Plumeria rubra Pink, Frangipani, Temple tree, Calachuchi. Plumeria Thong Taweechok
Plumeria Thong Taweechok
Plumeria rubra

Plumeria rubra Pink

Frangipani, Temple tree, Calachuchi
Family: Apocynaceae
USDA Zone: 9-12?
USDA Plant Hardiness MapSmall tree 10-20 ftFull sunDry conditionsRed, crimson, vinous flowersPink flowersPlant attracts butterflies, hummingbirdsDeciduous plantFragrant plantSeaside, salt tolerant plant

Plumeria commemorates Charles Plumier, a seventeenth-century French botanist who described several tropical species. The genus contains 8 species of mainly deciduous shrubs and trees, originally from Central America, known for their strongly fragrant flowers. The tree can reach a height of 9m, though they are generally much smaller. Their fleshy branches contain a poisonous, milk sap. In the tropics, the terminally held flowers (generally white) appear before the leaves and continue to flower for most of the year. In subtropical climates the flowers appear in spring, after the leaves, and continue growing until the next winter. The fruit consist of 2 leathery follicles, althought the trees rarely fruit in cultivation. Most plumerias in gardens are hybrids. Plumerias are very salt tolerant.

Read article about Plumeria.

See Thai Plumeria - varieties Gallery.

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Succulent Care. This plant is shipped bare-rooted. Plant it in well-drained soil mix, water and keep in warm (75-80F) place in filtered light. Let soil dry between waterings.
This item is certified for shipping to California, Texas, Louisiana.
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This item is certified for shipping to California, Texas, Louisiana.
Grown in
10"/3 gal pot