Tecoma alata, Tecoma elat, aTecoma guarume, Orange Trumpet Flower, Cahuato, Orange Bells, Yellow Bells

Tecoma alata, Tecoma elat, aTecoma guarume

Orange Trumpet Flower, Cahuato, Orange Bells, Yellow Bells
Family: Bignoniaceae
Origin: Peru
USDA Zone: 8-11?
USDA Plant Hardiness MapLarge shrub 5-10 ft tallSemi-shadeFull sunRegular waterYellow, orange flowersPlant attracts butterflies, hummingbirdsSubtropical or temperate zone plant. Mature plant cold hardy at least to 30s F for a short time

Tecoma alata, also known as the Orange Trumpet flower is a large shrub or a vine or creeper native to Peru. Growing anywhere from 5-10ft tall, this plant is an eye catcher with its bright yellow and orange flowers that attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Beautiful loose clusters of orange trumpet-like blooms are borne from mid-summer to fall on this upright to spreading woody perennial. It grows best in full sun to semi-shade and needs regular watering. Once it reaches maturity it is fairly hardy, able to withstand temperatures as low as 30°F for a short period of time. This beauty can be grown in USDA Zones 8-11. Dwarf variety hybrid is very slow growing and has well-branched with compact habit.

When grown in a pot the Tecoma alata will require the same full sun position. Make sure to provide it with the same regular watering and fertilizer applications to keep it healthy. What's great about keeping it in a pot is that you can move it indoors to a cool, protected area during the cooler months so it is able to withstand temperatures lower than 30°F when grown in cold regions. The beauty of this plant's size means it is perfect as a container plant and a great addition to your porch or patio.

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Tecoma x alata Sunrise - Sun Trumpets

Cahuato, Orange Bells. Vigorous shrub that thrives in heat and blooms year round. Great for containers. Beautiful loose clusters of orange trumpet-like blooms. Hardy to zone 8B.

Recommended Fertilizer: SUNSHINE Megaflor - Bloom Nutrition Booster
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Grown in
6"/1 gal pot