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How to add a splash of tropical flair to your plant collection

Medinilla scortechinii - Orange Spike

Medinilla scortechinii - Orange Spike

 Medinilla scortechinii - Orange Spike

Medinilla scortechinii - Orange Spike

😍 How to add a splash of tropical flair to your plant collection
  • 🟠 Medinilla scortechinii - Orange Spike! Not everyone knows about this rare exotic Medinilla that comes in a vibrant orange, making it a rare gem for your garden or home!
  • 🟠 This little shrub grows only 1 to 2 feet, with a charming, low-spreading growth habit. Its dark green, leathery leaves provide a stunning backdrop for the eye-catching bright orange stalks and panicles that bloom like tropical coral branches. Talk about a showstopper!
  • 🟠 Perfect as a semi-terrestrial or epiphytic shrub, the Orange Spike thrives in moist, semi-shaded conditions - think bright filtered light or light shade. Just remember to keep the soil well-drained and slightly moist; nobody likes soggy roots.
  • 🟠 Whether you're looking for a potted plant or a new indoor companion, Medinilla scortechinii makes for an excellent houseplant or decorative piece. Bring home this tropical wonder and watch it brighten your space with its dazzling orange blooms!

🛒 Shop Medinillas

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Healing drops of blood: why Pomegranate is a superfood

Pomegranate tree (Punica granatum)

Pomegranate tree (Punica granatum)

Pomegranate tree (Punica granatum), fruit

Pomegranate tree (Punica granatum), fruit

Pomegranate tree (Punica granatum), fruit

Pomegranate tree (Punica granatum), fruit

🩸 Healing drops of blood: why Pomegranate is a superfood

❣️The Pomegranate tree (Punica granatum) is a beautiful, fruit-bearing plant with deep historical and cultural significance. Known for its ornamental value and medicinal properties, this tree produces vibrant flowers and nutrient-packed fruit that are enjoyed worldwide. Tolerant of drought and various soil types, Pomegranate tree thrives in hot climates.

🔥 Pomegranate medicinal use and health benefits
  • 📌Ancient Medicine: Pomegranates have been consumed by man since before recorded history. A Hindi saying, "Ek anaar sau bemaar," means one pomegranate can serve a hundred sick people.
  • 📌Ayurvedic: In Ayurveda, pomegranates are recommended for improving metabolism and aiding weight loss.
  • 📌Antioxidants: Pomegranate juice contains high levels of antioxidants that protect the body from heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's, and premature aging. It also boosts blood quality and increases hemoglobin levels.
  • 📌Heart: Pomegranate juice and seed oil are beneficial for heart health, improving blood circulation, and preventing heart attacks. Its flavonoids and antioxidants help slow arterial aging.
  • 📌Blood Pressure: High potassium content makes pomegranates helpful for people with hypertension, lowering both systolic and diastolic pressure.
  • 📌Reduces Gout: Pomegranates help in managing gout and reducing uric acid due to their alkalizing effects.
  • 📌Omega Oils: These oils in pomegranates neutralize acids linked to arteriosclerosis, cancer, and obesity.
  • 📌Antiseptic: The juice can be applied to cuts, acting as an antiseptic. In Mexico, a decoction of pomegranate flowers is gargled to relieve throat inflammation.

🛒 Shop Pomegranate trees

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Anyone missing a turtle?

Anyone missing a turtle?
🐢 Anyone missing a turtle?

😰 We found this beautiful turtle crossing the highway in front of flying trucks! Saved his life and released him in our garden by the pond...

Anyone here knows the name of it? Is is a water turtle or terrestrial? Should we feed him carrots? 🥕🥕🥕
Hope it will survive in our jungle...

Share your ideas in comments! 👇

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The solution to eliminate weeds finally found!

Senna (Cassia) alata â€" Empress Candle, Candelabra Plant

🌞 The solution to eliminate weeds finally found! Yet it has beautiful sunny flowers!
  • 🟡 Imagine a plant that grows fast, stays in bloom almost year-round, and covers your garden with lush, vibrant greenery with sunny, candle-like flowers. That's the Senna (Cassia) alata – Empress Candle, Candelabra Plant.
  • 🟡 This garden wonder lights up your space with golden, candle-like flowers, while its huge leaves provide cool shade and keep weeds at bay! Weeds 🌱 just don't have a chance to grow under its canopy!
  • 🟡 In just one or two seasons, it can grow up to 10 feet wide and 6-8 feet tall, creating a natural masterpiece of beauty.
  • 🟡 Butterflies, hummingbirds, and bees flock to its bright yellow flowers, which are followed by intriguing, rattling seed pods 🦋🐝
  • 🟡 The Empress Candle isn't just a plant - it's a stunning, must-have addition that transforms any garden into a living work of art.

🎥 Watch the video in the next post 👇

🛒 Shop Empress Candle

#Hedges_with_benefits #Butterfly_Plants #Nature_Wonders

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Discover three must-have fruit
for every tropical garden

Cat with tropical fruit

Q: I love tropical fruit and want to plant all of them but I have room for only a couple of trees. Help me make the best selection.

A: Here is your perfect list for 2+ fruiting plants: every tropical garden must have a Mango Tree, an Avocado Tree, and - you can plant as many as you want - Pineapples! And here is why...

1. Pineapple

Pineapple is a tropical favorite that's incredibly easy to grow, making it a perfect choice for beginners. With minimal care, Pineapples don't take mush space, you can grown them underneath other fruit trees. Plant good varieties, and when you get your crop, plant the tops and you will have your little Pineapple plantation in no time: you'll enjoy sweet, juicy fruit from those little babies in about 18-24 months. Freshly harvested pineapples are delightful in smoothies, salads, or grilled, adding a tropical flair to your garden.


2. Mango

Mango trees are not only a staple in tropical gardens but are also easy to cultivate. They flourish in sunny spots and well-drained soil, requiring little maintenance once established. These vigorous trees can yield an abundance of juicy, flavorful fruit in just a few years. They are perfect for fresh eating or adding to salsas and chutneys. Condo varieties are dwarf trees and can be grown in containers.

Mango fruit

3. Avocado

Avocado trees are fun to grow and add both beauty and nutrition to tropical gardens. Grafted cultivars start yielding fruit within a few months with proper care. The rich, creamy avocados are a culinary favorite, perfect for salads, spreads, and smoothies. With their lush foliage and bountiful harvests, avocado trees are a fantastic choice for gardeners looking for ease and abundance.

Avocado fruit


How to get a good night sleep?

🥸 How to get a good night sleep? Get a(nother) cat.

"Cats are like little furry sleep potions. One purr, and suddenly, you're drowsy and under their spell."

😶 Good night from Google the Cat...

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How to get a good night sleep?

🥸 How to get a good night sleep? Get a(nother) cat.

"Cats are like little, furry sleep potions. One purr, and suddenly, you're drowsy and under their spell."

😶 Good night from Google the Cat...

Share your cats in comments!
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Why so many gardeners this year planted Native American Persimmon

American Persimmon tree (Diospyros virginiana), fruit on the branch

American Persimmon tree (Diospyros virginiana), fruit on the branch

American Persimmon tree (Diospyros virginiana), fruit

American Persimmon tree (Diospyros virginiana), fruit

🙃 Why so many gardeners this year planted Native American Persimmon

🍯 The American Persimmon tree (Diospyros virginiana) is a hardy, low-maintenance tree known for its delicious, sweet fruit that ripens in the fall. This small to medium-sized tree is perfect for gardens, attracting wildlife while providing a nutritious harvest.
  • 🍊Native to North America, known for its sweet, flavorful fruit.
  • 🍊Small to medium-sized tree, easy to grow in various soil types.
  • 🍊Fruits are rich in vitamins and antioxidants, ripening in fall.
  • 🍊Great for wildlife, as birds and animals love the fruit.
  • 🍊Cold-hardy and drought-tolerant, making it a resilient choice for gardens.

📚 Learn more from previous post:
Persimmon: cold hardy, dramatic fruit tree with a sweet fruit

🛒 Order American Persimmon

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How to get a quick shade from Elephant Ear and crafts from Monkey Ear?

Enterolobium cyclocarpum - Monkey Ear Tree, Elephant Ear Tree

Enterolobium cyclocarpum - Monkey Ear Tree, Elephant Ear Tree

Enterolobium cyclocarpum - Monkey Ear Tree, Elephant Ear Tree, seed pod

Enterolobium cyclocarpum - Monkey Ear Tree, Elephant Ear Tree, seed pod

Enterolobium cyclocarpum - Monkey Ear Tree, Elephant Ear Tree, seed pods

Enterolobium cyclocarpum - Monkey Ear Tree, Elephant Ear Tree, seed pods

Enterolobium cyclocarpum - Monkey Ear Tree, Elephant Ear Tree, flowers

Enterolobium cyclocarpum - Monkey Ear Tree, Elephant Ear Tree, flowers

Enterolobium cyclocarpum - Monkey Ear Tree, Elephant Ear Tree, fruit

Enterolobium cyclocarpum - Monkey Ear Tree, Elephant Ear Tree, fruit

🦣 How to get a quick shade from Elephant Ear and crafts from Monkey Ear?
  • 🙉 Looking for a cool looking tree that grows faster than your to-do list? Meet Enterolobium cyclocarpum - Monkey Ear Tree, or Elephant Ear Tree. This large, feathery beauty is one of the quirkiest members of the subtropics.
  • 🙉 This fast-growing, cold-hardy giant provides ample shade in no time, making it perfect for anyone seeking instant relaxation under a canopy.
  • 🙉 But here's the real kicker - the tree's pods curl up to resemble ears! These unique legume pods aren't just fun to look at, they're also great for crafts and decorations. Nature's art project, anyone?
  • 🙉 So, if you're looking for a curious tree with personality (and maybe a bit of ear charm), the Monkey Ear Tree is ready to impress. Grow it, shade it, and get crafty with its ear-shaped pods!

📱 See video how to make Monkey Ear bonsai in next post👇

🛒 Get your own Monkey Ear Tree

#Nature_Wonders #Trees

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What color is your cats eyes?

What color is your cats eyes?
😶 What color is your cat's eyes?

  • 👀 Cats can have a variety of eye colors, including blue, green, amber, and even gold.
  • 👀 A cat's eye color can change as they age. Kittens are usually born with blue eyes, which may gradually change to their permanent color as they grow older, typically by around three months of age.
  • 👀 The color of a cat's eyes can also be influenced by genetics, with some breeds like Siamese having striking blue eyes throughout their lives.
  • 👀 Some cats can have different colored eyes, a condition known as heterochromia - a disruption in melanin production that leads to a blue and yellow eye. This can result in one eye being blue and the other yellow, or even other color combinations like amber and green.

What color is your cat's eyes? Share your cats in comments!
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