This vigorously climbing vine or creeper is native to South America and grows to around 2-3m tall. The fast-growing, twining stems with heart-shaped leaves and bright yellow, orange flowers will brighten up any garden with its spicy aroma. The Canary Creeper is a great choice for all gardens, attracting butterflies, hummingbirds, and adds a unique flavor to dishes.
Like other flowering Nasturtium, the flowers, seeds, leaves and even the stems, of your Canary Creeper plants are edible. Use early seeds as a substitute for capers, or add the leaves and flowers to salads.
The Canary Creeper flower enjoys full sun to semi-shade and requires regular to moderate water and a moist, well-drained soil. Most of all it likes and grows lush in a warm sunny spot. An occasional pruning will help keep the plant tidy. In cold northern regions such as USDA zones 9-11, you can grow the Canary Creeper in a pot, as a houseplant and indoors, as long as it's given enough light and a few hours of sun daily. Make sure to protect them from extreme cold. These plants can mature to a cold hardy state of at least 30s F for a short amount of time.
If potted as a houseplant, water it as often as you can every week, but make sure that the soil dries out somewhat between waterings. Dry soil can cause leaves to go limp and some yellowing in the oldest leaves, but the plant should quickly recover with regular water. For best growth, feed your Canarybird flower with a liquid fertilizer every two weeks during the blooming season.
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