Brunfelsia magnifica Floribunda, Morning, Noon and Night

Brunfelsia magnifica Floribunda

Morning, Noon and Night
Family: Solanaceae
Origin: Brazil
Large shrub 5-10 ft tallSemi-shadeShadeFull sunRegular waterBlue, lavender, purple flowersPoisonous or toxicPlant attracts butterflies, hummingbirdsFragrant plant

Brunfelsia magnifica Floribunda, or Morning, Noon and Night, is a large ever-blooming shrub native to Brazil. THe most fragrant Brunfelsia with large fragrant flowers. They are two inches in diameter, tubular with five petals. Common name comes from the three colors of the flowers. They begin a dark purple, fade to lavender, then to white. This rare variety of purple Brunfelsia is an attractive addition to any garden and is tolerant of a variety of climates and soils. Its USDA hardiness zone is 9-11 and if grown in colder areas with temperatures below 32F, additional protection from freezing is necessary.

In cold areas container-grown plants should be placed in a sheltered area and mulched for additional insulation - it may also be helpful to prune the plant to keep the foliage to a minimum. For all areas, to ensure your plant stays healthy, water regularly and fertilize twice a year. A good quality fertilizer is recommended, and the plant should be repotted every two years.

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Brunfelsia magnifica floribunda Jims Giant

Jims Giant Brunfelsia. The most fragrant purple brunfelsia and the rarest in cultivation. Everbloomer! The large purple flowers are fragrant all day and night long. Flowers are the largest of all brunfelsias, up to 2" in diameter. Leaves are waxy and shiny, and larger than other brunfelsias.
This plant is very slow growing and hard to propagate. Rare, high demand.

Recommended Fertilizer: SUNSHINE Pikake - Fragrant Flower Booster
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500 ml (16 oz)
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This item is certified for shipping to California, Texas, Louisiana, Arizona.
Grown in
6"/1 gal pot
4 plants in stock