Cordyline stricta, Narrow-leaved Palm Lily

Cordyline stricta

Narrow-leaved Palm Lily
Family: Asparagaceae    (Formerly:Laxmanniaceae)
Subfamily: Lomandroideae
Origin: Australia
Large shrub 5-10 ft tallSemi-shadeModerate waterOrnamental foliageBlue, lavender, purple flowers

Cordyline stricta is a native Australian plant with a large shrub reaching heights of 5 to 10 feet tall. It has ornamental foliage with colors of green, yellow and light purple, adding a touch of brightness to any garden. The blooms of Cordyline stricta create a dramatic display of colors which range from blue to lavender to purple. The flowers are small and showy, with drooping panicles in the spring.

Cordyline stricta is a hardy plant and can be grown in the USDA Zone 9 to 11. It prefers moist soils in semi shade and is able to tolerate long periods of dryness once established. As a container plant, Cordyline stricta is easy to care for and can be kept indoors for an extended period of time. It is a moderately drought tolerant plant and prefers moderate water during the summer as well as an occasional deep soak in the winter.

When growing Cordyline stricta in a pot, care must be taken to ensure it is kept in the right environment. Depending on the region, the plant is likely to experience some winter chill, but it requires a frost-free environment to survive and thrive. In colder regions, the container should be moved to a sheltered spot away from direct winds and the pot should be insulated to reduce the chance of cold damage. Additionally, the soil should be kept moist in the winter and receive enough light to keep the foliage healthy and green.

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