Passiflora maliformis, Sweet Calabash, Conch apple, Hard-shelled Passionfruit, Sweet Cup, Water Lemon

Passiflora maliformis

Sweet Calabash, Conch apple, Hard-shelled Passionfruit, Sweet Cup, Water Lemon
Family: Passifloraceae
Origin: Northern South America
USDA Zone: 10-11?
USDA Plant Hardiness MapVine or creeper plantSemi-shadeFull sunRegular waterBlue, lavender, purple flowersPink flowersEdible plant

Fast-growing vine, grows best in somewhat cooler than tropical climates. The rind is particularly hard, and tougher than most passion fruits. This species is native and common in the wild in Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, Jamaica, and from Saba to Barbados and Trinidad; also Venezuela, Colombia and northern Ecuador. It is cultivated in Jamaica, Brazil and Ecuador for its fruits, and in Hawaii as an ornamental in private gardens. The fruits ripen from September to December, are light-yellow with a very hard shell, difficult to open but the seedy pulp is much enjoyed. Yellow-orange pulp is aromatically scented and flavored. In Jamaica, it is scooped from the shell and served with wine and sugar. The strained juice is excellent for making cold drinks. Snuff boxes have been made of the shell of the hard type. This species is noted for its resistance to pests and diseases that affect its relatives.

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