Botanical family images: Acanthaceae

Acanthus ilicifolius, Holly-leaved Acanthus, Sea Holly, Holy Mangrove
Acanthus ilicifolius, Holly-leaved Acanthus, Sea Holly, Holy Mangrove
Acanthus ilicifolius, Holly-leaved Acanthus, Sea Holly, Holy Mangrove
Acanthus ilicifolius, Holly-leaved Acanthus, Sea Holly, Holy Mangrove
Acanthus ilicifolius, Holly-leaved Acanthus, Sea Holly, Holy Mangrove
Acanthus ilicifolius, Holly-leaved Acanthus, Sea Holly, Holy Mangrove
Acanthus sp., Acanthus, Bear's Breeches, Mountain Thistle, Alligator Plant. Acanthus montanus
Acanthus montanus
Acanthus sp., Acanthus, Bear's Breeches, Mountain Thistle, Alligator Plant. Acanthus montanus - Alligator Skin
Acanthus montanus - Alligator Skin
Acanthus sp., Acanthus, Bear's Breeches, Mountain Thistle, Alligator Plant. Acanthus montanus
Acanthus montanus
Acanthus sp., Acanthus, Bear's Breeches, Mountain Thistle, Alligator Plant. Acanthus montanus
Acanthus montanus
Acanthus sp., Acanthus, Bear's Breeches, Mountain Thistle, Alligator Plant
Acanthus sp., Acanthus, Bear's Breeches, Mountain Thistle, Alligator Plant
Acanthus sp., Acanthus, Bear's Breeches, Mountain Thistle, Alligator Plant
Acanthus sp., Acanthus, Bear's Breeches, Mountain Thistle, Alligator Plant. Acanthus montanus
Acanthus montanus
Acanthus sp., Acanthus, Bear's Breeches, Mountain Thistle, Alligator Plant. Acanthus montanus
Acanthus montanus
Acanthus sp., Acanthus, Bear's Breeches, Mountain Thistle, Alligator Plant
Acanthus sp., Acanthus, Bear's Breeches, Mountain Thistle, Alligator Plant. Acanthus syriacus
Acanthus syriacus
Acanthus sp., Acanthus, Bear's Breeches, Mountain Thistle, Alligator Plant. Acanthus syriacus
Acanthus syriacus
Acanthus sp., Acanthus, Bear's Breeches, Mountain Thistle, Alligator Plant. Acanthus montanus
Acanthus montanus
Acanthus sp., Acanthus, Bear's Breeches, Mountain Thistle, Alligator Plant. Acanthus montanus
Acanthus montanus
Acanthus sp., Acanthus, Bear's Breeches, Mountain Thistle, Alligator Plant. Acanthus hybrid
Acanthus hybrid
Acanthus sp., Acanthus, Bear's Breeches, Mountain Thistle, Alligator Plant. Acanthus hybrid
Acanthus hybrid
Acanthus sp., Acanthus, Bear's Breeches, Mountain Thistle, Alligator Plant. Acanthus mollis
Acanthus mollis
Acanthus sp., Acanthus, Bear's Breeches, Mountain Thistle, Alligator Plant
Acanthus sp., Acanthus, Bear's Breeches, Mountain Thistle, Alligator Plant. Acanthus montanus
Acanthus montanus
Acanthus sp., Acanthus, Bear's Breeches, Mountain Thistle, Alligator Plant. Acanthus montanus
Acanthus montanus
Acanthus sp., Acanthus, Bear's Breeches, Mountain Thistle, Alligator Plant. Acanthus montanus
Acanthus montanus
Anisacanthus quadrifidus var. Wrightii, Anisacanthus wrightii, Hummingbird Bush, Flame Acanthus, Wright Anisacanthus
Anisacanthus quadrifidus var. Wrightii, Anisacanthus wrightii, Hummingbird Bush, Flame Acanthus, Wright Anisacanthus
Anisacanthus quadrifidus var. Wrightii, Anisacanthus wrightii, Hummingbird Bush, Flame Acanthus, Wright Anisacanthus
Aphelandra goodspeedii, Aphelandra
Aphelandra goodspeedii, Aphelandra
Aphelandra goodspeedii, Aphelandra
Aphelandra hartwegiana, Yellow Aphelandra
Aphelandra hartwegiana
Aphelandra hartwegiana

Yellow Aphelandra - is getting ready to bloom! Soon it will be shooting its curious yellow flowers out of these "candles".
Aphelandra hartwegiana, Yellow Aphelandra
Aphelandra hartwegiana, Yellow Aphelandra
Aphelandra hartwegiana, Yellow Aphelandra
Aphelandra hartwegiana, Yellow Aphelandra
Aphelandra hartwegiana, Yellow Aphelandra
Aphelandra hartwegiana, Yellow Aphelandra
Aphelandra hartwegiana, Yellow Aphelandra
Aphelandra hartwegiana, Yellow Aphelandra

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