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Happy Mother's Day!

with New Fragrant Plumerias...

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother’s Day with the most beautiful symbol of the Tropics - fragrant Plumeria! Lots of new varieties just arrived!

Instant 15% OFF Plumerias
Collect them all!

No min order. Exp. 5-12-22

Plumeria collage

On top of that - 10% OFF! Remember, today is the last day of the Mother's Day discount coupon:


Min order $100. Exp. 5-8-22

Last moment gift shopping:
Gift Card!

Gift Card


Mother's Day Sale!

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers and congratulations to you all for remembering it!

For all mothers and for those who have ever had a mother :)
Here is a 10% OFF coupon for your Mother's Day Shopping, starting today!


Min order $100. Exp. 5-8-22

Last moment gift shopping:
Gift Card!

Gift Card


What is the easiest, prettiest, and most practical plant?
A plastic one?
Believe it or not, there is a different answer:

Plant of the month: Callisia Variegated Golden Tendril

Callisia fragrans x soconuscensis Melnikoff - Variegated Golden Tendril

Callisia fragrans x soconuscensis Melnikoff - Variegated Golden Tendril

An ultimate plant:
- perfect low maintenance house plant
- easy to grow
- has multiple holistic medicinal properties
- can grow fast as grownd cover
- needs almost no water
- sun or shade
- no fuss, no kidding!

This is an extremely rare variety of the European Holistic Medicinal Plant - Golden Tendril. It has showy variegated leaves and makes a beautiful houseplant on top of its medicinal value. It tolerates wide range of conditions and requires very little water; takes both bright sun or shade and is very fast growing and easy. The plant has wide medicinal use in Europe, literally every household uses this plant as a home remedies... just like Aloe Vera! According to scientific research, active biological substances from steroid group contained in this plant can struggle with any types of infections, stimulates metabolic processes, strengthens immunity and circulatory system, has a positive influence on growths and much more... some people consider it a virtual panacea. Whether it works for everybody or not, it is definitely fun to own such a legendary plant!

These are pictures of actual plants for sale!

Callisia fragrans x soconuscensis Melnikoff - Variegated Golden Tendril


Aphrodisiac Superherb: Turnera

4415 Turnera ulmifolia Sundrop - Yellow Buttercup

By Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats

This plant has been a much wanted herb for the last decade due to its magic, special properties... The plant is Turnera, or Damiana, the newest superplant to attract attention among the wellness-minded set...
...It is one of the more notorious herbal aphrodisiacs and has the reputation of being a superlative sexual tonic. Turnera is a mood-elevating aromatic herb that helps calm anxiety and induce a relaxed state of mind... It lends a delightful energy and flavor to wines and sundry other erotic potions...

Turnera subulata Key West, White Buttercup


Spend time among trees...

"...Time spent among trees is never time wasted..."
- Katrina Mayer -

Ceiba pentandra

One of the most impressive and massive trees in the world - Ceiba pentandra - Kapok Tree. A majestic tropical tree! The ancient Maya of Central America believed that a great Ceiba tree stood at the center of the earth... Would you like to try growing it in the center of your backyard? Considering it will take decades to grow this big...


Ficus macrophylla (Banyan). Did you know that exotic Banyan Trees are close related to Fig trees?..


Our Ukrainian team update:
Happy Birthday Dasha!
Born amid the war...

Anatoly and Dasha

A happy update from our Sunshine Boosters team member in Ukraine, Anatoly Bychko: a baby girl is born!
"...We expected our baby when the war started... So my wife and I left the basement and drove hundreds of miles trying to get away from deadly missiles and find a working hospital... We left everything we had, lost our home, only took our Cat Belyash ("dumpling"). Now we started our new life in a new city... with a newborn little person - our Angel. Her name is Dasha!.."


Belyash Cat

All profits from Sunshine Boosters sales are used to help families of our Ukrainian Team

Miltonia spectabilis

Photo above: Easter present for Top Tropicals, Miltonia spectabilis var. moreliana, hand-crafted cross-stitch embroidery by our Editor Marina Rybka, the original photo by Oksana Rybka (Ukraine) taken in Prague Botanical Garden.


Aries Zodiac lucky plants

By Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats

...Confident, energetic and fearless Aries, despite a stubborn forehead and steeply bent horns, is gentle and peaceful creature. Nevertheless, upholding his ideals, he can stubbornly go to the end non plus ultra, even to sacrificial death... Lamb is considered as sacrificial animal for a reason!..
...But in everyday life Aries are fun, kind and friendly people. Yes, stubborn, of course, but light character most often directs this stubbornness to achieve their goals, make dreams come true...
...With the same perseverance and energy, Aries will grow their flowers and plants, warming under the rays of the morning sun, to the joy for all: Aries, animals, humans and all live creatures. Aries is a great gardener. Everything grows, blooms, and fruits, whatever planted. Aries can rightfully be considered the "greenest" of all Zodiac signs!...


NEW VIDEO Interview:
Sunshine Boosters Fertilizer works Magic for Plants

Sunshine Boosters youtube video

In this video our customer Kareem is sharing his experience with using Sunshine Boosters fertilizers.
How to grow bigger plants faster?
What fertilizer is organic and safe for edibles, pets and insects?
How to make your fruit and veggies juicier, sweeter and more flavorful?
What is the most efficient and economical fertilizer?
How much fertilizer to use, for how long, and when to start?
Find out now!

Sunshine Boosters YouTube video

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