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Date: 2 Mar 2019, Entry id: 1551519662-1

Surprising Violet fragrance of the Blue Lips

By Mark Hooten, the Garden Doc

A few months ago while working among the bewildering array of great plants we grow, I began to notice wafts of a very unique fragrance. The scent seemed somehow familiar, yet for the longest time, I was unable to determine what kind of plant it was emanating from. I knew it was somewhere toward the back of the growing houses but just couldn't determine its source. The fragrance is very distinct and wonderful and could be detected over a large area... That scent is hard to describe, however, I would suggest a mixture of Lavender and old-fashioned florist violets...

Then, a few weeks later, I happened to lean over a grouping of Sclerochiton plants, and THERE IT WAS!!! This might be the first flowering plant I have encountered which I might rate a full 10...

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