Vitex negundo, Five-leaved Chaste Tree

Vitex negundo

Five-leaved Chaste Tree
Family: Lamiaceae    (Formerly:Verbenaceae)
Origin: Tropical Africa and Asia
USDA Zone: 5-8?
USDA Plant Hardiness MapLarge shrub 5-10 ft tallSmall tree 10-20 ftSemi-shadeFull sunRegular waterBlue, lavender, purple flowersEthnomedical plant.
Plants marked as ethnomedical and/or described as medicinal, are not offered as medicine but rather as ornamentals or plant collectibles.
Ethnomedical statements / products have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We urge all customers to consult a physician before using any supplements, herbals or medicines advertised here or elsewhere.Subtropical or temperate zone plant. Mature plant cold hardy at least to 30s F for a short time

This shrub is native to Tropical Africa and Asia, where it can be found in open areas, thickets, roadsides, fields and along riverbanks. Vitex negundo is a deciduous shrub or a small tree that typically grows 5-10 ft tall and spreads in an irregular and rounded shape. The leaves are opposite, 3-5 inches long, with 5-7 leaflets that are deeply divided, dark green and hairy on the underside.

The flowers are small, axillary clusters of sessile flowers and bloom in late spring or early summer months. This shrub is known for its gorgeous display of blue, lavender, or purple flowers. Depending upon the cultivar, some flowers are a dark purplish hue, while others are a light bluish-violet.

Vitex negundo is perfect for adding an ornamental look to any garden with its beautiful display of blossoms and lush foliage. This species is best grown in full sun or semi-shade and prefers medium to wet soil. This plant needs regular water and is quite tolerant to fluctuating weather conditions. It can tolerate temperatures down to USDA Zone 9-11.

Growers can plant Vitex negundo in a wide range of containers and soil types. To ensure successfully growing, one should amend the soil with compost, soil conditioner and mulch when planted in containers. Water regularly during the growing season, but allow the soil to dry between waterings. Container-grown plants should receive extra protection from extreme cold in winter.

Vitex negundo is used for its ethnomedical properties by many cultures. The leaves, flowers and seeds are used to treat a variety of ailments from headache, digestive issues and skin diseases to malaria, liver diseases, bronchitis and asthma. The leaves, bark, and roots of Vitex negundo have been used for centuries for culinary uses, for religious offerings, for medicinal remedies and for garden ornamentals.

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Vitex negundo, Five-leaved Chaste Tree

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