Tibouchina urvilleana, Tibouchina semidecandra, Lasiandra semidecandra , Glory Flower, Princess Flower
Tibouchina urvilleana

Tibouchina urvilleana, Tibouchina semidecandra, Lasiandra semidecandra

Glory Flower, Princess Flower
Family: Melastomataceae
Origin: Brazil
USDA Zone: 9-11?
USDA Plant Hardiness MapLarge shrub 5-10 ft tallSemi-shadeShadeFull sunModerate waterRegular waterBlue, lavender, purple flowersPlant attracts butterflies, hummingbirdsSeaside, salt tolerant plant

There are over 300 species of Tibouchina. They are tropical and subtropical plants. The frost kills the plant to the ground, and it grows back in the spring. Covered with flowers during several months, at the end of the summer. After each blooming cycle prune and fertilize with fertilizer for acid loving plants. The Tibouchinas like a good proportion of organic content in the soil.

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