Aloe africana, African Aloe

Aloe africana

African Aloe
Family: Asphodelaceae    (Formerly:Xanthorrhoeaceae)
Subfamily: Asphodeloideae
Origin: South Africa
Small tree 10-20 ftFull sunDry conditionsModerate waterYellow, orange flowersThorny or spinyPlant attracts butterflies, hummingbirdsEthnomedical plant.
Plants marked as ethnomedical and/or described as medicinal, are not offered as medicine but rather as ornamentals or plant collectibles.
Ethnomedical statements / products have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We urge all customers to consult a physician before using any supplements, herbals or medicines advertised here or elsewhere.

Native to South Africa, it is a small, slow-growing tree of about 10-20 feet in height and width with an attractive trunk with lighter-colored markings and bark. It is an evergreen or semi-evergreen plant with narrow, gray-green leaves that feature white tubercles on their surfaces.

When planted outdoors in the ground, Aloe africana prefers full sun and moderate water during the summers and should be kept dry during the winter months. When grown in a pot, it can be kept outdoors in USDA zones 9-11, or brought indoors and kept in a bright location during the winter months.

The African Aloe blooms an abundance of yellow and orange tubular-shaped flowers during the winter months, making it a very attractive addition to any garden. The blooms attract both butterflies and hummingbirds, and the plant itself is known in ethnomedicine as an essential remedy.

Although Aloe africana is a beautiful plant, it is also somewhat spiny or thorny, and should be handled with caution. When grown in cold regions, the plant should be placed in a pot to protect it from cold temperatures which can cause tissue damage. Make sure to use a well-draining potting soil and containers with drainage holes and avoid overwatering. Place the pot in a sunny location and be sure to fertilize them regularly, and you can enjoy the beauty of African Aloe in your garden!

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Aloe africana, African Aloe
Aloe africana, African Aloe

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