Cissus rotundifolia, Arabian Wax Leaf, Peruvian Grape Ivy, Venezuelan Treebine, Succulent Grape

Cissus rotundifolia

Arabian Wax Leaf, Peruvian Grape Ivy, Venezuelan Treebine, Succulent Grape
Family: Vitaceae
Origin: East Africa
USDA Zone: 10-11?
USDA Plant Hardiness MapGroundcover and low-growing 2ft plantVine or creeper plantSemi-shadeShadeFull sunDry conditionsModerate waterOrnamental foliage

Perfect neglect plant! Grow it either as house plant, hanging basket, fast growing ground cover, or decorate your patio with it. It needs no attention and will reward your "no-efforts" with beautiful waxy foliage. Cissus rotundifolia comes from East Africa. It has green stems with almost round leaves. The leaves are fleshy, waxy, toothed and of a deep green color. Tendrils arise opposite young leaves and the plant climbs on supports with their help. Needs very little water. Great house plant especially for those who have brown thumb. Good plant for beginners. If you forget to water it, it won't even notice!

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Cissus rotundifolia - Arabian Wax Leaf

Perfect neglect plant! Grow it either as house plant, hanging basket, fast growing ground cover, or decorate your patio with it. It needs no attention and will reward your "no-efforts" with beautiful waxy foliage. Cissus rotundifolia comes from East Africa. It has green stems with almost round leaves. The leaves are fleshy, waxy, toothed and of a deep green color. Tendrils arise opposite young leaves and the plant climbs on supports with their help. Needs very little water.

Recommended Fertilizer: SUNSHINE Robusta - Rapid Growth Booster
This item is certified for shipping to California, Texas, Louisiana, Arizona.
Grown in
6"/1 gal pot
6 plants in stock