This Fall Special:
Avocados and Champakas in large containers
The clean-up and restoration after Hurricane Ian continues for many of
us across Florida and the Southeast. Some people In SW Florida lost their
homes, and almost every home owner lost a tree or even the whole garden.
TopTropicals is here to help. We started introducing special Re-Leaf offers to help
local gardeners replace broken trees. When it's time to restore your garden,
we have 15-25 gallon
Avocado trees in many varieties and oversized Magnolia Champaca trees available for pick up at our Fort
Myers Garden Center or B-Farm in Sebring.
These trees are 6-8 feet tall (some larger)
and ready to bear fruit!
...We already know that most fortunate "green thumbs" have Air signs -
Gemini, Libra and Aquarius - and between them, the "greenest" thumb belongs to
Libra. The light of a distant greenish star Zuben-el-Shamali, which controls
not only the stability of the Universe, but also gives to people born under
this sign the opportunity to make our world better and more beautiful by
growing of all kinds of plants. This is the main purpose of Libra.
...Under Libra's green thumb, everything they touch grows and blooms. The
plants with large light-colored flowers and a delicious fragrance will be most
beloved by Libra... CONTINUE READING >>
New video: Royal Poinciana
The most beautiful tropical shade tree
"The Royal Poinciana is one of the most spectacular flowering trees
in the USA, and probably among the top 10 on this planet. In full bloom, it is
like a regal elephant caparisoned in red and yellow brilliance." (Larry
M. Schokman, The Kampong, National Tropical Botanic Garden)
One of the most conspicuous flowering trees seen in the tropics, Royal poinciana (Delonix regia) has bright fiery red/orange
blossoms cover its mimosa type leaves which close up and go to sleep for the
This large tree, which naturally assumes a spreading umbrella shape, is now
found in gardens, parks, and planted along streets throughout the tropics.
In late spring, as the new leaves appear, the tree is covered with masses of
five-petalled red flowers resembling orchid flowers. Blooming is followed by
long, flattened, leathery dark brown or black seed pods. Delonix requires full
sun and adequate space to take its characteristic form....
Read Article about this tree.
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and get our latest video news of what is fruiting and blooming!
"...How important it is for us to recognize and celebrate
our heroes and she-roes..." - Maya Angelou -
On May 30, people across the nation will make it a point to remember and
honor the many sacrifices of military service members who have given their
lives for our country. Celebrate this important day with us by planting a tree in memory of our heroes - and here is your 22%
What are your Lucky Zodiac plants? Plant Horoscope - Pisces
by Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats
...As the endless diversity of fish in Earth's reservoirs, the characters of those born under this sign of the Zodiac, are also incomprehensible. That is why compiling a horoscope for this sign is especially difficult. The main feature of Pisces is movement and unpredictability, which depends even not on themselves, but rather on external influences. Unlike other water signs, Pisces do not live on the surface, their world is there, in the water space...
A Native Virgin - Sweetbay Vanilla Magnolia
(Magnolia virginiana)
by Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats
...Fossilized specimens one of Magnolias have been found dating to 20
million years ago. Magnolia virginiana as a true American pioneer - it was the
first magnolia to be scientifically described, and is the type species of the
genus Magnolia; as Magnolia is also the type genus of all flowering plants
(magnoliophytes), this species in a sense typifies all flowering plants...
...The flowers carry a very strong vanilla scent that can sometimes be
noticed several hundred yards away! Fresh off the tree, the flavor of leaves is
unique and fun to use. If you have a Florida Sweet Bay, your cooking will have
flavors folks outside Florida can never hope to duplicate. It likes moist
soils, so if you have a wet spot on your land - plant this tree. The lifespan
of individual trees has been estimated at 130 years! No bugs, no pests!..
Q: We just moved to Florida from New York. The weather is so hot
and I wonder if I should wait till Fall to plant my garden? I tried to plant some seeds of annuals but nothing grew, just weeds. I also planted
tomato seeds, they germinated but died in few days. What am I doing wrong?
A: Growing from seeds during hot season can be tricky. Here in Florida, we still can grow anuals and vegetables from seeds, but only during
winter season. Annuals and tomatoes need cooler temperatures and protection from
rain water which we have in abundance during summer. Combination hot + wet
can kill those seedlings. On the other hand, seeds of tropical species love the heat and
humidity, and germinate in no time, they just require a little experience.
However, Summer is a perfect time to plant and establish starter plants in your garden.
Five advantages of summer planting
1. Root growth. High temperatures promote rapid root growth - this is one secrets of a plant nursery. If you grow plants in pots, putting a pot on top of
black ground cover will increase the effect, and the roots will grow even faster than the tops! This is a great head start for a plant. Make sure to provide adequate watering. 2. Fast development. With bright sun and longest day light, photosynthesis is more efficient. In simple words,
during hot summer tropical plants have faster metabolism, they produce cells faster and grow leaves and stems faster. 3. Bugs be gone. Bright sun in combination with good air circulation will help to stay away from insects, leaf fungus, and
other diseases. 4. Fertilizing can be generous and will be most efficient. In summer, there is less chance to overdose, as plant food is consumed fast, and summer rains help to prevent nutrient lock up in soil. 5. Rain water works like magic. Rainy season in Florida is our blessing. It can not be replaced by sprinklers or even daily hose water. Rain penetrates
evenly and saturates not only a root ball but also the surrounding area that gives room to spread even bigger roots. Rain water
also works like a "flush" to rinse off all excessive salts that may build up in soil.
As a result, plants will establish faster and grow bigger before
winter, which will give them a better chance to survive possible cold spells.
Plant in summer and watch plants grow healthy and happy
every day!
Champaka, or Joy Perfume Tree, is regarded as one of the most sacred
trees of India and tropical Asia. Its flowers exude a divine fragrance that is
exceedingly pleasing to the Gods... and women!..
(See more info about Champaka). This video presented by our video host David
About David in his own words: "...I am passionate about health and living life to the fullest. I grew up in northern Wisconsin and my travels have allowed me to live in places like Colorado and Arizona before I arrived in SW Florida. I make fresh vegetable juices and cleansing programs for people as well as inspiring, educational and some funny videos on my
YouTube channel and Instagram. I got into gardening during the first month of
the pandemic. After I harvested my first radish and ate it fresh I was hooked!
I am excited to be working and learning in such a great environment like Top
Tropicals. I hope to talk about all the cool plants with everyone while I am
Stay updated with TopTropicals Videos by subscribing to our channel at
and get our latest video news of what is fruiting and blooming!
Q: I purchased a Magnolia champaca 1 gallon a few years ago. It is still growing as I
bring it into my greenhouse in the winter. I live in VA. This spring I planted
it in the ground hoping it might bloom which it did not. Will it survive our
fairly mild winters with several freezing days with some special attention?
What would you do?
A: Magnolia champaca is a tropical tree and won't survive winter in VA. It can not take hard freeze. Your only option is, to keep it in a pot and bring inside. If the temperature inside your greenhouse is too low, this may affect the plant's ability to flower. For example, if it stays 35-40F for a whole month - although it is not a hard freeze and the plant may survive, but the duration of the cold period is more critical than the low temperature itself. Champaka can survive a few hours even at upper 20's, but not many days with cool temperatures. The temperature in winter should be maintained at least above 55F during day time (the higher the better) and at least above 45F at night.
If the tree has grown too big, you may trim it. If the root ball is too
large, roots can be trimmed too (similar way like they do with bonsai) before
repotting. However, trimming must be done either during warm season and active
growth, or in Spring, when the tree starts waking up and promotes new
To encourage flowering, start fertilizing your Champaka with a liquid bloom
booster - SUNSHINE Pikake - Fragrant Flower Booster. It can be used year round
including winter months, and it is safe to apply with every watering. This way
you will provide to the tree enough energy for the next flowering season, so
flowers can be expected in late Spring - Summer.
Q: My baby fig tree was sprayed by the lawn people with weed
killer :( Any ideas? Also what figs do you have available to grow here in
A: Unfortunately once a plant is affected by a herbicide, there
is not much you can do about it.
If you don't rinse the chemical within a few seconds, it gets into the
plant internal system and nothing can be done to save the plant. The tree may
remain green for a few days up to a week, but then gradually dies back. If your
fig tree wasn't rinsed immediately after herbicide spray, it is probably too
If you want to replace it with a new one, here is a few suggestions of our
favorite fig varieties which are great producers and grow well in Florida
Make sure to get appropriate plant food for your fig tree so it develops
faster for you and gets well-established before winter: SUNSHINE C-Cibus - Crop Nutrition Booster from Garden Series, or Combo
Total Feed Collection - all nutrients in just one bottle, for fruit trees and