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Meet PeopleCats of TopTropicals. Cat of the Day: Lucky Abu

"You will always be lucky if you know how to make friends with strange cats".
Colonial American Proverb

- our last Cat of The Day Itembi started with this quote... and guess what, it proved right again!..

Right around the corner from TopTropicals, in the woods, Kristi noticed a skinny poor cat... she looked so miserable, just bones and skin... she could hardly walk and looked injured. And yet she had 2 kittens following her! The Cat Family could use some meal and a warm home. Unfortunately they seemed to be feral and wouldn't let Kristi pick them up.
Compassionate Kristi spend couple days brainstorming how to save these poor PeopleCats in need. She ended up setting a trap and... bingo! The first Little Purrson found its forever sweet home at TopTropicals!
...The cat groomer Lindsey came home from school. First bath time... the kitty smelled like poop! Soon the bath time was over... Full of fleas, and it's a boy!

She named him Abu. Just like the delicious exotic tropical fruit! Or, a mischievous Aladdin's Monkey companion ;)

We will send you updates on Abu and hope that his Mom will join him soon at TopTropicals Cat Paradise!

Remember that every dollar you spend on TopTropicals plants, is split between plant growers and PeopleCats who are our all-time companions and helpers in our daily hard work! We thank our customers for buying plants and thank our PeopleCats for keeping us cool, kind, and happy!

Check out the Video: Meet PeopleCats of TopTropicals and more Cat of the Day stories.

Lucky Abu: from rags to riches!

Being trapped in a cage for a few hours is not so bad if you have your own petting staff!


When plants are ready for a meal?

Q: We have an early Spring here in Florida. All plants in my garden flushing out new leaves and buds opening. Can I start fertilizing? I have Mango, Avocado, Peach trees, many medicinal herbs and flowering shrubs: Angel trumpets, plumerias, bromeliads. I prefer mild organic fertilizers; can you suggest something that is safe for edibles and butterflies?

Q: As a rule of thumb, tropical gardeners start regular fertilizing when the minimum temperatures (at night) go above 65F. Keep in mind that Sunshine Boosters fertilizers can be applied year around because they have mild formulas and used with every watering; during cooler period, you water less frequently, so feeding is reduced accordingly. Another advantage of Sunshine Boosters - they are natural (derived from organic amino acids which is the basics of Life). They are safe for edibles as well as pollinating insects.

Here is the feeding plan for your plants:

  1. The most universal solution for all plants (both potted and in-ground): get a complete set of Sunshine Boosters Pro system: Advantage-Pro for vegetative growth, BloomBoom Pro for flowering stage, and Ca-Support-Pro + Constanta-Pro as necessary daily supplements. You will need all these 4 components for your garden.
  2. Start adding these liquid boosters with every watering according to dozing directions and you will notice amazing growth boost within a week.
  3. Apply Sunshine Epi plant hormone every 2 weeks as a foliar spray to boost immune system and metabolism of plants and protect them from diseases. Epi makes plants (especially young plants and those "waking up" from dormancy) grow twice faster! It also enhances effect of fertilizers by increasing plant metabolism.
  4. After cool winter temperatures, some plants may develop element deficiencies like chlorosis (yellowing leaves). Additional microelement boost can be provided with Sunshine Greenleaf (iron supplement) and Sunshine Superfood (micro-elements).
  5. For additional boosting of flowering and setting fruit, use the following individual boosters:

Sunshine Robusta - for foliage plants and when you need rapid vegetative growth
Sunshine TotalFeed - for Plumerias and other fragrant plants
Sunshine Megaflor - for Brugmansias and other flowering heavy feeders
Sunshine C-Cibus - for improving fruit production and quality
Sunshine Honey - for sweeter fruit (must be applied 4-5 times a year)
6. For young/small plants (seedlings, rooted cuttings) as well as tender tropicals like bromeliads, and orchids - Sunshine Bombino is a perfect choice due to its mild formula.
7. To save money, order complete sets rather than individual boosters; you will be able to safe up to 40%! Sunshine Complete Nutrition System Kits: Combo Kit, and Pro Kit.

If you are a fan of organic gardening, do not use dry fertilizers. While water-soluble and granulated (smart-realease) fertilizers are popular choice in plant nurseries due to their convenience, they are not as safe as liquid boosters because they create salt build-up in soil and have a high risk of overdosing/burning plant roots, especially potted plants, plants at breaking dormancy, at establishing, and at early stages of plant development. Besides, dry fertilizers may affect the taste of your fruit and herbs. See advantages of liquid boosters over dry fertilizers.

Learn more about Sunshine Nutrition System - a Natural solution for your garden.


Dombeya seminole - Tropical Rose Hydrangea

by Onika Amell, tropical plant expert

Looking for an unforgettable winter bloomer? Look no further than Dombeya Seminole. This is truly one of the showiest landscape plants. This beautiful shrub or small tree stuns with large clusters of showy, bowl shaped, pink flowers in late fall, winter and spring. It has dense heart shaped leaves. It is also called the tropical hydrangea because the flowers are similar to the hydrangeas we all know and love from up North...



Jasmine Rex - the hero of all jasmines

Q: I was getting ready to place my order and I saw this plant and it's beautiful. I would love to have it. What does it need to thrive? As far as light, temperature, humidity.

A: Jasminum rex indeed is a very unusual, spectacular jasmine. Unlike other jasmines, this one has almost no fragrance, however the blooms look so amazing that it became one of our favorite plants. Flowers are 2-3 inches across! It blooms profusely, covered with dozens of flowers for many days to a few weeks.
Jasmine Rex is not the easiest jasmine to grow, however it is not difficult either as long as you know its needs. The main critical factor is excellent drainage. It doesn't like soggy soil or wet feet. At the same time it needs regular watering. Full sun is also a must for flowering. Humidity is not a critical factor. Remember it is a tropical plant that needs frost-free environment. It is more cold sensitive than other jasmines although it may survive a few hours of light frost.
Once established, it grows vigorously. Make sure to apply fertilizer during active growth (when temperatures stay above 65F). We recommend Sunshine nutrition system through the whole year. Additionally, you can apply flowering fertilizer Megaflor during summer.
Make sure to plant it in a sunny spot using very good quality soil, and do not overwater.

Check out all Jasmines


Compact Bonsai and Money Money...

by Mark Hooten, the Garden Doc

Q: I am looking for a tropical plant to grow indoors as a bonsai which would naturally stay small, tolerate low humidity, and if possible also make flowers or something interesting. Any suggestions?

A: Better than anything, would be a particular variety of Euphorbia millii or Crown of Thorns, which Top Tropicals has exclusively introduced from Thailand, and is called - of all things - Money Money. (Those Thai seem to give their hybrids names which don't seem to make sense to us English speakers). I have one growing as a bonsai myself, and hold it with much esteem. It has all the qualities which you are hoping for...



Meet People of TopTropicals. Pea Cock of the Day: the Orchid Guard

Recently we started to reveal the secret about who works behind the scenes on TopTropicals project; you have already met our editors and their assistants: Marina with Tilda, and Alex with Sonya. Today's story is about a Magic Peacock who works in orchid greenhouse of Eleanor Wilks - our photographer and tropical plant journalist in New Zealand and Australia. The watermark EleNZ you see on pictures of Australian flora - is Eleanor's!
Today Eleanor is sharing with us pictures of this amazing bird that helps her around her Orchidarium.
This young Pea Cock showed up one day in her backyard from nowhere and set up his living quarters in a tree. She asked around: no one was missing a peacock... so she took the Pea in and now he is in charge of her orchid collection. After a day of a hard work, Pea comes home to the back porch, waiting for Eleanor to sing him a good-night lullaby. Pea won't go to sleep until everyone in the house is ready for bed and the lights turned off. What a responsible house guard!

Check out Video: Meet PeopleCats of TopTropicals and more Cat of the Day stories.


The most luscious Hospitality Fruit: Pineapple

by Mark Hooten, the Garden Doc

I wonder how many people know that the Pineapple (Ananas comosus) was actually the very first New World tropical fruit to have been sampled fresh by European royalty? It happened 527 years ago, when one made it to Spain, being personally delivered to King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella by Christopher Columbus... He had obtained a huge number of them, however only one actually survived intact and edible! That pineapple was instantly declared to be the most luscious wonderful fruit ever!..
...During the 1700s before the Revolutionary War, the overly monetarily intoxicated super-rich were actually paying a modern equivalent of⁠ - get this - 8000 dollars for a single fruit!..
...In conclusion, I will add the simple recipe for my personally favorite go-to comfort food...


Pineapple plantation in Hawaii


Meet PeopleCats of TopTropicals. Cat of the Day: Weasley the Immigrant

Weasley came from the neighborhood cat community (our neighbor takes care of at least a dozen of cats). Whether TopTropicals dry food tastes better than neighbor's, or simply he is such an enthusiast of tropical gardening, he hangs out with us all the time.
When you see him in our Garden Center drinking milk or chilling right on the walkway with other PeopleCats, don't get him confused with other two ginger cats we have: Barcy and Snitch... as well as the Russian Blue cat with a similar name Wesley...
Although Weasley currently has a status of a legal immigrant, he feels pretty confident around our greenhouses and will be happy to give you a tour. He is still a volunteer here but has already applied for a permanent residence and a full time position, so his food needs are being added to our cat payroll.
When visiting TopTropicals nursery, feel free to add your donation to a Cat Jar located in our office by customer's computer. We appreciate everybody's help - every penny goes to PeopleCat's needs.

Check out Video: Meet PeopleCats of TopTropicals and more Cat of the Day stories.


Datura: a fragrant treat for tropical or indoor garden

Q: A few years ago I purchased Datura from you and it was doing well. As a matter of fact I took cuttings and propagated new plants. Now they have markings on the leaves and I do not know what it is. Any remedy?

A: Generally, Datura is a bi-annual plant, unlike its close relative perennial Brugmansia that grows for many years. Which means, Datura is short-lived (2-3 years maximum for the same plant) although it seeds easily and is a very fast grower, reaching from seedling to 4-5 ft size in a matter of couple months.
At this time of the year, markings on the leaves may be a result of normal aging (the plant may already exhausted its natural cycle) in combination with a cool weather that affects the leaves and overall look.
Here at Top Tropicals we especially love this plant and keep up with propagating new plants every few months. Propagation may be by means of seeds or cuttings, but seeds are always better for stronger, longer-lasting Datura specimens. A lot of times you will notice little baby seedlings around the Mother plant, even if you think all seeds has been harvested.
Just continue growing younger plants from seeds, and Datura will always be with you in your garden to bring you joy of showy scented flowers. It makes a great houseplant too!

Read more about Datura...

Datura seeds always come in abundance and germinate easily


The Rolls Royce of House Plants: Medinilla

by Onika Amell, tropical plant expert

...This is an extremely showy tropical plant with bunches of bright pink blooms that will flower for months on end. What a stunning and colorful plant! Showy should be its middle name. It is one of those plants that truly evokes feelings of elegance and drama...
Medinilla apoensis - Philippine Pink is particularly rare and hard to find in the trade. The flowers on this particular Medinilla is not hidden underneath so it is not necessary to grow it in a hanging basket like so many other species. It is a tall upright grower that will flower throughout the summer. For all you obsessed collectors out there, do not hesitate. This Medinilla is not in many US collections. The plants we have right now are at least 1-1.5 feet tall and are blooming size. Wink wink ;)


Medinilla apoensis - Philippine Pink