Coccoloba diversifolia, Pigeonplum, Doveplum, Pigeon Seagrape, Tietongue

Coccoloba diversifolia

Pigeonplum, Doveplum, Pigeon Seagrape, Tietongue
Origin: Caribbean, Central America
Small tree 10-20 ftFull sunModerate waterOrnamental foliageSubtropical or temperate zone plant. Mature plant cold hardy at least to 30s F for a short timeSeaside, salt tolerant plant

This is curious tree that has leaves on young plants and root sprouts larger than those on mature plants! The flowers numerous inconspicuous appear on spikes 1.5-18 cm long in the spring. The fruit is an achene surrounded by a dark purple edible fleshy perianth, ripening in the fall. Young trees appear pyramidal until the multiple trunks begin spreading. This can form a rounded vase on older specimens. It is a wonderful small to medium-sized tree for subtropical landscapes, typically sporting a multiple trunk. Trunks often grow almost parallel to each other. The tree is unable to survive hard frost, but is resistant to high winds, salt and drought.

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