Curry leaf, also known as curry patta, is a beloved ingredient in Indian kitchens, prized for its aromatic, oil-rich leaves. These tiny green leaves bring a burst of flavor to dishes, often used fresh or quickly fried in butter or oil to unlock their full potential. In some recipes, they are toasted or oven-dried just before use for an extra punch. Traditionally, curry leaves are enjoyed by diabetics in southern India for their health benefits. And if that wasn't enough, the plant also graces you with small, fragrant white flowers - making it as delightful to the nose as it is to the taste buds!
Small leaves are rich in an essential oil and are source of the spice. The commonly used spice curry patta is traditionally consumed by diabetics in southern part of India. In Indian cuisines, curry leaves are used fresh; for some recipes, the leaves should be oven-dried or toasted immediately befor usage. Another common technique is short frying in butter or oil The small white flowers are sweetly scented. It needs warm temperatures with full sun to partial shade. The soil should be allowed to thoroughly dry between waterings. Fertilize weekly during the growing season. Winter temperatures should not fall below 50°. Water very sparingly during the winter months and do not fertilize. Since it is a small tree it doesn't need repotting very often.
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