Why my Lychee tree is not producing fruit and why I cant grow a Lychee tree from a seed?

Lychee tree in a pot, Litchi chinensis

Lychee tree in a pot with fruit, Litchi chinensis

Lychee tree in a pot, Litchi chinensis

Lychee tree, Litchi chinensis
Practical advice on propagation and harvest- for the previous post 👆
- 🍑 Propagation and mycorrhiza
- 💋 Mycorrhiza is a symbiotic relationship between a fungus and plant roots. In a Lychee orchard, mycorrhiza plays a crucial role by enhancing the nutrient uptake of lychee trees, particularly phosphorus, leading to better growth and fruit production, especially in soils with low phosphorus availability.
- 💋Lychee trees are typically propagated by air layering, as they cannot be propagated effectively by seeds or grafting.
- 💋Lychee seedlings do not grow well because they require a special mycorrhizal environment that, in nature, is only provided under a mature mother tree. This dependency on mycorrhiza explains why lychee seedlings lack vigor and cannot serve as rootstocks for grafting.
- 💋If you have tried growing lychee from seed, you may have noticed that the seedling, after reaching a few inches in height, often stops growing or even shows signs of retarded growth. This is a clear indication of a lack of mycorrhiza.
- 💋The easiest way to have a healthy, productive Lychee tree, is to obtain a quality, air-layered tree from a reputable source.
🍑 Alternate Bearing in Lychee Trees
- 💋 Lychee trees often produce fruit every other year due to "alternate bearing", where the tree focuses on a heavy crop one year, leaving less energy for fruiting the next.
- 💋This cycle is influenced by weather, tree variety, and how flower buds develop alongside the current year's fruit. For example, "Mauritius" trees may bear fruit annually, while "Brewster" trees may produce a good crop only every 3-4 years.
By considering these factors and providing appropriate care, you can enjoy the beauty and bounty of a lychee tree in your garden.
📚 Learn more from previous posts:
The best varieties of Lychee
The best fruit in the world - grow your own Lychee tree
How to grow a Lychee tree
🛒 Shop Lychee trees
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