Sedum tetractinum, Chinese Sedum

Sedum tetractinum

Chinese Sedum
Family: Crassulaceae
Origin: China
Groundcover and low-growing 2ft plantSmall plant 2-5 ftSemi-shadeFull sunModerate water

This plant has interesting growth habit feature. With the side light, leaves grow in one plane along the light direction; with the light directed from the top, leaves form dense rosette, as shown on the pictures. The two plants are grown from cuttings from the same plant; with different light diffusion conditions, they look like different plants.

Good as a groundcover or in containers.

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Sedum tetractinum, Chinese Sedum. with side light, leaves grow in one plane along the light direction
with side light, leaves grow in one plane along the light direction
Sedum tetractinum, Chinese Sedum. with the light directed from the top, leaves form dense rosette
with the light directed from the top, leaves form dense rosette

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