Nephthytis afzelii, Nephthytis

Nephthytis afzelii

Family: Araceae
Origin: Western Africa
Small plant 2-5 ftSemi-shadeShadeRegular waterWhite, off-white flowersIrritating plantFlood tolerant plant

The leaves are evergreen, light and dark green, 15-35 cm long, and are usually arrowhead-shaped, with three lobes. The leaf shape can vary depending on the age of the plant. The bright orange berries, 4 as a rule, measuring about 2.5 to 3 cm (1 to l-1/4 in) in length, are borne in the axils of the spathes, which are persistent. One advantage of the fruit is that it colors rapidly and then ripens on the plant for a period of almost six months. It functions well as a hanging or terrarium plant. The most common of its problems is root rot and can be avoided by providing adequate drainage.

An unrelated American species, Syngonium podophyllum, commonly grown as a houseplant, was originally confused with the similar-looking Nephthytis. It still retains Nephthytis as a common name, though it was given its own genus in 1879.

Nephthytis afzelii, Nephthytis
Nephthytis afzelii, Nephthytis

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