tuxedo).
Theodor and Arthur are security guys. They sit at the front door and make sure everyone passes their face-control... while they take care of each other's faces...

TopTropicals PeopleCat Club and Zoo

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PeopleCats of the World. Cat of The Day: Sabake from the Cat Cafe

We continue inviting PeopleCats of the World to our Blog. Today's cat of the day is visiting us from Cat Cafe Nurri from Tallinn, Estonia - Nurri Kassikohvik (Nurri means Purr!). Our columnist Alex Butova has visited enchanting Nurri Cafe especially for this report!
This amazing cat project is supported by donations, cat gift shop, as well as order surcharge - $6.50 per customer. Nurri Cafe is a foster home for cats rescued from different troubles. Some of these cats eventually find their forever homes when adopted by the customers. But some have become Nurri's family members, the cafe is their permanent home, and of course - place of work.
One of such permanent residents is a fluffy beautiful Sabake (BTW "sabaka" in Russian means "dog"... well, it is what it is!)
Sabake's main responsibility is checking out customers at the cash register. She also advertises souvenirs and offers to sign the Guestbook - which is she uses as a napping mat.
Sabake is very proud of her beautiful, long, thick fur. Cafe employees have a daily task of grooming her fur coat which is quite a job!
In May 2020, during the world's shut-down, the MAOW Academy hosted a webinar from this cafe: "For everyone who cares how the life order of "stay home" worked on cats and how they get used to the "old" life order again."

In the photo: Sabake napping on the Guestbook

TopTropicals PeopleCat Club and Zoo

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PeopleCats of the World. Cat of The Day: Sir Nicolas from Sankt Gilgen

We continue inviting PeopleCats of the World to our Blog. Today's story is about very Important Purrrson, director of a Hotel - Sir Nicolas, a Royal Tuxedo Cat.
Sir Nicolas in managing Kendler Hotel located in Sankt Gilgen, Austria. He was interviewed by our columnist and editor Alex Butova - a big time traveler whose first writer's priorities during every trip are - botanical gardens and cats.
Sir Nicolas's lakefront Kendler Hotel located by the beautiful mountain Zwolferhorn. Accoring to what Sir Nicolas told Alex, besides beauties of the Alps, his city is famous with the fact that Mozart's mother was born here. But the most important feature that Sir Nicolas appreciates here is a small butcher's shop which is actually a part of the hotel's property. Sir Nicolas and Alex spent good hour chatting about life, people, and nature. He showed her his business card - a leather collar with his full name, job position (hotel manager), address, and a phone number. He added (off the record) that he also owns (as a silent partner) the Guest House, the Club Restaurant, the Brewery, and - most definitely - the Butcher's shop. He says hi to TopTropicals cats and all the cat-and-plant lovers!

In the photo: Sir Nicolas and Alex

TopTropicals PeopleCat Club and Zoo

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Meet PeopleCats of TopTropicals. Cat of the day: Russian Blue - a true Angel

Many customers ask if they can adopt one of our PeopleCats. Sorry, the answers is no, because they are not only members of our family, but also valuable employees who help us around the nursery: to grow and ship plants, work on construction projects, and even take care of property security. However, we can give some advise on what kind of cats make the most purrrfect companions.
If you are searching for a pet with a heart of an Angel, who is gentle and loving, the Russian Blue is the perfect purrson to add to your family. The Russian Blue breed comes in beautiful shades of gray, varying from a light shimmering silver to a darker, slate gray. Their short, dense coat has been the hallmark of the Russian breed for more than a century. It is a naturally occurring breed originated in the port of Arkhangelsk in Russia. They are also sometimes called ArchAngel Blues. It is believed that sailors took Russian Blues from the Archangel Isles to Great Britain and Northern Europe in the 1860s.
Throughout the history of Top Tropicals, we've had many Russian Blues, including famous Wesley, Marco, and King that are loved by everyone.

In the photo: TopTropicals editor Alex with Gosha - manager of the Puppet Kingdom, Museum of Dolls in Preili, Latvia

In the photo: King is checking security of the new window

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Meet PeopleCats of TopTropicals. Cat of the day: Wesley's Independence

Wesley is the biggest cat at TopTropicals. He weighs almost 30 pounds. He believes in good nutrition and never sweats the small stuff.
In spite of being the Biggest Purrrson, Wesley is not exactly fearless... Everyone knows that there are two things Wes is afraid of - a thunder, and... a doorbell. When someone rings the doorbell, Wesley zooms into the nearest closet faster than a lightning and stays there until dark. No more than one visitor per day for him!

In the photo below: Wes is celebrating his Independence - "It's better be safe than sorry!"

TopTropicals PeopleCat Club and Zoo

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Meet PeopleCats of TopTropicals. Cat of the day: Anders from the King's Palace

We receive many letters from customers who enjoy our Cat of the Day column, including those who want to share their cat stories with us! Today's guest in PeopleCat studio -

Cat Anders. Anders lives in Stockholm. He is a manager of a Garden Center located in one of the King's properties - Palace Ulriksdal. He has so many beautiful flowers in stock! Lots of orchids, camellias, and showy colorful annuals.
Anders' favorite spot is to sit by the cash register where he can closely monitor every payment transaction. Sometimes he takes a walk around the premises to take care of security issues and to stay on top of his inventory control. During lunch time Anders visit Flower Cafe nearby, to make sure visitors' dogs behave properly... Yes, dogs and cats are welcomed in!

TopTropicals PeopleCat Club and Zoo

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Meet PeopleCats of TopTropicals. Cat of the day: Google the Cat says Happy Fathers Day!

Google the Cat is joining Fathers Day celebration as a Founding Father of TopTropicals (along with Jim the Founder). Google just turned 13 years old - pretty senior age for a cat, and although he is still full of energy (and Brainpower), he spends most of his day managing the business, setting the goals, and knowing everything. This is Because, and this is Why - he is the Google!

TopTropicals PeopleCat Club and Zoo

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