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Date: 13 Jan 2023, Entry id: 1673640363-1

Secrets of Winter planting:
Tropical Planting Breaks the Rules

Winter flowering tree - Ceiba

by Murray Corman, Garden of Delights

Wintertime does not just mean hard work for tropical gardeners. It is also a time to enjoy the fruits of our labor. Winter-blooming plants and the visitors they attract - birds, bats and butterflies - make the garden as enjoyable in winter as any other time of year.
What a welcome relief: January daytime temperatures in the 70s, dropping to the 60s at night. This is why I came to live in the subtropics of southern Florida. The balmy climate of South Florida represents one of the few places on the mainland United States where tropical plants thrive unprotected outdoors.
But just as I had to leave behind so many of my favorite northern trees, so too did I have to put behind me many of the so-called "rules" of horticulture. These had worked well for me up north and I thought they would hold true anywhere in the world. Florida's subtropical climate posed new challenges and I soon realized that gardening in the Sunshine State would not be business as usual...

See also: A Guide to Cold Hardy Tropical Fruit Trees and Avoicado Varieties (pdf download)

Noni tree with Christmas tree indoors

Photo above: Noni is not just a useful fruit tree, but also a great ornamental for both sun or shade. It is also great for interior floral design or as an exotic addition to your room decorations in Winter! It fruits year round even indoors!
Order Noni online.