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How to always have lots of Guava Juice

 How to always have lots of Guava Juice  How to always have lots of Guava Juice  How to always have lots of Guava Juice  How to always have lots of Guava Juice  How to always have lots of Guava Juice
🍈 How to always have lots of Guava Juice.

  • 🧡 Psidium littorale, also known as Cattley Guava, is a charming small tropical fruit tree.

  • 🧡 Round fruits offer a unique culinary experience with a sweet and tangy flavor, perfect for various dishes and drinks.

  • 🧡 Surprisingly cold-hardy, it adds both beauty and flavor to any landscape.

  • 🧡 Ideal for containers

  • 🧡 A must-have for fruit lovers seeking a tropical treat.

  • 🧡 One tree can bring enough fruit for making a delicious, aromatic, refreshing Guava juice for the whole family during Summer months. Just put the fruit in a blender, add some water, ice and sugar and enjoy!🥤

🛒Order Cattley Guava and never run out of juice

#Food_Forest #Recipes

🏵 TopTropicals


What was discovered in the Pyramids: Pigeon Pea - an Ancient Superfood

What was discovered in the Pyramids: Pigeon Pea - an Ancient Superfood What was discovered in the Pyramids: Pigeon Pea - an Ancient Superfood What was discovered in the Pyramids: Pigeon Pea - an Ancient Superfood What was discovered in the Pyramids: Pigeon Pea - an Ancient Superfood
🤴 What was discovered in the Pyramids: Pigeon Pea - an Ancient Superfood...

  • 🫘 Cajanus cajan - Pigeon Pea - existed for more than 4800 year! It's been widely consumed in South Asia, South East Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Documented in India since 2,800 BC; reached Ancient Egypt around 2,200 BC.

  • 🫘 Provides flavorful, nutritious, and healthy food, with potential to become widely popular like Japanese sushi 🍱

  • 🫘 It is a showy perennial woody shrub or small tree, 4-8 ft tall, with soft leaves. Can be grown in container

  • 🫘Pretty flowers are yellow, with purple or red streaks, pods containing oval to round seeds.

  • 🫘 Many culinary uses: the tasty and healthy beans used in rice dishes, soups, stews, tempeh, tofu. Unripe pods eaten in curries, leaves and young shoots cooked as a vegetable.

  • 🫘 Rich source of fiber, protein, vitamins (B, C, E, K), and minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, zinc).

  • 🫘 Medicinal value: various folk medicinal uses for sores, bladderstones, jaundice, skin irritations, bronchitis, coughs, pneumonia, toothache, dysentery, and more.
  • 🫘 Everyone can grow it! The plant is super easy, tolerates poor soils, drought tolerant, improves soil quality like many other beans.

📚 Learn more about Pigeon Pea

🛒Grow your own Pigeon Pea Superfood

#Food_Forest #Remedies #Container_Garden #Fun_Facts

🏵 TopTropicals


Why cucumbers grow on a tree? Because they are candles!

Why cucumbers grow on a tree? Because they are candles! Why cucumbers grow on a tree? Because they are candles! Why cucumbers grow on a tree? Because they are candles! Why cucumbers grow on a tree? Because they are candles! Why cucumbers grow on a tree? Because they are candles!
🥒 Why cucumbers grow on a tree? Because they are "candles"! 🕯

  • 🕯 This bizarre tree is a conversation piece and every plant collector should have one!

  • 🕯 Parmentiera edulis - Candle Tree, or Guahalote - is a highly ornamental tree with interesting leaves, pretty cream flowers and...ready?

  • 🕯One foot long fruits resembling a greenish-yellow cucumbers or candles that hang off the tree!

  • 🕯Juicy fruit is edible and has a sweet flavor similar to sugar cane. Eaten raw or cooked; used to make pickles or preserves

  • 🕯The fruit is a remedy for colds; roots used as a diuretic.

  • 🕯Easy to grow and not fussy about conditions. Cold tolerant to light frost.

🎥 10 Plants That Will Make You Happy. Plant #2: Candle Tree.

🛒Get your own Candle Tree

#Food_Forest #Recipes #Nature_Wonders #Remedies

🏵 TopTropicals


What tropical fruit tree is cold hardy and easy to grow? Its Golden Loquat the Symbol of Prosperity, and it tastes like

 What tropical fruit tree is cold hardy and easy to grow? Its Golden Loquat  the Symbol of Prosperity, and it tastes like
🧡 What tropical fruit tree is cold hardy and easy to grow? It's Golden Loquat – the Symbol of Prosperity, and it tastes like apricots!

  • 🍑 Loquat tree (Eriobotrya japonica) is fast-growing, drought-tolerant, cold-tolerant, compact tropical fruit tree.

  • 🍑 Heavy producer. Fruits are juicy, aromatic, and resemble apricots. Ripen from early Spring to early Summer.

  • 🍑 Ideal for small gardens, beginner fruit tree growers.

  • 🍑 High in sugar, acids, vitamins B and C, minerals, and pectin.

  • 🍑 Eaten fresh, used in fruit salads, jams, jellies, chutneys, pies, tarts, and wine

  • Popular as a natural sweetener and for creating sauces.

  • 🍑 Grown in Japan for over 1,000 years. In China, represents gold and wealth, often included in auspicious displays or offerings for prosperity💰

📚 Learn more about Loquats
🎥 YouTube video about Loquat
📁 Overlooked fruit: tasty Loquat recipes (PDF)

🛒Start your fruit garden with Loquats

#Food_Forest #Recipes

🏵 TopTropicals


What tropical fruit tree is cold hardy and easy to grow? Its Golden Loquat the Symbol of Prosperity, and it tastes like

 What tropical fruit tree is cold hardy and easy to grow? Its Golden Loquat  the Symbol of Prosperity, and it tastes like  What tropical fruit tree is cold hardy and easy to grow? Its Golden Loquat  the Symbol of Prosperity, and it tastes like  What tropical fruit tree is cold hardy and easy to grow? Its Golden Loquat  the Symbol of Prosperity, and it tastes like  What tropical fruit tree is cold hardy and easy to grow? Its Golden Loquat  the Symbol of Prosperity, and it tastes like  What tropical fruit tree is cold hardy and easy to grow? Its Golden Loquat  the Symbol of Prosperity, and it tastes like
🧡 What tropical fruit tree is cold hardy and easy to grow? It's Golden Loquat – the Symbol of Prosperity, and it tastes like apricots!

  • 🍑 Loquat tree (Eriobotrya japonica) is fast-growing, drought-tolerant, cold-tolerant, compact tropical fruit tree.

  • 🍑 Heavy producer. Fruits are juicy, aromatic, and resemble apricots. Ripen from early Spring to early Summer.

  • 🍑 Ideal for small gardens, beginner fruit tree growers.

  • 🍑 High in sugar, acids, vitamins B and C, minerals, and pectin.

  • 🍑 Eaten fresh, used in fruit salads, jams, jellies, chutneys, pies, tarts, and wine

  • Popular as a natural sweetener and for creating sauces.

  • 🍑 Grown in Japan for over 1,000 years. In China, represents gold and wealth, often included in auspicious displays or offerings for prosperity💰

📚 Learn more about Loquats
🎥 YouTube video about Loquat
📁 Overlooked fruit: tasty Loquat recipes (PDF)

🛒Start your fruit garden with Loquats

#Food_Forest #Recipes

🏵 TopTropicals


What tropical fruit tree is cold hardy and easy to grow? Its Golden Loquat the Symbol of Prosperity, and it tastes like

 What tropical fruit tree is cold hardy and easy to grow? Its Golden Loquat  the Symbol of Prosperity, and it tastes like  What tropical fruit tree is cold hardy and easy to grow? Its Golden Loquat  the Symbol of Prosperity, and it tastes like  What tropical fruit tree is cold hardy and easy to grow? Its Golden Loquat  the Symbol of Prosperity, and it tastes like  What tropical fruit tree is cold hardy and easy to grow? Its Golden Loquat  the Symbol of Prosperity, and it tastes like  What tropical fruit tree is cold hardy and easy to grow? Its Golden Loquat  the Symbol of Prosperity, and it tastes like
🧡 What tropical fruit tree is cold hardy and easy to grow? It's Golden Loquat – the Symbol of Prosperity, and it tastes like apricots!

  • 🍑 Loquat tree (Eriobotrya japonica) is fast-growing, drought-tolerant, cold-tolerant, compact tropical fruit tree.

  • 🍑 Heavy producer. Fruits are juicy, aromatic, and resemble apricots. Ripen from early Spring to early Summer.

  • 🍑 Ideal for small gardens, beginner fruit tree growers.

  • 🍑 High in sugar, acids, vitamins B and C, minerals, and pectin.

  • 🍑 Eaten fresh, used in fruit salads, jams, jellies, chutneys, pies, tarts, and wine

  • Popular as a natural sweetener and for creating sauces.

  • 🍑 Grown in Japan for over 1,000 years. In China, represents gold and wealth, often included in auspicious displays or offerings for prosperity💰

📚 Learn more about Loquats
🎥 YouTube video about Loquat
📁 Overlooked fruit: tasty Loquat recipes (PDF)

🛒Start your fruit garden with Loquats

#Food_Forest #Recipes

🏵 TopTropicals


What does a dragon taste like? Does Dragon Fruit come from a monster cactus? Learn why you need to grow your own

 What does a dragon taste like? Does Dragon Fruit come from a monster cactus? Learn why you need to grow your own  What does a dragon taste like? Does Dragon Fruit come from a monster cactus? Learn why you need to grow your own  What does a dragon taste like? Does Dragon Fruit come from a monster cactus? Learn why you need to grow your own  What does a dragon taste like? Does Dragon Fruit come from a monster cactus? Learn why you need to grow your own  What does a dragon taste like? Does Dragon Fruit come from a monster cactus? Learn why you need to grow your own  What does a dragon taste like? Does Dragon Fruit come from a monster cactus? Learn why you need to grow your own  What does a dragon taste like? Does Dragon Fruit come from a monster cactus? Learn why you need to grow your own
🐲 What does a dragon taste like? Does Dragon Fruit come from a monster cactus? Learn why you need to grow your own. 🌵

  • 🔴 You may have tried a Dragon fruit from the store l, but do you know how it grows? On a cactus tree!

  • 🔴 Names: varieties of Hylocereus and Selenicereus - these fruit bearing cactus plants are also called Dragon Fruit or Pitaya.

  • 🔴 Commercially grown fruit sold in a grocery store may be tasteless. You need to grow your own good variety to have tasty, sweet, flavorful fruit!

  • 🔴 Dragon fruit comes in many varieties. Colors of flesh differ: white, pink, dark red and even purple. The outside of the fruit can be red/pink or yellow.

  • 🔴 In commercial groves, Pitayas grow like cactus trees, over a strong support - big "umbrella frames" ☂️

  • 🔴 It is an easy plant, with low water needs, takes both sun and semi-shade.

  • 🔴 Our favorite variety is Yellow Dragon Fruit Palora, (Selenicereus megalanthus). It is the sweetest and has the most flavor of all. We shared some recipes earlier.

  • 🔴 Can be grown in container with a wooden trellis. And the flower is beautiful, too!🪷

📚 Learn more about Dragon Fruit
🍹 Recipe: What to do with a Dragon fruit?

🛒Grow your own Tasty Dragon Fruits

#Food_Forest #Recipes #Nature_Wonders

🏵 TopTropicals


What does a dragon taste like? Does Dragon Fruit come from a monster cactus? Learn why you need to grow your own

 What does a dragon taste like? Does Dragon Fruit come from a monster cactus? Learn why you need to grow your own  What does a dragon taste like? Does Dragon Fruit come from a monster cactus? Learn why you need to grow your own  What does a dragon taste like? Does Dragon Fruit come from a monster cactus? Learn why you need to grow your own  What does a dragon taste like? Does Dragon Fruit come from a monster cactus? Learn why you need to grow your own  What does a dragon taste like? Does Dragon Fruit come from a monster cactus? Learn why you need to grow your own  What does a dragon taste like? Does Dragon Fruit come from a monster cactus? Learn why you need to grow your own  What does a dragon taste like? Does Dragon Fruit come from a monster cactus? Learn why you need to grow your own
🐲 What does a dragon taste like? Does Dragon Fruit come from a monster cactus? Learn why you need to grow your own. 🌵

  • 🔴 You may have tried a Dragon fruit from the store l, but do you know how it grows? On a cactus tree!

  • 🔴 Names: varieties of Hylocereus and Selenicereus - these fruit bearing cactus plants are also called Dragon Fruit or Pitaya.

  • 🔴 Commercially grown fruit sold in a grocery store may be tasteless. You need to grow your own good variety to have tasty, sweet, flavorful fruit!

  • 🔴 Dragon fruit comes in many varieties. Colors of flesh differ: white, pink, dark red and even purple. The outside of the fruit can be red/pink or yellow.

  • 🔴 In commercial groves, Pitayas grow like cactus trees, over a strong support - big "umbrella frames" ☂️

  • 🔴 It is an easy plant, with low water needs, takes both sun and semi-shade.

  • 🔴 Our favorite variety is Yellow Dragon Fruit Palora, (Selenicereus megalanthus). It is the sweetest and has the most flavor of all. We shared some recipes earlier.

  • 🔴 Can be grown in container with a wooden trellis. And the flower is beautiful, too!🪷

📚 Learn more about Dragon Fruit
🍹 Recipe: What to do with a Dragon fruit?

🛒Grow your own Tasty Dragon Fruits

#Food_Forest #Recipes #Nature_Wonders

🏵 TopTropicals


Why nuts? We are not nuts! But we taste like peanut butter

 Why nuts? We are not nuts! But we taste like peanut butter  Why nuts? We are not nuts! But we taste like peanut butter  Why nuts? We are not nuts! But we taste like peanut butter  Why nuts? We are not nuts! But we taste like peanut butter  Why nuts? We are not nuts! But we taste like peanut butter  Why nuts? We are not nuts! But we taste like peanut butter
🥜 Why nuts? We are not nuts! But we taste like peanut butter... Craving a Nutty Surprise? Meet the Delectable Peanut Butter Tree!

  • 🔴 Bunchosia argentea, commonly known as the Peanut Butter Tree, earns its name from its fleshy fruits that boast a delightful peanut butter flavor - how cool is that?

  • 🔴 This attractive small tree dazzles with clusters of yellow flowers, followed by an abundance of dark red fruit with rich, sweet flesh reminiscent of peanut butter.

  • 🔴 Loved by both kids and adults, this exotic fruit is as fascinating as the Miracle fruit, making it a rare gem in cultivation.

  • 🔴 Compact in size, small tree reaching only 10-15 ft or kept as a bush, it's a perfect choice for limited spaces.

  • 🔴 Can thrive indoors, starting to fruit within just 2-3 years from seed.

🛒 Get your own Peanut Butter Tree

#Food_Forest #Nature_Wonders

🏵 TopTropicals


How Blue Jaboticaba is different from regular Jaboticaba?

 How Blue Jaboticaba is different from regular Jaboticaba?  How Blue Jaboticaba is different from regular Jaboticaba?  How Blue Jaboticaba is different from regular Jaboticaba?  How Blue Jaboticaba is different from regular Jaboticaba?
🍇 How Blue Jaboticaba is different from regular Jaboticaba?

In fact, they are very much alike! Just different species of Myrciaria that has somewhat smaller growth habit, which makes it an excellent container fruit tree! It also is much more productive.

  • 🔵 Blue Jaboticaba tree, Myrciaria vexator is a beautiful slow growing tree or shrub. It bears dark purple, almost bluish fruits, with thin, sweet flesh that taste somewhat like sweet grapes.

  • 🔵 Fruits are borne in late Spring or early Fall and usually eaten fresh or used in drinks.

  • 🔵 The plant is little known in cultivation, yet the fruits are of equal or superior quality to regular Jaboticaba that we mentioned earlier. A single bush may produce several thousand fruits!

  • 🔵 Blue Jaboticaba can tolerate light frost when established.

🛒 Order Blue Jaboticaba

#Food_Forest #Container_Garden

🏵 TopTropicals