A: Most grafted fruit trees, such as Mango,
Avocado, and
Peaches, will fruit quickly - often within the same year or the next.
There are also many wonderful tropical fruits that will produce for you within a
year or two, even without the need for grafting. Below are the top 10 of most
popular, most rewarding and easy to grow fast fruiting tropical trees:
1. Annona - Sugar Apple, Custard Apple.

Annonas are the fastest fruiting trees: 2-3-4 years from seed to fruit,
depending on species. They are the best tropical fruit trees suited for
container growing, due to their small height and can be maintained within 6-8 ft
2. Guava (Psidium sp.): Cattley and Tropical guava

Guava is a reliable producer, starts fruiting in a pot at small size.
Some varieties, especially Cattley guavas - Psidium littorale - are relatively cold hardy and can take some frost
without damage. Guavas are fast growing small trees or large bushes.
3. Eugenia - Tropical Cherries
Eugenias are favorites of Southern gardens. They are relatively cold
hardy and start producing right away. Black Surinam Cherry Lolita and Grumichama are our favorites!
4. Barbados Cherry (Malpighia glabra)

Another exceptional tropical cherry is Barbados Cherry. It is super popular as a heavy producer. The plant can start fruiting when it's only a few inches tall! If you are looking for a compact, but fast growing tree with colorful fruit that starts fruiting right away - plant
Barbados Cherry. It will also happily fruit in containers.
5. Eriobotrya (Eriobotrya japonica)

Loquat tree is fast-growing, drought-tolerant, cold-tolerant, compact tropical fruit tree. It is a heavy producer. Fruits are juicy, aromatic, and resemble apricots. Ripen from early Spring to early Summer. Ideal for small gardens, beginner fruit tree growers.
Papaya (Carica papaya)

Papaya is probably the fastest fruiting tree that can start production the same year from planting a seed. Many dwarf varieties available in selection, reaching only 6-8
ft tall, but producing large crops of full size fruit - they are easy to harvest. Plant 2-3 Papaya trees of different cultivars that fruit at different times of the year and enjoy heavy crops of healthy fruit year around! Another benefit - this tree doesn't take much space in the
garden, you can plant as many as you want.
7. Mulberry (Morus hybrids)

Mulberry is very cold hardy and can grow in wide range of climate zones,
from USDA 5 to 10. Everyone knows this sweet, tasty, juicy fruit. The tree
will produce right away, you will see fruit the next season after planting,
and the tree grows fast.
8. Carambola - Starfruit (Averrhoa carambola)

Growing Carambola tree is a fun and rewarding way to enjoy this unique
star-shaped delicious fruit right at home. It fruits on the 3d year from seed.
The tree is easy to grow and reliable producer, providing wind
9. Blackberry Jam Fruit (Randia formosa)

Blackberry Jam Fruit, Jasmin de Rosa is a curious small evergreen tree
or bush that combines features of a fragrant flower and delicious dessert
fruit which tastes like fresh Blackberry jam. Fragrant white flowers are similar
to Gardenia.
10. Peanut Butter Tree (Bunchosia argentea)

Peanut Butter Tree, earns its name from its fleshy fruits that boast a delightful peanut butter flavor. Compact in size, small tree reaching only 10-15 ft or kept as a bush, it's a perfect
choice for limited spaces. Can thrive indoors, starting to fruit within just 2-3 years from seed.