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Meet PeopleCats of TopTropicals. Cat of the Day: Google the Cat. The Brain.

Google is the second oldest cat of TopTropicals, after Jim. Google lives in the same house with Jim where they both help us to develop new features for our website.
Google is the most intelligent cat on Planet Earth. Originally we got him from an animal shelter after his first adoption failed: someone returned him back to the shelter... It was hard to believe because he was so cute... but soon enough, we realized why someone was spooked away... Google is TOO smart! When he looks at you and rolls his eyes, you instantly have a feeling that he can literally see through you, and read your mind... It didn't scare us, of course. On opposite, Google became very helpful with writing database codes, engineering difficult construction tasks, and other comprehensive projects that require a brilliant intellect. Since 2007, Google has been a personal assistant of one of the TopTropicals owners, and their minds are worth each other. Google never leaves his desk until he makes sure every complicated task is completed.
Google loves little children (for conversations), shrimp (for snacks) and hi-tech projects (for fun).

Check out Video: Meet PeopleCats of TopTropicals and more Cat of the Day stories.


Meet PeopleCats of TopTropicals. Cat of the Day: Jim the Founder

Jim is the oldest cat of Top Tropicals. In fact, he is one of the Founders. In 2004 a tiny kitten showed up at first TopTropicals Nursery - a small quarter acre in Ft Lauderdale... Jim looked very important and confident and told us that he wants to stay with us because he sees a great future for TopTropicals... and he was right. Since then, Jim traveled with us through all nursery locations we ever had!

Jim used to lay on top of a warm monitor and help with our first website designs... if you look at his favorite monitor in the picture, you now can imagine how old this cat is!
In spite of his age, Jim is very active and likes to eat a lot. He believes that a good meal is key to a healthy living, and prefers variety. He eats everything: meat, fish, soup, pasta, pizza, veggies, cucumbers, salad... eats well and stays healthy!
Jim happily participates in all costume parties. Yes, it is him in a Santa costume greeting you at the top of this newsletter!

Don't miss out: Loquat Big Jim - we only have 4 plants, they all named after Jim!

Check out Video: Meet PeopleCats of TopTropicals and more Cat of the Day stories.


Meet PeopleCats of TopTropicals. Cat of the Day: Muggle the Snuggle

The sweet talking bathroom cat

Muggle* (or some call him Mawgli) is the little brother to Bagheera. We call him the sweet talker because he really does talk to you. As soon as he sees you he wants to have a conversation. He meows at you and if you meow back he will continue the talk. He is our bathroom cat because he loves to sit in the bathroom with you and purrrrrr. We think maybe he sees this time as his alone time with his humans, his one-on-one time when he doesn't have to share the attention with the other PeopleCats!

* His name is actually Muggle, Jamie named him after Harry Potter which she loves.

Check out Video: Meet PeopleCats of TopTropicals and more Cat of the Day stories.


Meet PeopleCats of TopTropicals. Cat of the Day: Kevin Coconuts, brother of James Coconuts

Many of you know well James Coconuts who has been in charge of our Customer Service. Only recently James discovered a twin brother! Kevin Coconuts lives with Sue and Mark (our horticulturist) and helps Mark to grow all his exclusive rare plants. Here is Kevin's story told by Sue...

"...One fall day about a year ago we had a visit from a gangly little stray who seemed drawn to our home. We originally thought he was the kitty from across the street, as his markings are almost identical. We repeatedly shooed him off but the next day, there he was again. His unassuming, humble personality drew us in. Upon closer observation we could see he was a male, while the one across the street is female, so we realized he did not belong over there. He seemed to have nowhere else to go...
With his silly playful attitude, Kevin wormed his way into our hearts and we decided to accept him as one of ours. Upon entering our house for the first time, he seemed to know his way around, and within a couple hours he was fast asleep on the couch. Our two other cats (Amun & Midnight) did not seem perturbed, which is very unusual for CATS, as anyone with cats knows! We have enjoyed Kevin's warm and comical demeanor and could not imagine life without him. He is a bright light that lifts the hearts of all who meet him!"

Check out Video: Meet PeopleCats of TopTropicals and more Cat of the Day stories.


Meet PeopleCats of TopTropicals. Cat of the Day: Bagheera

Bagheera and Mowgli are Kristi's PeopleCats, originally they came together and they stick together. As little kittens, they were raised by Moe, the Mama-cat. Although she is not technically their Mom, but... she is a Mom for everyone!

Bagheera was born with his brother at a gator farm. He was too little to leave his mom, but he needed out. Bagheera is one of the sweetest boys we know. When he was a baby he could not sleep without laying on Kristi's face, both paws stretching across her mouth. Now he's a big brave boy. He rules the inside PeopleCats, stealing food from his human's plates and asking forgiveness at night when he lays above your head with his hands on your face. He's a reminder that we are all still little kittens on the inside...

Bagheera's new nicknames are Mr Biggs, Biggie and Biggy Biggy Biggy!

Check out Video: Meet PeopleCats of TopTropicals and more Cat of the Day stories.


Meet PeopleCats of TopTropicals. Cindy's Purry - Jackson's Nanny

Purry came in the same litter with LadyBug, Ricki, and Charlie.
She now lives in Cindy's house as an indoor cat. She is the most lovable and purring purrrrson.

Purry (or Pursey) has a little ward she faithfully looks after... Her soft purrs put Baby Jackson Michael every time to sleep!

Check out Video: Meet PeopleCats of TopTropicals and more Cat of the Day stories.

Purry - 2016


Meet PeopleCats of TopTropicals. Anna Banana's Kiki and Bandit

Everyone knows and loves our Anna Banana - the Heart of Top Tropicals Customer Service. Today she found herself another exciting project... to build a Cat Play Room! She sacrificed her whole living room and the whole paycheck for that.
The girl kitty with a black face is Kiki Tails. She is a bobtail. Bandit is a black and white boy with a white tip on a black tail. Anna Banana got them when they were just 7 weeks old. Kiki and Bandit were born on August 26, 2019, in Buckingham, just down the street from Top Tropicals Nursery!

Call Anna Banana's direct line 239-771-8081 to say hi to Kiki and Bandit! We will follow up on these babies and soon will update you with their new stories. Stay with us!

Now, here is Anna Banana's million-dollar question to her favorite customers: how do Cats and Plants go together in your garden or indoor plant collection? Tell us how your cats help you to grow plants, with pictures! The Winner will receive a FREE plant of $50 value! Participating stories and photos will be featured on Top Tropicals Facebook page.

Please use our contact form to submit your stories with pictures, with a subject "Cats in the Garden Contest"

Check out Video: Meet PeopleCats of TopTropicals and more Cat of the Day stories.


Why cats???

"One cat just leads to another..."

- Ernest Hemingway -

Q: I learn a lot from your emails and it is one of the few subscriptions that I actually (usually) open and read. I don't mean to be negative but I'm not really a fan of the cat content that you now feature above the plant content. I'm surprised that you dedicate so much space to material that really is off-topic... I'm glad you guys are in business and you educate as much (or more) than you sell. I actually drove to your location to buy stuff a few years ago and most of what I bought is still alive. My neighbor also bought a cocoa plant from you and it is thriving!

A: Thank you for your comments and orders with us. We really appreciate your interest in our newsletter.
As far as cats, we added regular Cat of The Day section because it became so popular and many customers asked for it ;) While we all know that the World is made of 2 halves - CatPeople and DogPeople, most PlantPeople are PetPeople and they find this combination fun and garden-productive!
Besides, TopTropicals Garden Center is a cat-friendly Plant facility, so the cats are part of our business, as a matter of fact... Not only do they help us with our daily hard work, they also give us so much love, and helps us to become better people. Our employees take care of them; the cat care is on their daily task list!
Do not worry, our plant content always comes first, and more interesting stuff coming every week! Thank you for staying with us.

Check out Video: Meet PeopleCats of TopTropicals and more Cat of the Day stories.


Meet PeopleCats of TopTropicals. Charlie, the Indoor Hunter

Carlie was a kitty drop off with LadyBug, Rickie, and Purry.
Charlie is Jamie's baby. She has an attitude of a teenager, one minute she loves you and the next - wants nothing to do with you. Carlie stays with the inside PeopleCats, she says it's too big in the outside world for her and she gets scared. Carlie has a fun game (fun to her): she plays around 2:00 am in the morning, she loves to drag random items down the hall (socks, toys, shirts, even blankets) in her mouth MEOOOWWWING as loud as she can. She then sets the items down on her human's bedroom rug and waits for her human to say thank you. We're pretty sure her hunting instinct is off...

Check out Video: Meet PeopleCats of TopTropicals and more Cat of the Day stories.

2019, from Top to Bottom: Moe, Charlie, Bagheera, and Snitch. 2016: Charlie

From left to right: Purry, LadyBug, Charlie, and Ricki - 2016


Meet PeopleCats of TopTropicals. Gordon Freeman: the Veteran, son of the Veteran

Gordon Freeman is one of the oldest cats, a True Veteran, and a Son of the Veteran. He was born at our old location back in Punta Gorda on November 11, 2008, when our son Alex just came back from Iraq, where he was on a military mission. So Gordon adopted him! Along with Alex, Gordon Freeman is taking care of our Country security, and is an active supporter of our Troops. This Veterans Day, his daddy Alex is again on a mission overseas, protecting our Freedom. Gordon Freeman is waiting for him to come back soon.

Our prayers are with our Soldiers. Stay safe and sound, and get back home soon!

Happy Birthday, Gordon! Happy Veterans Day!

Check out Video: Meet PeopleCats of TopTropicals and more Cat of the Day stories.

Gordon 2008

Gordon today