Botanical family: Vitaceae

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Ampelopsis sp., False Grape, Porcelain Berry. Ampelopsis sinica
Ampelopsis sinica

Ampelopsis sp.

False Grape, Porcelain Berry
Family: Vitaceae
USDA Zone: 4-8?
USDA Plant Hardiness MapVine or creeper plantSemi-shadeShadeModerate waterRegular waterSubtropical or temperate zone plant. Mature plant cold hardy at least to 30s F for a short time

Ampelopsis is a vigorous, woody, deciduous, tendril-climbing vine which is somewhat similar in habit to wild grape vines and will typically grow 15-25'.

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Cissus amazonica, Amazonian Vine

Cissus amazonica

Amazonian Vine
Family: Vitaceae
Origin: Brazil
USDA Plant Hardiness MapVine or creeper plantSemi-shadeModerate waterRegular waterOrnamental foliage

Attractive, tropical climber with string-like vines. The upper surface is brushed pale silver green with bright white weins while the underside is a pink to burgundy color. Great for the tropical terrarium, it likes to climb and scramble.

From Spring to Autumn keep soil moist using water at room temperature, but do not allow the plant to sit in water. Wait until the top centimetre has dried out before watering again. Over the cooler months during their potential rest period, water just enough to prevent the potting mix from drying out.

The Amazon Jungle Vine loves high humidity which will create luscious growth and healthy foliage.

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Cissus cactiformis, Cucumber Cactus

Cissus cactiformis

Cucumber Cactus
Family: Vitaceae
USDA Plant Hardiness MapVine or creeper plantSemi-shadeFull sunModerate water

Cucumber cactus has fleshy segmented stems like cucumbers.

Cissus cactiformis, Cucumber Cactus

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Cissus discolor, Vitis discolor, Rex Begonia Vine, Painted Cissus, Tapestry Vine

Cissus discolor, Vitis discolor

Rex Begonia Vine, Painted Cissus, Tapestry Vine
Family: Vitaceae
Origin: Java and Cambodia
USDA Zone: 9-11?
USDA Plant Hardiness MapGroundcover and low-growing 2ft plantVine or creeper plantSemi-shadeModerate waterRegular waterOrnamental foliage

Cissus discolor, native to Java and Cambodia, is a fast growing, exotic looking, trailing vine, which is sometimes called Tapestry Vine or Rex Begonia Vine. It is not a begonia, but the medium sized lance shaped leaves have the bright colors of Rex Begonia leaves. The leaves are dark green with silver and purple blotches. It makes a gorgeous hanging basket. Thanks to its large, striking leaves and climbing growth, Cissus discolor has become a popular houseplant. The leaves and stems produce a natural secretion, tiny opaque dots, called cystolyths. Grow this Cissus in a hanging basket or let it climb up a trellis.

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Cissus gongylodes , Treebine, Wing Stemmed Grape Ivy

Cissus gongylodes

Treebine, Wing Stemmed Grape Ivy
Family: Vitaceae
Origin: South America
USDA Plant Hardiness MapVine or creeper plantSemi-shadeShadeRegular waterOrnamental foliage

An evergreen to partially deciduous tropical vine or liana, with squared, succulent stems and pinkish red aerial roots.

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Cissus quadrangularis, Vitis quadrangularis, Veld grape

Cissus quadrangularis, Vitis quadrangularis

Veld grape
Family: Vitaceae
Origin: Southern and eastern Africa, Arabia to India
USDA Zone: 9-11?
USDA Plant Hardiness MapGroundcover and low-growing 2ft plantVine or creeper plantSemi-shadeFull sunModerate waterOrnamental foliageEthnomedical plant.
Plants marked as ethnomedical and/or described as medicinal, are not offered as medicine but rather as ornamentals or plant collectibles.
Ethnomedical statements / products have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We urge all customers to consult a physician before using any supplements, herbals or medicines advertised here or elsewhere.

Cissus quadrangularis (Veld Grape) is a hardy plant that can be grown either as a groundcover or a low-growing vine or creeper. The plant thrives in full sun to semi-shade and prefers moderate water. Its ornamental foliage and edible fruits are an added bonus. The leaflets of the leaves are a succulent, somewhat fleshy, with three lobes and the stem has four distinctive wings. Though it is native to Southern and Eastern Africa, Arabia and India, it can be grown in USDA Zones 10 to 12.

When it comes to growing, Cissus quadrangularis is easy to maintain. Regular watering and a sunny spot will make the plant thrive. To ensure optimal health, keep a look out for insect pests and protect from strong winds. Fertilize the plant with a liquid solution that is safe for use on food plants, or alternatively use an organic fertilizer.

. When cultivated in cold regions, it is best to grow in a pot and move it indoors in the winter months. When keeping it indoors, make sure to provide adequate sunlight, water it regularly and reduce humidity by providing sufficient airflow. When transplanting, make sure that the soil is deep and well drained.

Cissus quadrangularis is a great choice for its ethnomedical properties, ornamental foliage, edible fruits and attractive flowers. Plus, it is low-maintenance and easy to care for. Its cold hardiness and versatile nature make it a great option for a variety of spaces.

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Cissus quadrangularis - Veld grape

Veld grape - unusual succulent vine with tendrils, fleshy 3-lobed leaves and quandrangular 4-winged stem and grape-shaped leaves, used medicinally to help fractures heal faster. Good for hanging baskets.

Recommended Fertilizer: SUNSHINE Robusta - Rapid Growth Booster
This item is certified for shipping to California, Texas, Louisiana, Arizona.
Grown in
6"/1 gal pot
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Cissus rhombifolia, Grape Ivy, Oak Leaf Ivy, Water Vine, Kangaroo Grape, Kangaroo Treebine. Cissus rhombifolia Ellen Danica
Cissus rhombifolia Ellen Danica

Cissus rhombifolia

Grape Ivy, Oak Leaf Ivy, Water Vine, Kangaroo Grape, Kangaroo Treebine
Family: Vitaceae
Origin: Tropical America
USDA Plant Hardiness MapVine or creeper plantSemi-shadeShadeModerate waterOrnamental foliage

The first and most common type was Cissus rhombifolia known as Grape Ivy since the foliage resembles grape leaves and it climbs with the aid of tendrils. Compound leaves with 3 leaflets; stems covered in soft brown hair; vine-like habit with tendrils that allow it to climb.

Ellen Danica, a sport with leaves resembling an oak leaf, was the next variety to enter the market. The loosely arranged leaflets and leaflet lobing give this cultivar a finer texture than the others.

One of the most popular house plants, with showy leaves and cascading growth habit. Very fast growing and easy in care. In nature, it grows as a climber with tendrils. Leaves are broadly ovate, toothed, leathery, glossy, deep green. The perfect addition to any home, office, or greenhouse setting. The plant prefers medium light intensity but will also tolerate shade for short periods of time. Maintain an evenly moist soil during the growing season but give less water in winter.

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Cissus rotundifolia, Arabian Wax Leaf, Peruvian Grape Ivy, Venezuelan Treebine, Succulent Grape

Cissus rotundifolia

Arabian Wax Leaf, Peruvian Grape Ivy, Venezuelan Treebine, Succulent Grape
Family: Vitaceae
Origin: East Africa
USDA Zone: 10-11?
USDA Plant Hardiness MapGroundcover and low-growing 2ft plantVine or creeper plantSemi-shadeShadeFull sunDry conditionsModerate waterOrnamental foliage

Perfect neglect plant! Grow it either as house plant, hanging basket, fast growing ground cover, or decorate your patio with it. It needs no attention and will reward your "no-efforts" with beautiful waxy foliage. Cissus rotundifolia comes from East Africa. It has green stems with almost round leaves. The leaves are fleshy, waxy, toothed and of a deep green color. Tendrils arise opposite young leaves and the plant climbs on supports with their help. Needs very little water. Great house plant especially for those who have brown thumb. Good plant for beginners. If you forget to water it, it won't even notice!

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Cissus rotundifolia - Arabian Wax Leaf

Perfect neglect plant! Grow it either as house plant, hanging basket, fast growing ground cover, or decorate your patio with it. It needs no attention and will reward your "no-efforts" with beautiful waxy foliage. Cissus rotundifolia comes from East Africa. It has green stems with almost round leaves. The leaves are fleshy, waxy, toothed and of a deep green color. Tendrils arise opposite young leaves and the plant climbs on supports with their help. Needs very little water.

Recommended Fertilizer: SUNSHINE Robusta - Rapid Growth Booster
This item is certified for shipping to California, Texas, Louisiana, Arizona.
Grown in
6"/1 gal pot
6 plants in stock

Cissus sicyoides, Cissus verticillata, Possum Grape Vine, Princess Vine, Season Vine, Monkey Liana

Cissus sicyoides, Cissus verticillata

Possum Grape Vine, Princess Vine, Season Vine, Monkey Liana
Family: Vitaceae
Origin: Tropical America
USDA Plant Hardiness MapVine or creeper plantSemi-shadeFull sunModerate waterOrnamental foliageInvasive plantEthnomedical plant.
Plants marked as ethnomedical and/or described as medicinal, are not offered as medicine but rather as ornamentals or plant collectibles.
Ethnomedical statements / products have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We urge all customers to consult a physician before using any supplements, herbals or medicines advertised here or elsewhere.

A native to Tropical American, Cissus sicyoides, commonly known as the Possum Grape Vine, is an ornamental creeper grown in USDA Zone 9-11. It is a fast growing plant with woody stems, waxy dark green leaves, and black grape-like fruit that provide a showy display in the fall. In addition to its ornamental foliage, it is a popular ethnomedical plant, used as a remedy in traditional medicine. The leaf decoctions of Cissus sicyoides are taken widely as a popular remedy for diabetes mellitus in Brazil, where its common name is vegetal insulin.

For optimal growth and health, plant Cissus sicyoides in full sun and semi-shade, with moderate water needed. It is best grown in a pot for cold regions. Ensure the pot has good drainage, as the plant does not like to remain with wet soil for long- periods of time. When first planting, loosen the root ball, cover the root area with soil, and then water the pot. Additionally, the pot should be large enough to accommodate the vine's size when fully mature. For maximum growth, use a balanced slow-release fertilizer and apply it every six months. Prune away dead or damaged foliage as needed.

Cissus sicyoides can be invasive, so plant it with caution and check for stray growth. As an invasive species, it has the potential to spread weeds and adversely affect local ecosystems. Be sure to keep an eye out for overgrowth, and contain and prune it if necessary.

Cissus sicyoides, Cissus verticillata, Possum Grape Vine, Princess Vine, Season Vine, Monkey Liana
Cissus sicyoides, Cissus verticillata, Possum Grape Vine, Princess Vine, Season Vine, Monkey Liana

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Cissus striata, Vitis striata, Parthenocissus striata, Sugar Vine, Miniature Grape Ivy, Ivy of Uruguay

Cissus striata, Vitis striata, Parthenocissus striata, Sugar Vine

Miniature Grape Ivy, Ivy of Uruguay
Family: Vitaceae
Origin: Central America, South America
USDA Plant Hardiness MapVine or creeper plantSemi-shadeShadeFull sunModerate waterRegular water

A creeping, mounding plant with dark green leaves having tiny crystals resembling grains of sugar on the leaves. It can be grown on a fence or other support as a vine or used in the open as a groundcover or even in a hanging basket.

Cissus striata, Vitis striata, Parthenocissus striata, Sugar Vine, Miniature Grape Ivy, Ivy of Uruguay
Cissus striata, Vitis striata, Parthenocissus striata, Sugar Vine, Miniature Grape Ivy, Ivy of Uruguay

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