It usually grows to be anywhere between 5-10 feet tall, depending on the conditions in which it is grown and the amount of care it receives. If kept well mulched on the ground, it can easily reach its maximum of 10 feet. Full sun and semi-shade are both equally suitable for this species, but with regular water, the best of the blooms can be expected. The vines produce hanging buds of either a cheery pink or a more dainty, off white, depending on variety.
When mature, Abutilon vitifolium is cold hardy down to at least 30 degrees Fahrenheit for a short time, as determined by USDA Zone 8-11. If planted in colder regions, be sure to take extra care that the shrub is well potted and situated in an area protected from the winter weather. Mulch can also be helpful in keeping its roots warm and the shrub topped up with the right amount of water.
This large shrub is ideal for garden pathways or any border area in the garden, admired for its trumpeting petals of varying shades of pink, white and off-white. When in full bloom, it can even be seen through hedges or used as a specimen in moonlight gardens. With its height, hardiness and a little care, it can make a beautiful addition to any outdoor home.
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