Goeppertia insignis, Calathea lancifolia, Calathea insignis, Rattlesnake Plant

Goeppertia insignis, Calathea lancifolia, Calathea insignis

Rattlesnake Plant
Family: Marantaceae
Origin: Brazi
USDA Zone: 9-11?
USDA Plant Hardiness MapSmall plant 2-5 ftSemi-shadeShadeRegular waterOrnamental foliageWhite, off-white flowers

Calathea prefers moist, shady, jungle-like conditions in a garden and is also often grown as potted specimens. When it is used as a house plant, the leaves should be sprayed with water several times a week. Propagation is by root division. Water with soft water. Keep uniform high humidity and temperature.

See Article - How to grow Calathea indoors.

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