This dwarf variety of murraya stays compact. The shrub gets bushy but stays short 1-2ft tall. Very fragrant flowers year round followed by red fruit. Good for potting culture and as a house plant. This plant is very interesting. The seedlings start blooming in small 1-2" size, when they have only 3-4 leaves! It needs lots of direct sun, likes to be somewhat on a dry side. Do not push it with fertilizer. It is VERY slow-growing. In 2 years it may grow as little as 1 ft tall, this is why it is called Mini. But the good thing is it starts blooming in few weeks to 1-2 months after germination!
Growing from seeds: like all murrayas (including M. koengii - Curry Leaf), seeds must be planted fresh, once collected. The ripe fruit is bright red. Very important: the red fruit skin and orange flesh must be carefully removed, and only a clean green "bean" should be planted. The seed inside the fruit is usually double, you may separate the halves - those are separate seeds. Be very careful, they are very tender - like a fresh green pea. Once planted in well-drained soil and provided with heat and constant moist, it should germinate within 1-2 weeks. Normally germination is around 100% if everything done right. Just remember, do not let the seed dry, and remove red skin - otherwise germination rate goes down or it will never sprout at all. Enjoy, this tiny little plant blooms year round and fragrance is wonderful!
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