Garcinia mangostana, Mangosteen

Garcinia mangostana

Family: Clusiaceae / Guttiferae
Origin: Malay Peninsula
USDA Zone: 11-12?
USDA Plant Hardiness MapLarge tree taller than 20 ftSmall tree 10-20 ftFull sunRegular waterEdible plantEthnomedical plant.
Plants marked as ethnomedical and/or described as medicinal, are not offered as medicine but rather as ornamentals or plant collectibles.
Ethnomedical statements / products have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We urge all customers to consult a physician before using any supplements, herbals or medicines advertised here or elsewhere.Ultra tropical plant. Minimal temperature 55F

Cultivated in Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines. This delicious fruit has a thick, dark-red skin, inside which are creamy white segments with a sweet, slightly tart flavor. Purported by many who have had the luxury of tasting it as being the best tasting fruit in the world. While possibly a bit extreme, the mangosteen is instantly liked by many who eat it. The medical problems this product apparently solves are remarkable. Diabetes, high blood pressure, acid reflux, anti-inflammatory agent, fibromyalgia, psoriasis, antidepressant, anti-fungal, antibacterial, antioxidant and even some forms of cancer cell growth inhibition are just to name a few. The tree is an attractive columnar or pyramidal slow growing evergreen, which attain a height of 30 to 40 feet. It has a strong central trunk with evenly spaced side branches, which become pendent at the tips as the tree ages. The leathery leaves are opposite, short stalked, and elliptic oblong with acuminate tips. The upper surface is bright shining green. The under surface is a dull green. All parts of the plant are without pubescence. Trees are highly sensitive to soil and alkalinity. Trees often do poorly in Florida not because of climate but because of salt spray, sandy soil, and high salt in the soil. Prefers humid conditions with over 100" of rain per year. Mangosteens can be planted near streams, ponds, or other bodies of water where portions of their root systems remain moist year-round. Heavy mulching is recommended in drier areas to retain soil moisture. Flowering and fruiting usually occurs in summer or after periods of heavy rainfall. Mature trees may bear anywhere from 100 to 3000 fruits. Seeds have extremely short viability, only 1 to 5 days, and must be planted immediately upon removal from the fruit. Germination takes place in 2 to 3 weeks. Seedlings soon develop a long tap root which is vital to the survival of the tree so great care should be taken when transplanting. Other forms of propagation are usually unsuccessful. Fruiting takes from 6 to 12 years from seed.

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Garcinia mangostana - Mangosteen

Pick up only, pre-order by request. Contact us for availability. We have only a few plants in our personal collection that we can share.
The plants are well established, 10-12" tall, with several leaves. Ready to step up in next size container.
Mangosteen. This delicious fruit has a thick, dark-red skin, inside which are creamy white segments with a sweet, slightly tart flavor. Purported by many who have had the luxury of tasting it as being the best tasting fruit in the world.

This item can not be shipped. Pick up only. We can provide local delivery around Ft. Myers or Sebring, Florida. Contact us for an estimate. Non-pickup orders are subject to restocking fees.
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Recommended Fertilizer: SUNSHINE C-Cibus - Crop Nutrition Booster
SUNSHINE-Honey - sugar booster

This item is certified for shipping to California, Texas, Louisiana, Arizona.
Grown in
6"/1 gal pot
6 Plants in stock