Agapetes serpens, Vaccinium serpens, Creeping Agapetes

Agapetes serpens, Vaccinium serpens

Creeping Agapetes
Family: Ericaceae
Origin: Himalayas
USDA Zone: 9-11?
USDA Plant Hardiness MapGroundcover and low-growing 2ft plantSmall plant 2-5 ftSemi-shadeRegular waterRed, crimson, vinous flowersPlant attracts butterflies, hummingbirds

Agapetes serpens is an evergreen perennial, also known as Creeping Agapetes. It can be grown as a groundcover, or as a small shrub, depending on its cultivation and environment. Growing from 2 to 5 feet in height, this hardy species loves semi-shade and will thrive best with regular watering.

Agapetes serpens is best known for its beautiful red, crimson, and vinous flowers. The petite blooms are incredibly rich-looking, resembling delicate little Chinese lanterns with their chevron patterns. Not only are these flowers stunning, but they also attract butterflies, hummingbirds, and other wildlife. Once the flowers finish blooming, they're replaced by colorful and shiny berries, which look like lavender pearls.

Agapetes serpens is hardy in USDA Zone 9-11 and can tolerate cold temperatures. Those growing in cooler zones should ensure they plant the shrub in a pot so they can be moved indoors when needed. This will also help keep the leaves safe from extreme cold weather and frost. Indoors, reasonably moist soil and warm indoor temperatures should be maintained for best results. When planting outdoors, ensure that the soil does not become too dry, and water regularly during dry spells. Pests are generally not a problem and regular pruning is advised to keep the bush looking its best.

Agapetes serpens is a stunning low-growing plant that has graced gardens for many generations. Its unique flowers, vibrant berries, and lush foliage adds a unique sense of grace and wonder to any garden. With proper planting, maintenance and care, Creeping Agapetes will continue its spread from the Himalayan foothills to garden settings all over the world.

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Agapetes serpens, Vaccinium serpens, Creeping Agapetes
Agapetes serpens, Vaccinium serpens, Creeping Agapetes

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