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Date: 24 Sep 2023, Entry id: 1695532266-1

Paws of the week: Clifford, the Watch Dog

Clifford dog with tropical fruit

Introducing Clifford, the freshest face on the Top Tropicals team at the Garden Center and an honorary partner of the PeopleCats (or should we say, PeoplePaws). This dynamo has been appointed as the chief of our Security Crew, much to everyone's surprise and delight.
Now, the story goes like this: Clifford strolled in from who-knows-where and, with the charm only a puppy can muster, looked up at Chiane with those soulful eyes as if to say, "Hey, can I crash here?" Well, what else could she do? She gave him a warm bath, and lo and behold, beneath all that stray dust, Clifford turned out to be white!
Clifford is a little ball of sunshine. He's got a heart of gold and a zest for life that's absolutely contagious. When it comes to shipping activities, he's the first one to volunteer. And the best part? Clifford is the epitome of punctuality. You can set your watch by him. He shows up for work every day with his tail wagging and ready to conquer the world.
Clifford is not just our head of Security Crew; he's our daily dose of happiness and a reminder that sometimes, the best things in life simply wander in when you least expect them!

Fruit image by jemastock on Freepik