Aristolochia gigantea, Calico Flower, Giant Pelican Flower
Aristolochia gigantea

Aristolochia gigantea

Calico Flower, Giant Pelican Flower
Family: Aristolochiaceae
Origin: Brazil, Mexico, Panama
USDA Zone: 10-12?
USDA Plant Hardiness MapVine or creeper plantFull sunDry conditionsModerate waterRegular waterUnusual colorInvasive plantPlant attracts butterflies, hummingbirdsFragrant plant

The Aristolochia gigantea will inspire a sense of marvel to anyone who gazes upon it. This truly spectacular blossom produces a pouch that in some cultivars is almost 2 feet long and more than a foot across. Ivory veins network across a burgundy velvet background as the flower unfurls. Heart-shaped, light green leaves, about 6 inches in length, adorn this easy-to-grow vine. The plant blooms at a young age and grows in full sun or partial shade.

In some sources, Aristolochia gigantea is considered as Aristolochia grandiflora var. Hookeri. The cultivation of Aristolochias is undemanding. Sun lovers that appreciate some shade in hotter inland areas, they adapt to any soil that drains well. Any pruning necessary to contain or shape the plants should be done in late winter or early spring. Cultivation is easy, and growth can be tamed. Papery capsule containing many seeds.

A. gigantea var. Brasiliensis has even larger lemon-scented flowers and exhibits an elaborate pattern of white and mottled reddish brown. Since it is not a vigorous vine, it can easily be trained on a stake, trellis or even a hanging basket.

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Aristolochia gigantea - Giant Pelican Flower

Pelican flower - large flower variety. One of the most popular ornamental vines. Brown flower is very unusual-looking. Very fast-growing and vigorous, can cover a fence just in one season.
The Aristolochia gigantea will inspire a sense of marvel to anyone who gazes upon it. This truly spectacular blossom produces a pouch that in some cultivars is almost 2 feet long and more than a foot across. Ivory veins network across a burgundy velvet background as the flower unfurls. Heart-shaped, light green leaves, about 6 inches in length, adorn this easy-to-grow vine. The plant blooms at a young age and grows in full sun or partial shade.
In some sources, Aristolochia gigantea is considered as Aristolochia grandiflora var. Hookeri. The cultivation of Aristolochias is undemanding. Sun lovers that appreciate some shade in hotter inland areas, they adapt to any soil that drains well. Any pruning necessary to contain or shape the plants should be done in late winter or early spring. Cultivation is easy, and growth can be tamed.

Recommended Fertilizer: SUNSHINE Megaflor - Bloom Nutrition Booster
This item is certified for shipping to California, Texas, Louisiana.
Grown in
10"/3 gal pot