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Variegated Shell Ginger - Alpinia zerumbet

By Onika Amell, tropical plant specialist

Q: I live in Deltona, Florida and hoping to find spreading ginger with interesting foliage to grow in a partially shaded area in my garden under a group of trees. Any suggestions?

A: Variegated ginger Alpinia zerumbet variegata is a clumping ginger valued for its beautiful variegated foliage. The dark, green leaves have striking yellow stripes. This ginger is sought-after, not only for the stunning foliage but also for its beautiful flowers. The flowers are different from other members of the ginger family and appear in drooping racemes from the ends of leafy stems rather than directly from the rhizomes. This ginger is also commonly known as Shell Ginger because the flowers resemble seashells! They are pink-tinged, fragrant and appear in summer. This evergreen perennial grows in upright clumps 3-5 feet tall. You may prune the plant to control size.
It does not tolerate drought or a hard freeze but can take a few hours or light frost (goes dormant in such case). In colder areas, rhizomes should be dug up and stored in a cool room during winter.
This ginger will love a shaded corner in your garden. Plant it in organically rich, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. Keep the soil moist but not soggy, and spread a thick layer of organic mulch around the plant for moisture retention. There are no serious insect or disease problems to worry about!
This ginger can be also be grown as a house plant as long as it has bright light and humid conditions. It will grow to around 3-4 feet tall as a houseplant.

Recommended fertilizers:

Broad Leaf Plus - Ginger-Heliconia-Banana Booster
Tropical Allure - Smart-Release Booster

Limited time special offer:
Instant $5 off Variegated Ginger - Alpinia zerumbet


Selecting the right jasmine


Q: Would you please help me select the right jasmine? I want to find a jasmine that smells like lily of the valley or honeysuckle or roses, not the one that smells like gardenia. I'm in Missouri, zone 6, so I want a jasmine for my deck for the summer, so I want it to bloom this season.

A: There are 3 major types of tropical flower fragrances - Sweet, Fresh, and Fruity (including Lemony). Below are the most interesting fragrant tropical flowers, excluding Gardenias (which are sweet type). These are all same-year bloomers, so you can enjoy the fragrance this year assuming proper care and bloom booster feeding.

* - The fastest growers that can be treated as annuals. Others can be grown in a pot and brought inside for winter, and be enjoyed every year.


* Aloysia virgata - Almond Bush
* Cestrum diurnum - White Chocolate Jasmine, Day Blooming Jasmine
* Cestrum nocturnum - Night blooming jasmine
* Heliotropium peruviana - Turnsole, Cherry Pie
Portlandia Cubanola domingensis - Cubanola (Warm white Chocolate)
Portlandia grandiflora - Glorious Flower of Cuba (Warm white Chocolate)


Beaumontia grandiflora - Easter Lily Vine
* Brugmansia Jean Pasco - Yellow Angels Trumpet
* Brugmansia Variegated Orange Angel Trumpet
* Brunfelsia americana - Lady of the night
* Brunfelsia lactea - Lady of the night
* Brunfelsia nitida - Lady of the night
Crinum Queen Emma - Spider lily
* Eucharis grandiflora - Amazon Lily
* Hedychium coronarium - Butterfly Ginger
Hiptage benghalensis - Helicopter Flower
Hoya odorata - Fragrant Hoya
Ixora hybrid Sea Green
Ixora odorata - Fragrant Ixora
* Jasminum azoricum - River Jasmine
* Jasminum Molle - Indian Jui
Jasminum nitidum - Star Jasmine
* Jasminum officinale Flore Pleno - French Perfume Jasmine
* Jasminum polyanthum - Pink Winter Jasmine
* Jasminum sambac Belle of India
* Jasminum sambac Grand Duke
* Jasminum sambac Maid of Orleans
* Polianthes tuberosa - Tuberose
*Sclerochiton harveyanus - Blue Lips, Mazabuka (Lavender-violet-like)


Aglaia odorata - Chinese Perfume Plant (Lemony)
Artabotrys siamensis - Climbing Ylang-Ylang (Lemony)
Cananga fruticosa - Dwarf Ylang-Ylang
Carissa grandiflora - Natal Plum
Cerbera x manghas hybrid - Enchanted Incense
* Jasminum dichotomum - Rose Bud Jasmine
* Lonicera japonica - Japanese Honeysuckle
Magnolia figo - Banana Magnolia (Banana-like)
Magnolia x Alba grafted (Bubble-gum-like)
* Mirabilis jalapa - Four oclock plant
Oxyceros horridus, Randia siamensis
* Quisqualis - Rangoon Creeper
* Radermachera Kunming - Dwarf Tree Jasmine
* Stephanotis floribunda - Bridal Bouquet
Strophanthus gratus - Climbing Oleander
Telosoma cordata - Pakalana vine (Lemony)

Fertilizers for profuse flowering:

Pink N Good Daily Plant Food - Flower Booster
Tropical Allure - Smart-Release Booster
SUNSHINE-Superfood micro-elements


How to get gingers to bloom


Q: I have several gingers in my yard, including Red Torch, Lobster Claw, and Red Bamboo Ginger, they grow beautifully but only produce large dark green leaves and no flowers. Is there anything I can do to make them bloom? Do they need any special fertilizer?

A: Gingers are easy to grow tropical plants with so many benefits, giving us unique spice, and showy flowers (including long-lasting cut flowers!) - where other plants fail, especially in deep shade. They are not fussy about soils and even water once established. To keep your gingers happy, follow these simple steps:

1. Bright light is essential for flowering, but planting gingers in semi-shade or filtered light will keep them stress-free from burning summer rays.
2. Water gingers regularly until they established and start producing new leaves and stems. Once they start clumping, you may reduce watering to a minimum 9once a week or so), or rely on your sprinkler system.
3. Once the plant is established, start using fertilizer to induce flowering and healthy growth.
- We recommend granulated "smart release" fertilizer for all tropical plants. For gingers, the best formula is Tropical Allure. It provides all macro- and microelements essential for the healthy growth of the plant.
- Apply balanced water-soluble plant food for Gingers, Heliconias and Bananas - Broad Leaf Plus - once a month.
- Additionally, you may also add to the menu flower booster Pink N Good Daly Plant Food - this fertilizer is used in very low concentration and can be used with every watering.
4. Remove old dry and yellowing leaves with sharp cutters to avoid pest problems and keep good air circulation around these clumping plants.
5. Keep soil covered with 1" mulch to protect from weeds and maintain the optimal amount of moisture for the rhizomes.

Check out our specialized fertilizers for different plants - for all your gardening needs!



How to make the whole garden fragrant.
List of the most fragrant yet easy to grow plants


Q: Dear toptropicals, thanks for the great database on tropicals plants! I really enjoy browsing your web site and I am planning on completing my collection by purchasing some plants from your shop. I am particularly looking for fragrant plants that make the whole area fragrant. Can you provide a list of recommended fragrant plants that bloom throughout the year round? I currently have: murraya, plumeria, michelia alba, figo, champaca, rangoon creeper, honeysuckle, jasmine, stephanotis, Arabian sambac, brunfelsias.

A: As a must-have additions to your impressive fragrant plant collection, we can recommend the following rare fragrant plants below. These are our favorites that are easy to grow and free-flowering. Since they flower at different times, they will add fragrance to your garden throughout the year.
Aglaia odorata - Chinese Perfume Plant
Aloysia virgata - Almond Bush
Beaumontia grandiflora - Easter Lily Vine
Brugmansia Variegated Orange Angel Trumpet
Brunfelsia magnifica floribunda Jims Giant (very fragrant and very compact!)
Cananga fruticosa - Dwarf Ylang-Ylang
Cerbera x manghas hybrid - Enchanted Incense
Cestrum nocturnum - Night blooming jasmine
Crinum Queen Emma - Spider lily
Eucharis grandiflora - Amazon Lily
Euodia hortensis - Scented Evodia, Golden False Aralia (very fragrant leaves!)
Hedychium coronarium - Butterfly Ginger
Hiptage benghalensis - Helicopter Flower
Jasminum dichotomum - Rose Bud Jasmine - very fragrant!
Magnolia virginiana - Sweet Bay
Millettia reticulata - Evergreen Wisteria
Mirabilis jalapa - Four oclock plant - super fragrant!
Osmanthus x fortunei - Fortunes Tea Olive
Oxyceros horridus- one of the most intense perfume fragrances!
Radermachera Kunming - Dwarf Tree Jasmine
Satureja Viminea - Kama Sutra Mint Tree - strong mint fragrance
Sclerochiton harveyanus - Blue Lips, Mazabuka - lavender fragrance
Solandra maxima - Variegated Butter Cup
Telosoma cordata - Pakalana vine
Wrightia religiosa - Sacred Buddhist
You may consider many varieties of gardenias, and the most rewarding are:
Gardenia vietnamensis - Vietnamese Gardenia
Gardenia Aimee Yoshioka (First Love)
Gardenia posoqueria - Shooting Star Gardenia
Gardenia taitensis Heaven Scent (double flower)
Gardenia taitensis Tiare Tahiti, single flower
Gardenia tubifera Kula - Golden Gardenia
To see the full list of fragrant flowers, follow this link.


Dwarf Red Ginger - more than just a pretty face


Q: I've just recently moved to Florida from North Carolina. I don't know much about tropical plants. Can you perhaps suggest an easy and pretty flowering plant for a beginner which I can plant around my garden pond for a tropical feeling?

A: For adding that tropical look to your garden, few plants beat beautiful ginger! Alpinia purpurata, the Dwarf Red Cone Ginger with its bright red floral spikes and lush, lance-shaped foliage is no exception. This striking perennial will add a tropical effect to your garden that will definitely take your breath away.
The Dwarf Red Cone grows between 3 and 4 feet tall and blooms 8-9 months of the year! The blooms will hold on the plant for up to 3 weeks! It makes a very attractive and distinctive backdrop for other plants.
Red Cone Ginger likes partial shade and moist, humid conditions, but will tolerate full sun. It is fast growing, easy to grow and resistant to disease, heat, and insects. The plant is a wonderful accent in a garden and works well as a focal point specimen, show-stopping when planted around garden ponds or near entryways. This ginger also works very well in containers and planters. Either in mass plantings or smaller groups, all gingers add tropical flair which never disappoints.
In addition, the beautiful flower spikes make for great, long-lasting cut flowers and is an interesting addition to bouquets.
An added bonus? Dwarf Red Ginger is super easy to propagate. If stems are cut at the base and placed in water, they will generally root within a few weeks. Eventually, you can make a whole flowering hedge just from one plant!

Who does not like a plant that is non-fussy and not only beautiful but easy to grow? Dwarf Red Ginger is more than just a pretty face!

To keep this plant happy and blooming, give it some food: Broad Leaf Plus - Ginger-Heliconia-Banana Booster.



Aries - 3/21-4/19

Aries is a FIRE sign ruled by the planet Mars. Plants associated with this element and planet very often have thorns or prickles. They can be also spicy or bitter in flavor, or red in color. Because Aries rules the head, eyes, and face, the plants for Aries purify the blood, stimulate the adrenal glands, and/or are high in iron (Mars rules the mineral iron). Mars-ruled Aries is assertive, energetic and fearless. Mars rules the red blood cells, the muscles, and metabolic processes, as well as the motor nerves and the head. These plants help you when you want more get-up-and-go and the courage to take on the world.

Aries Zodiac lucky plants:

Governors plum, Hibiscus Karkade, Tapioca, Mamey Sapote, Ruda, Baobab, Euphorbia, Acanthus, Aloe, Caesalpinia, Erythrina, Opuntia, Dragon Fruit, Pachypodium, Pomegranate,Chilli peppers, Syngonium, Begonia, Geranium, Red Sandalwood, Jamiaca pepper (Pimenta, Allspice), Camphor, Jujube, Anise, Red Roses, Tiger Lily, Impatiens, Calendula, Tarragon, Ginger, Coriander, Basil,Ruda, Amaryllis, Wild Indigo, Gooseberries, Sesbania, Campsis, Red Oleander, Maple, Schotia brachypetala, Momordica, Coffee, Amla , Ephedra, Red Kapok.

For links to these plants and other signs information, see full Plant Horoscope.


Aquarius Plant Horoscope


Aquarius - 1/22 - 2/18. Aquarius is an AIR sign ruled by odd-ball Uranus.
The water-bearer's plants will often grow in unusual places and may vary in appearance. They often have purple or blue flowers, or may have unusual colors.
The most healing and beneficial plants for Aquarius are the ones that help circulation, relax the nervous system, or promote inspiration. When Uranus was discovered, it replaced Mercury as ruler of Aquarius. Physiologically, Uranus rules the bioelectrical impulses that power the body’s nervous system (nervous tension and nervous exhaustion brought on by powerful changes in the environment are related to both Mercury and Uranus). Physically, Aquarius rules the lower legs, the calves, and the ankles, and the electrical impulses that travel through the body’s nervous system. The nervous system itself is ruled by Mercury, and Uranus is said to be a "higher octave" of Mercury. Since Uranus was discovered after the correspondences with plants had been established, the herbs used in Aquarius are Mercury herbs. Always difficult to pinpoint, quirky Aquarius appreciates the unusual and complex flavor of star anise. Use this star-shaped spice when you wish to bring happy surprises into your life.

Aquarius Zodiac lucky plants:

Anise, Orchid, Golden rain - Koelreuteria paniculata, Bird of Paradise, Heliconia, Petrea, Mandevilla, Jasminum, Kiwi, Persimmon, Loquat, Olive, Alocasia, Colocasia, Citrus, Apple, Peppers, Gingers, Carambola, herbs spicy with an unusual flavor, White Pothos, Ivy, Shami - Prosopis cineraria, Neem, Medinilla, Sheesham Tree, Catnip, Passion fruit, Valerian, Aloe, Myrrh, Kava-kava, Cinnamon, Clove, Eucalyptus, Coffee, Cola nut, Nepenthes, Vanilla Orchid, Strongylodon - Jade vine, Tacca - Bat Lily, Eranthemums, Agapanthus, Orchid trees, Bolusanthus, Chamaedorea metallica, Clerodendrum ugandense, Clitoria, Duranta, Guaiacum, Jacaranda, Lavanda.

For other signs information, see full Plant Horoscope.



Sagittarius - 11/22 - 12/21. Sagittarius is a FIRE sign that is ruled by the large and optimistic planet Jupiter.
Archer's plants tend to be large in size and fairly conspicuous, with a pleasant odor. They may have large, or elongated leathery leaves and showy flowers.
The best plants for Sagittarius will support the body’s largest glandular organ, the liver. The planet Jupiter also rules the hips, thighs, lower spine, and the autonomic nervous system, as well as the process of growth and preservation. Herbs related to Jupiter have traditionally been used to treat lower back problems (including sciatica and lumbago), arthritis, and rheumatism. Herbs with a high silica content are related to Sagittarius (they promote a positive frame of mind), as are plants with large taproots and trees that produce fruit and nuts. Illnesses of Jupiter are said to arise from immoderate consumption. Basil is an herb that's both expansive and cheerful - just like Sagittarius - and its reputation as a money attractor resonates with this sign's generous nature as well. Use this happy herb when you want to infuse your life with fun and prosperity!

Sagittarius Zodiac lucky plants: Mulberry, Ceiba, Chonemorpha, Beaumontia, Baobab, Grapefruit, Anise, Sage, Cinnamon, Blueberry, Thistles, Nut trees, Lemon, all Ficus trees, Peepal, Fig, Coleus, Basil, Banana, Mango, Ironwood Mesua ferrea, Clematis, Peony, Jasmine, Nutmeg, Mint, Tea, Date palm, Guava, Jambul, Maple, Magnolia, Teak, Bird of Paradise, Heliconia, Showy Gingers.

For other signs information, see full Plant Horoscope.


Radio Top Tropicals Live Webcast upcoming event: Saturday March 25, at 11 am EST.
Topic: You need a brown thumb TO BE A GREAT GROWER!Manure, Sheeeeeee........it , Fertilizer, What ever you call it. Proper understanding of nutrient plant needs will give YOU great returns. At Top Tropicals, we know our Sheee..... uh, fertilizer. Our Host Robert Riefer - Internationally Certified Crop Adviser and Weed Scientist - answering all your gardening questions.

Listen to Radio Top Tropicals, every Saturday, at 11 am EST! You may use our website radio player DURING AIR TIME. To ask questions using live chat, you need to log in at Mixlr.com or simply call our office 239-887-3323 during air time!
If you missed a live webcast, you may listen to recording by following Showreel item link.

Check out our upcoming radio shows and get your gardening questions ready!

Aries Zodiac lucky plants

Aries - 3/21-4/19. Aries is a FIRE sign ruled by the planet Mars. Plants associated with this element and planet very often have thorns or prickles. They can be also spicy or bitter in flavor, or red in color. Because Aries rules the head, eyes and face, the plants for Aries purify the blood, stimulate the adrenal glands, and/or are high in iron (Mars rules the mineral iron). Mars-ruled Aries is assertive, energetic and fearless. Mars rules the red blood cells, the muscles, and metabolic processes, as well as the motor nerves and the head. These plants help you when you want more get-up-and-go and the courage to take on the world.

Aries Zodiac lucky plants: Governors plum, Hibiscus Karkade, Tapioca, Mamey Sapote, Ruda, Baobab, Euphorbia, Acanthus, Aloe, Caesalpinia, Erythrina, Opuntia, Dragon Fruit, Pachypodium, Pomegranate,Chilli peppers, Syngonium, Begonia, Geranium, Red Sandalwood, Jamiaca pepper (Pimenta, Allspice), Camphor, Jujube, Anise, Red Roses, Tiger Lily, Impatiens, Calendula, Tarragon, Ginger, Coriander, Basil,Ruda, Amaryllis, Wild Indigo, Gooseberries, Sesbania, Campsis, Red Oleander, Maple, Schotia brachypetala, Momordica, Coffee, Amla , Ephedra, Red Kapok.

For links to these plants and other signs information, see full Plant Horoscope.


Aquarius Zodiac lucky plants

Aquarius - 1/22 - 2/18. Aquarius is an AIR sign ruled by odd-ball Uranus.
The water-bearer's plants will often grow in unusual places and may vary in appearance. They often have purple or blue flowers, or may have unusual colors.
The most healing and beneficial plants for Aquarius are the ones that help circulation, relax the nervous system, or promote inspiration. When Uranus was discovered, it replaced Mercury as ruler of Aquarius. Physiologically, Uranus rules the bioelectrical impulses that power the body’s nervous system (nervous tension and nervous exhaustion brought on by powerful changes in the environment are related to both Mercury and Uranus). Physically, Aquarius rules the lower legs, the calves, and the ankles, and the electrical impulses that travel through the body’s nervous system. The nervous system itself is ruled by Mercury, and Uranus is said to be a "higher octave" of Mercury. Since Uranus was discovered after the correspondences with plants had been established, the herbs used in Aquarius are Mercury herbs. Always difficult to pinpoint, quirky Aquarius appreciates the unusual and complex flavor of star anise. Use this star-shaped spice when you wish to bring happy surprises into your life.

Aquarius Zodiac lucky plants: Anise, Orchid, Golden rain - Koelreuteria paniculata, Bird of Paradise, Heliconia, Petrea, Mandevilla, Jasminum, Kiwi, Persimmon, Loquat, Olive, Alocasia, Colocasia, Citrus, Apple, Peppers, Gingers, Carambola, herbs spicy with an unusual flavor, White Pothos, Ivy, Shami - Prosopis cineraria, Neem, Medinilla, Sheesham Tree, Catnip, Passion fruit, Valerian, Aloe, Myrrh, Kava-kava, Cinnamon, Clove, Eucalyptus, Coffee, Cola nut, Nepenthes, Vanilla Orchid, Strongylodon - Jade vine, Tacca - Bat Lily, Eranthemums, Agapanthus, Orchid trees, Bolusanthus, Chamaedorea metallica, Clerodendrum ugandense, Clitoria, Duranta, Guaiacum, Jacaranda, Lavanda.

For other signs information, see full Plant Horoscope.

New Video: TopTropicals at TPIE show in Ft Lauderdale. Last week, your friends at Top Tropicals attended the 2017 Tropical Plant International Expo in sunny Ft. Lauderdale Florida. The Expo was an opportunity for Top Tropicals to introduce our SUNSHINE in a Bottle plant boosters as well as to bring a very rare plant Enchanted Incense to the tropical plant market!

Check out this video: TopTropicals at TPIE.

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