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Now you have seen everything: multi-grafted Adenium with different colors of flowers on the same plant!


🌸 Now you have seen everything: multi-grafted Adenium with different colors of flowers on the same plant!

🛒 Shop Adenium colors and hybrids

#Container_Garden #Nature_Wonders

🏵 TopTropicals


What is the easiest container plant with beautiful flowers?

Adenium collage

Adenium collage

🎍What is the easiest container plant with beautiful flowers?
  • 🌸 Desert roses - Adeniums! With so many colors of hybrids available in cultivation, you want to collect them all!
  • 🌸 Double flowers, red, purple, yellow, striped, dotted, rainbow, and even black flowers!
  • 🌸 Unlike most tropical and house plants, Adeniums like a neutral to hard water. They have very low water needs, can grow in full sun or shade.
  • 🌸 A secret how to create a large swollen caudex: raise the plant a bit every time you re-pot it, so that the upper part of roots will be a little exposed. The plant will form more roots that will go down.

📚 Learn how to grow Adeniums:
What you need for successful growing Adeniums

🛒 Shop Adenium colors and hybrids

#Container_Garden #How_to

🏵 TopTropicals


Why did she say its a dog poo? Its a beauty from Argentina!

Caudiciform Morning Glory - Ipomoea platensis

Caudiciform Morning Glory - Ipomoea platensis

Caudiciform Morning Glory - Ipomoea platensis

Caudiciform Morning Glory - Ipomoea platensis

Caudiciform Morning Glory - Ipomoea platensis

Caudiciform Morning Glory - Ipomoea platensis

Caudiciform Morning Glory - Ipomoea platensis

Caudiciform Morning Glory - Ipomoea platensis

Caudiciform Morning Glory - Ipomoea platensis

Caudiciform Morning Glory - Ipomoea platensis

Caudiciform Morning Glory - Ipomoea platensis

Caudiciform Morning Glory - Ipomoea platensis

Caudiciform Morning Glory - Ipomoea platensis

Caudiciform Morning Glory - Ipomoea platensis

Caudiciform Morning Glory - Ipomoea platensis

Caudiciform Morning Glory - Ipomoea platensis

💩 💃 Why did she say it's a dog poo? It's a beauty from Argentina!
  • 🌸 This remarkable caudiciform Morning Glory - Ipomoea platensis - is native to arid regions of Argentina.
  • 🌸 This is a showy flowering vine growing from a large caudex! The caudex can be of some weird shapes and forms. Some old lady once said "it's a dog poo plant!"
  • 🌸 Similar to Desert roses (Adeniums), it grows caudex for water storage to survive extended drought periods.
  • 🌸 Caudex grows over 2 ft! Vines reach over 12 ft, covered with beautiful bell-shaped pink flowers.
  • 🌸 Can be kept as a bonsai in a pot, easy to control as a container specimen with trellis or pruning.
  • 🌸 Although it doesn't mind dry conditions, the plant benefits from regular watering and good drainage, then it grows fast.
  • 🌸 This is one of our favorite plants, easy to grow, makes a great conversation piece. It is a perfect for bonsai

🛒 Order Caudiciform Morning Glory


🏵 TopTropicals


What is it, Jasmine, Carnation, or Gardenia?

Tabernaemontana Flore Pleno - Crape Jasmine, Carnation of India, Florida Gardenia

Tabernaemontana Flore Pleno - Crape Jasmine, Carnation of India, Florida Gardenia

Tabernaemontana Flore Pleno - Crape Jasmine, Carnation of India, Florida Gardenia

Tabernaemontana Flore Pleno - Crape Jasmine, Carnation of India, Florida Gardenia

Tabernaemontana Flore Pleno - Crape Jasmine, Carnation of India, Florida Gardenia

Tabernaemontana Flore Pleno - Crape Jasmine, Carnation of India, Florida Gardenia

🤷 What is it, Jasmine, Carnation, or Gardenia?

💮 Tabernaemontana Flore Pleno is also called Crape Jasmine, Carnation of India, or Florida Gardenia. Although it is not related to Jasmine, Carnation, or Gardenia! It is in fact in the same family with Plumeria and Desert Roses!

This lovely bush or small tree with waxy leaves and beautiful fragrant flowers is a must in every tropical garden. Because:
  • 💠 it is easy to grow and undemanding
  • 💠 it is very fast growing and bushy
  • 💠 it is free flowering throughout the year

🛒 Get one for your garden

#Perfume_Plants #Hedges_with_benefits


How to grow Desert Roses (Adeniums)

Desert Roses (Adeniums)

Desert Roses (Adeniums)

Desert Roses (Adeniums)

Desert Roses (Adeniums)

Desert Roses (Adeniums) indoors and soil mix

Desert Roses (Adeniums) indoors and soil mix

🌸 How to grow Desert Roses (Adeniums)

Adeniums, also known as Desert Roses, are exotic and striking plants with curious caudex and bright flowers. They can bring beauty to any indoor or outdoor garden. Despite their desert origins, they require a bit of care to thrive. Here's a simple guide to help you grow healthy and vibrant adeniums:

📚 A Guide to Growing Adeniums

🛒 Shop Adeniums

#How_to #Container_Garden

🏵 TopTropicals


Growing Adeniums: A Beginners Guide

Cat with adenium flowers

Q: How to you keep Adenium happy and blooming like on the pictures?

A: Adeniums, also known as Desert Roses, are exotic and striking plants that can bring beauty to any indoor or outdoor garden. Despite their desert origins, they require a bit of care to thrive. Here's a simple guide to help you grow healthy and vibrant adeniums:

Light and Location: Adeniums prefer filtered light, although they can tolerate full sun. In hot climates, they thrive in bright, indirect light. Position your plant accordingly to ensure optimal growth.

Potting and Soil: Use a small pot with excellent drainage to prevent waterlogging. Opt for a well-draining soil mix specifically designed for adeniums or create your own mix using cactus mix with added limestone for slightly alkaline conditions.

Watering: Water sparingly, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings. Avoid overwatering, which can lead to caudex rot. Water in the early morning and ensure the plant drinks up throughout the day.

Fertilization: Use a liquid fertilizer with high phosphate content to encourage both caudex growth and flowering. Apply according to label instructions, avoiding direct contact with the caudex. We recommend Sunshine Megaflor.

Caring for the Caudex: To promote a large swollen caudex, gradually raise the plant each time you repot it, exposing the upper roots. This encourages the formation of additional roots.

Maintenance and Blooming: Adeniums typically bloom from spring through fall. Ensure they receive ample light for heavy flowering. Avoid wetting the leaves and apply fertilizer to support overall plant health.

By following these simple steps, you can enjoy the beauty of adeniums in your own garden or home. With proper care and attention, your Desert Roses will flourish and delight you with their stunning blooms.

Adenium field


News arrivals: Adenium Rainbow

Collect them all!

Rainbow can with flowers

Exciting news: Fresh Adenium arrivals straight from Thailand! Behold an array of breathtaking varieties in an explosion of colors.

Adeniums are a must-have for gardeners, with enthusiasts avidly collecting diverse strains. These resilient plants flourish in pots, whether adorning outdoor gardens or brightening indoor spaces. With their charming compactness and eye-catching caudex, Adeniums effortlessly spark conversation and make memorable gifts.

Every year, new hybrids emerge, boasting double and triple blooms in an array of captivating hues - think vibrant reds, pinks, yellows, regal purples, and even dramatic blacks. Each variety is a masterpiece, showcasing unique patterns from dots to stripes to variegations.

Act fast - quantities are limited! Seize the opportunity to expand your collection now!

Adenium Collage

Photo above: selected varieties that just have arrived.


What plants are good to order in Winter?

Christmas dog and night moon with snow

Photo above: Christmas time in Ukraine (left) and Florida (right)

Q: Are there any tropical plants that will do well if I order them in Winter? We just bought a house in New Jersey with a large sunroom, and I can't wait to fill it with tropical beauties! Should I wait until Spring, or do you have something for a Winter start?

A: This is indeed a very good question, as many tropical plant collectors grow their treasures outside the tropics. The short answer is - yes! You can start filling your tropical sunroom any time of the year, but some plants are easier to deal with in Winter than others. Below are some guidelines.

Winter bloomers: Jatropha, Champaka, Brunfelsia, Calliandra, Leonotis

Winter bloomers today, left to right: Jatropha, Champaka, Brunfelsia, Calliandra, Leonotis.

1. Plants that prefer Winter shipping to avoid overheating stress:
- All plants with lush foliage such as Philodendrons, Medinilla
- Trees with fine feathery leaves such as Moringa, Jacaranda, Poinciana
- Some fruit trees sensitive to overheating during shipping: Papaya, Stawberry Tree, Starfruit (Carambola), Bilimbi.

2. Subtropical plants that are relatively cold hardy
- Fruit trees: Loquats, Olives, Avocados, Tropical Cherries: Eugenia, Malpighia, Noni (more cold hardy than you may think), Canistel.
- Flowering trees: Champaka, Tabebuia.
- All Bananas
- see all relatively cold hardy plants

3. Winter-dormant and/or deciduous plants: Adeniums, Plumerias, Gingers, Sugar Apple , Peaches and Plums, June Plum and Hog Plum.
See all deciduous/winter dormant plants.

4. Orchids, including Ground Orchids.

5. Winter flowers. Keep in mind that many tropical plants are winter bloomers, and their flowering is most profuse in Winter months, so you can enjoy the blooms right away:
Dombeya, Thunbergia, Gloxinia, Brunfelsia, Calliandra, Tibouchina, Barleria, Leonotis, Clerodendrums, Chinese Hat (Holmskioldia).
See all Winter bloomers.

Winter bloomers: Clerodendrum minahasse, Malvaviscus Summer Snow, Kopsia 

Winter bloomers today, left to right: Clerodendrum minahasse, Variegated Malvaviscus Summer Snow, Kopsia fruticosa

6. Winter plant care. During Winter the daylight is shorter and temperatures are cooler.
- Reduce watering
- Use only liquid amino-acid based fertilizer Sunshine Boosters (safe to use year around)
- Monitor insects.

7. Shipping in Winter. We ship year around. However, if it gets below freezing in your area, you may use FedEx Hold location, they are temperature controlled so you don't have to worry about a box being dropped off at your cold porch outside.

8. A note for mild climate residents. Most tropical plants can be planted in the ground year around. Some ultra-tropical tender species such Chocolate tree, Ylang Ylang, or small size Mango trees can be grown in pots until Spring and planted out once chances of cold spell are gone. Until then, they can be moved indoors for cold nights.

Think outside the box and bring tropical paradise indoors during the time when we need warmth the most! Tropical plants will brighten your short winter days and help you to have truly HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

Winter bloomers: Gloxinia, Barleria, and ever-bright Crotons

Winter bloomers today, left to right: Gloxinia, Barleria, and ever-bright Crotons...


Easy, stress-free plants
for Summer planting

Cat with Bananas

Q: With the rising temperatures, I'm concerned about shipping my plants safely. Can they withstand the heat during transit? Also, is it okay to plant them in the ground now, or should I wait for cooler Fall weather?

A: Your concern about shipping plants in hot weather is valid. For sensitive plants, we'll delay shipping until conditions are more favorable in your area. However, there are plenty of heat-tolerant tropical plants that handle shipping well with minimal stress. These plants adapt easily when planted during the hot summer months. Simply follow the included planting instructions, gradually acclimate them to full sun, and they should thrive.

Certain flowering tropical plants, such as Allamandas, Calliandras, Caesalpinias, Adeniums, and Clerodendrums, are excellent options for shipping and establishing during the summer. Flowering vines like Jasmines also adapt well. Consider using Sunshine Booster fertilizers to promote robust growth, they are safe to use right after planting.

Additionally, many fruit trees flourish in heat. Mangoes, Avocados, Pomegranates, Pineapples, Loquats, Eugenias - Tropical cherries, Bananas, Jackfruits, Dragon Fruit, and Olive trees are great choices for summer planting. Noni trees are hardy survivors and usually ship and grow well during the summer, in spite of their lush tropical leaves.

Feel free to check with us about the specific plant you plan to order for its suitability in summer shipping. We're here to take care of your green babies and address your year-round planting needs!

Pitaya Yellow Dragon Fruit, Selenicereus megalanthus

Pitaya, Yellow Dragon Fruit, Selenicereus megalanthus

Cat with Bananas

Jasminum sambac Maid of Orleans thrives and blooms in hot sun

Cat with Bananas

Kalanchoe synsepala Magnificent - Walking Cup Kalanchoe, spectacular plant, loves dry and hot conditions


How Gardening improves your health

Flowering Adenium

Q: Can gardening improve my health?

A: Gardening is not only a fun way to spend time but also an opportunity to bond with family and friends. Get everyone involved in planting flowers, starting a vegetable patch, or even organizing a whimsical Easter egg hunt amidst the blooming garden.

The joy of gardening offers mood-boosting benefits, leaving you feeling invigorated and cheerful during the festive holiday. Plus, the sense of accomplishment when your garden begins to flourish perfectly aligns with Easter's spirit of personal growth and transformation.

Head out to your garden with a spring in your step and a smile on your face. Revel in the beauty of nature, spend time with loved ones, and watch as your garden transforms into a lively, colorful haven.

Tuxedo cat with tomatoes