What is your favorite Mango variety? - the most Frequently Asked Question about fruit trees

Mango and cat

Mango Alphonso

Mango Maha Chinook

Mango Fralan

Mango Fruit Cocktail

Mango Nam Doc Mai
❤️ Top 5 Favorite Mango we just love:
- 🥭 1. Alphonso - the best Indian cultivar in terms of sweetness and flavor. One of the rarest varieties and sought after - sweet large juice fruit. Coconut-like flavor. Shop➡️
- 🥭 2. Maha Chinook - Many consider it the best mango had ever tasted. Very rare mango variety from Singapore. This variety is semi-dwarf and great for pot culture. Nam Doc Mai close relative.
- 🥭 3. Fralan - Super reliable producer and hardy tree. Green fruit, sweet and juicy. Fralan means "Thunder" - as the fruit cracks when peeled.
- 🥭 4. Fruit Cocktail - Flavor is an amazing palette of different fruit, with citrus, pineapple, and guava notes.
- 🥭 5. Nam Doc Mai - It's not just us, everyone loves this Mango! The most popular variety: semi-dwarf and great for pot culture. Eaten green or ripe, a Thailand favorite. It is hands down the most sought after of the Asian mangoes and for good reason.
❓ What is your favorite Mango variety?
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