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Date: 24 Jun 2018, Entry id: 1529838883

TopTropicals on NBC News 10/2/2017:
How to raise a fallen tree and how to tell if it can be saved

4 steps how to check and save a tree:
1. Checking. To make sure a fallen tree can be restored, check:
a) Roots: If less than a half of root ball is out and has been exposed less than a week, the tree has more chances to recover.
b) Trunk: scratch-test the bark, if it is green underneath, then the tree is alive and worth saving.
2. Trimming. Before lifting, trim the tree. Bush the crown approximately half-way, keeping round shape. If the tree has only an upright trunk left, cut off the broken top. It may bush out from the top.
3. Lifting and securing. Using towing strips or strong thick rope, pull the tree up. For larger trees, you may use a power of a pick up truck (we use our golf carts). Hammer 48" metal stakes ($5 from Home Depot) 3-4 ways around the tree, at 45 degrees, 5 ft away or more depending on tree size, and secure the tree with a strong rope. Make sure to check rubbing points from now on and loosen as needed to avoid bark damage and creating braking points.
4. Maintenance. Water the tree on regular basis and give it a few weeks for new buds to appear in case it lost all its leaves. Some trees may take a few months to recover. Keep the stakes at least for a year.

Watch the NBC video.