Hoya curtisii, Million Hearts, Tiny-leaf Porcelain Flower

Hoya curtisii

Million Hearts, Tiny-leaf Porcelain Flower
Family: Apocynaceae    (Formerly:Asclepiadaceae)
Subfamily: Asclepiadoideae
Origin: Southeast Asia
USDA Zone: 10-11?
USDA Plant Hardiness MapGroundcover and low-growing 2ft plantVine or creeper plantSemi-shadeShadeModerate waterEpiphyte plantOrnamental foliageUnusual color

Hoya curtisii (Million Hearts) does extremely well in the shade and semi-shade outdoors and enjoys the bright indirect light indoors. This plant is an easy to care for epiphyte with low-growing habit that can grow up to a maximum of 2 feet. It has a beautiful ornamental foliage, with small, silver variegated heart-shaped leaves that can range in size up to 1/2 inch. Single flowers are creamy-green, have five petals characteristically bent backwards and covered with dense, short hairs, and a tiny creamy-white corolla with red spots. The plant has a clinging, mat-like habit, which makes it a great groundcover to fill out flowerpots with other larger plants. In general, Hoya curtisii should be grown in USDA Zone 10 to 11, enjoys indirect light and moderate water.

When planting Hoya curtisii in colder regions in pot, it is important to make sure the pot is placed in a sheltered location away from harsh winter winds. If grown in pot, using a pot that can easily be brought indoors during winter is recommended. When it comes to caring for Hoya curtisii, the pot should be well-draining and filled with a mix of soil and a coarse-grained organic material, like bark. Also, it is important to make sure the soil is kept moist but not wet. If you are growing it indoors, it is also important to provide adequate air circulation around the plant.

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